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2017-08-17 12:43:17 -06:00
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from basic.read_data import DataSet
from my.nltk_utils import span_f1
from my.tensorflow import padded_reshape
from my.utils import argmax
from squad.utils import get_phrase, get_best_span, get_best_span_wy
class Evaluation(object):
def __init__(self, data_type, global_step, idxs, yp, tensor_dict=None):
self.data_type = data_type
self.global_step = global_step
self.idxs = idxs
self.yp = yp
self.num_examples = len(yp)
self.tensor_dict = None
self.dict = {'data_type': data_type,
'global_step': global_step,
'yp': yp,
'idxs': idxs,
'num_examples': self.num_examples}
if tensor_dict is not None:
self.tensor_dict = {key: val.tolist() for key, val in tensor_dict.items()}
for key, val in self.tensor_dict.items():
self.dict[key] = val
self.summaries = None
def __repr__(self):
return "{} step {}".format(self.data_type, self.global_step)
def __add__(self, other):
if other == 0:
return self
assert self.data_type == other.data_type
assert self.global_step == other.global_step
new_yp = self.yp + other.yp
new_idxs = self.idxs + other.idxs
new_tensor_dict = None
if self.tensor_dict is not None:
new_tensor_dict = {key: val + other.tensor_dict[key] for key, val in self.tensor_dict.items()}
return Evaluation(self.data_type, self.global_step, new_idxs, new_yp, tensor_dict=new_tensor_dict)
def __radd__(self, other):
return self.__add__(other)
class LabeledEvaluation(Evaluation):
def __init__(self, data_type, global_step, idxs, yp, y, tensor_dict=None):
super(LabeledEvaluation, self).__init__(data_type, global_step, idxs, yp, tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
self.y = y
self.dict['y'] = y
def __add__(self, other):
if other == 0:
return self
assert self.data_type == other.data_type
assert self.global_step == other.global_step
new_yp = self.yp + other.yp
new_y = self.y + other.y
new_idxs = self.idxs + other.idxs
if self.tensor_dict is not None:
new_tensor_dict = {key: np.concatenate((val, other.tensor_dict[key]), axis=0) for key, val in self.tensor_dict.items()}
return LabeledEvaluation(self.data_type, self.global_step, new_idxs, new_yp, new_y, tensor_dict=new_tensor_dict)
class AccuracyEvaluation(LabeledEvaluation):
def __init__(self, data_type, global_step, idxs, yp, y, correct, loss, tensor_dict=None):
super(AccuracyEvaluation, self).__init__(data_type, global_step, idxs, yp, y, tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
self.loss = loss
self.correct = correct
self.acc = sum(correct) / len(correct)
self.dict['loss'] = loss
self.dict['correct'] = correct
self.dict['acc'] = self.acc
loss_summary = tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag='{}/loss'.format(data_type), simple_value=self.loss)])
acc_summary = tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag='{}/acc'.format(data_type), simple_value=self.acc)])
self.summaries = [loss_summary, acc_summary]
def __repr__(self):
return "{} step {}: accuracy={}, loss={}".format(self.data_type, self.global_step, self.acc, self.loss)
def __add__(self, other):
if other == 0:
return self
assert self.data_type == other.data_type
assert self.global_step == other.global_step
new_idxs = self.idxs + other.idxs
new_yp = self.yp + other.yp
new_y = self.y + other.y
new_correct = self.correct + other.correct
new_loss = (self.loss * self.num_examples + other.loss * other.num_examples) / len(new_correct)
if self.tensor_dict is not None:
new_tensor_dict = {key: np.concatenate((val, other.tensor_dict[key]), axis=0) for key, val in self.tensor_dict.items()}
return AccuracyEvaluation(self.data_type, self.global_step, new_idxs, new_yp, new_y, new_correct, new_loss, tensor_dict=new_tensor_dict)
class Evaluator(object):
def __init__(self, config, model, tensor_dict=None):
self.config = config
self.model = model
self.global_step = model.global_step
self.yp = model.yp
self.tensor_dict = {} if tensor_dict is None else tensor_dict
def get_evaluation(self, sess, batch):
idxs, data_set = batch
feed_dict = self.model.get_feed_dict(data_set, False, supervised=False)
global_step, yp, vals = sess.run([self.global_step, self.yp, list(self.tensor_dict.values())], feed_dict=feed_dict)
yp = yp[:data_set.num_examples]
tensor_dict = dict(zip(self.tensor_dict.keys(), vals))
e = Evaluation(data_set.data_type, int(global_step), idxs, yp.tolist(), tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
return e
def get_evaluation_from_batches(self, sess, batches):
e = sum(self.get_evaluation(sess, batch) for batch in batches)
return e
class LabeledEvaluator(Evaluator):
def __init__(self, config, model, tensor_dict=None):
super(LabeledEvaluator, self).__init__(config, model, tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
self.y = model.y
def get_evaluation(self, sess, batch):
idxs, data_set = batch
feed_dict = self.model.get_feed_dict(data_set, False, supervised=False)
global_step, yp, vals = sess.run([self.global_step, self.yp, list(self.tensor_dict.values())], feed_dict=feed_dict)
yp = yp[:data_set.num_examples]
y = feed_dict[self.y]
tensor_dict = dict(zip(self.tensor_dict.keys(), vals))
e = LabeledEvaluation(data_set.data_type, int(global_step), idxs, yp.tolist(), y.tolist(), tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
return e
class AccuracyEvaluator(LabeledEvaluator):
def __init__(self, config, model, tensor_dict=None):
super(AccuracyEvaluator, self).__init__(config, model, tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
self.loss = model.loss
def get_evaluation(self, sess, batch):
idxs, data_set = batch
assert isinstance(data_set, DataSet)
feed_dict = self.model.get_feed_dict(data_set, False)
global_step, yp, loss, vals = sess.run([self.global_step, self.yp, self.loss, list(self.tensor_dict.values())], feed_dict=feed_dict)
y = data_set.data['y']
yp = yp[:data_set.num_examples]
correct = [self.__class__.compare(yi, ypi) for yi, ypi in zip(y, yp)]
tensor_dict = dict(zip(self.tensor_dict.keys(), vals))
e = AccuracyEvaluation(data_set.data_type, int(global_step), idxs, yp.tolist(), y, correct, float(loss), tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
return e
def compare(yi, ypi):
for start, stop in yi:
if start == int(np.argmax(ypi)):
return True
return False
class AccuracyEvaluator2(AccuracyEvaluator):
def compare(yi, ypi):
for start, stop in yi:
para_start = int(np.argmax(np.max(ypi, 1)))
sent_start = int(np.argmax(ypi[para_start]))
if tuple(start) == (para_start, sent_start):
return True
return False
class ForwardEvaluation(Evaluation):
def __init__(self, data_type, global_step, idxs, yp, yp2, loss, id2answer_dict, tensor_dict=None):
super(ForwardEvaluation, self).__init__(data_type, global_step, idxs, yp, tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
self.yp2 = yp2
self.loss = loss
self.dict['loss'] = loss
self.dict['yp2'] = yp2
self.id2answer_dict = id2answer_dict
def __add__(self, other):
if other == 0:
return self
assert self.data_type == other.data_type
assert self.global_step == other.global_step
new_idxs = self.idxs + other.idxs
new_yp = self.yp + other.yp
new_yp2 = self.yp2 + other.yp2
new_loss = (self.loss * self.num_examples + other.loss * other.num_examples) / len(new_yp)
new_id2answer_dict = dict(list(self.id2answer_dict.items()) + list(other.id2answer_dict.items()))
new_id2score_dict = dict(list(self.id2answer_dict['scores'].items()) + list(other.id2answer_dict['scores'].items()))
new_id2answer_dict['scores'] = new_id2score_dict
if self.tensor_dict is not None:
new_tensor_dict = {key: np.concatenate((val, other.tensor_dict[key]), axis=0) for key, val in self.tensor_dict.items()}
return ForwardEvaluation(self.data_type, self.global_step, new_idxs, new_yp, new_yp2, new_loss, new_id2answer_dict, tensor_dict=new_tensor_dict)
def __repr__(self):
return "{} step {}: loss={:.4f}".format(self.data_type, self.global_step, self.loss)
class F1Evaluation(AccuracyEvaluation):
def __init__(self, data_type, global_step, idxs, yp, yp2, y, correct, loss, f1s, id2answer_dict, tensor_dict=None):
super(F1Evaluation, self).__init__(data_type, global_step, idxs, yp, y, correct, loss, tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
self.yp2 = yp2
self.f1s = f1s
self.f1 = float(np.mean(f1s))
self.dict['yp2'] = yp2
self.dict['f1s'] = f1s
self.dict['f1'] = self.f1
self.id2answer_dict = id2answer_dict
f1_summary = tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag='{}/f1'.format(data_type), simple_value=self.f1)])
def __add__(self, other):
if other == 0:
return self
assert self.data_type == other.data_type
assert self.global_step == other.global_step
new_idxs = self.idxs + other.idxs
new_yp = self.yp + other.yp
new_yp2 = self.yp2 + other.yp2
new_y = self.y + other.y
new_correct = self.correct + other.correct
new_f1s = self.f1s + other.f1s
new_loss = (self.loss * self.num_examples + other.loss * other.num_examples) / len(new_correct)
new_id2answer_dict = dict(list(self.id2answer_dict.items()) + list(other.id2answer_dict.items()))
new_id2score_dict = dict(list(self.id2answer_dict['scores'].items()) + list(other.id2answer_dict['scores'].items()))
new_id2answer_dict['scores'] = new_id2score_dict
if 'na' in self.id2answer_dict:
new_id2na_dict = dict(list(self.id2answer_dict['na'].items()) + list(other.id2answer_dict['na'].items()))
new_id2answer_dict['na'] = new_id2na_dict
e = F1Evaluation(self.data_type, self.global_step, new_idxs, new_yp, new_yp2, new_y, new_correct, new_loss, new_f1s, new_id2answer_dict)
if 'wyp' in self.dict:
new_wyp = self.dict['wyp'] + other.dict['wyp']
e.dict['wyp'] = new_wyp
return e
def __repr__(self):
return "{} step {}: accuracy={:.4f}, f1={:.4f}, loss={:.4f}".format(self.data_type, self.global_step, self.acc, self.f1, self.loss)
class F1Evaluator(LabeledEvaluator):
def __init__(self, config, model, tensor_dict=None):
super(F1Evaluator, self).__init__(config, model, tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
self.yp2 = model.yp2
self.wyp = model.wyp
self.loss = model.loss
if config.na:
self.na = model.na_prob
def get_evaluation(self, sess, batch):
idxs, data_set = self._split_batch(batch)
assert isinstance(data_set, DataSet)
feed_dict = self._get_feed_dict(batch)
if self.config.na:
global_step, yp, yp2, wyp, loss, na, vals = sess.run([self.global_step, self.yp, self.yp2, self.wyp, self.loss, self.na, list(self.tensor_dict.values())], feed_dict=feed_dict)
global_step, yp, yp2, wyp, loss, vals = sess.run([self.global_step, self.yp, self.yp2, self.wyp, self.loss, list(self.tensor_dict.values())], feed_dict=feed_dict)
y = data_set.data['y']
if self.config.squash:
new_y = []
for xi, yi in zip(data_set.data['x'], y):
new_yi = []
for start, stop in yi:
start_offset = sum(map(len, xi[:start[0]]))
stop_offset = sum(map(len, xi[:stop[0]]))
new_start = 0, start_offset + start[1]
new_stop = 0, stop_offset + stop[1]
new_yi.append((new_start, new_stop))
y = new_y
if self.config.single:
new_y = []
for yi in y:
new_yi = []
for start, stop in yi:
new_start = 0, start[1]
new_stop = 0, stop[1]
new_yi.append((new_start, new_stop))
y = new_y
yp, yp2, wyp = yp[:data_set.num_examples], yp2[:data_set.num_examples], wyp[:data_set.num_examples]
if self.config.wy:
spans, scores = zip(*[get_best_span_wy(wypi, self.config.th) for wypi in wyp])
spans, scores = zip(*[get_best_span(ypi, yp2i) for ypi, yp2i in zip(yp, yp2)])
def _get(xi, span):
if len(xi) <= span[0][0]:
return [""]
if len(xi[span[0][0]]) <= span[1][1]:
return [""]
return xi[span[0][0]][span[0][1]:span[1][1]]
def _get2(context, xi, span):
if len(xi) <= span[0][0]:
return ""
if len(xi[span[0][0]]) <= span[1][1]:
return ""
return get_phrase(context, xi, span)
id2answer_dict = {id_: _get2(context, xi, span)
for id_, xi, span, context in zip(data_set.data['ids'], data_set.data['x'], spans, data_set.data['p'])}
id2score_dict = {id_: score for id_, score in zip(data_set.data['ids'], scores)}
id2answer_dict['scores'] = id2score_dict
if self.config.na:
id2na_dict = {id_: float(each) for id_, each in zip(data_set.data['ids'], na)}
id2answer_dict['na'] = id2na_dict
correct = [self.__class__.compare2(yi, span) for yi, span in zip(y, spans)]
f1s = [self.__class__.span_f1(yi, span) for yi, span in zip(y, spans)]
tensor_dict = dict(zip(self.tensor_dict.keys(), vals))
e = F1Evaluation(data_set.data_type, int(global_step), idxs, yp.tolist(), yp2.tolist(), y,
correct, float(loss), f1s, id2answer_dict, tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
if self.config.wy:
e.dict['wyp'] = wyp.tolist()
return e
def _split_batch(self, batch):
return batch
def _get_feed_dict(self, batch):
return self.model.get_feed_dict(batch[1], False)
def compare(yi, ypi, yp2i):
for start, stop in yi:
aypi = argmax(ypi)
mask = np.zeros(yp2i.shape)
mask[aypi[0], aypi[1]:] = np.ones([yp2i.shape[1] - aypi[1]])
if tuple(start) == aypi and (stop[0], stop[1]-1) == argmax(yp2i * mask):
return True
return False
def compare2(yi, span):
for start, stop in yi:
if tuple(start) == span[0] and tuple(stop) == span[1]:
return True
return False
def span_f1(yi, span):
max_f1 = 0
for start, stop in yi:
if start[0] == span[0][0]:
true_span = start[1], stop[1]
pred_span = span[0][1], span[1][1]
f1 = span_f1(true_span, pred_span)
max_f1 = max(f1, max_f1)
return max_f1
class MultiGPUF1Evaluator(F1Evaluator):
def __init__(self, config, models, tensor_dict=None):
super(MultiGPUF1Evaluator, self).__init__(config, models[0], tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
self.models = models
with tf.name_scope("eval_concat"):
N, M, JX = config.batch_size, config.max_num_sents, config.max_sent_size
self.yp = tf.concat(axis=0, values=[padded_reshape(model.yp, [N, M, JX]) for model in models])
self.yp2 = tf.concat(axis=0, values=[padded_reshape(model.yp2, [N, M, JX]) for model in models])
self.wy = tf.concat(axis=0, values=[padded_reshape(model.wy, [N, M, JX]) for model in models])
self.loss = tf.add_n([model.loss for model in models])/len(models)
def _split_batch(self, batches):
idxs_list, data_sets = zip(*batches)
idxs = sum(idxs_list, ())
data_set = sum(data_sets, data_sets[0].get_empty())
return idxs, data_set
def _get_feed_dict(self, batches):
feed_dict = {}
for model, (_, data_set) in zip(self.models, batches):
feed_dict.update(model.get_feed_dict(data_set, False))
return feed_dict
class ForwardEvaluator(Evaluator):
def __init__(self, config, model, tensor_dict=None):
super(ForwardEvaluator, self).__init__(config, model, tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
self.yp2 = model.yp2
self.loss = model.loss
if config.na:
self.na = model.na_prob
def get_evaluation(self, sess, batch):
idxs, data_set = batch
assert isinstance(data_set, DataSet)
feed_dict = self.model.get_feed_dict(data_set, False)
if self.config.na:
global_step, yp, yp2, loss, na, vals = sess.run([self.global_step, self.yp, self.yp2, self.loss, self.na, list(self.tensor_dict.values())], feed_dict=feed_dict)
global_step, yp, yp2, loss, vals = sess.run([self.global_step, self.yp, self.yp2, self.loss, list(self.tensor_dict.values())], feed_dict=feed_dict)
yp, yp2 = yp[:data_set.num_examples], yp2[:data_set.num_examples]
spans, scores = zip(*[get_best_span(ypi, yp2i) for ypi, yp2i in zip(yp, yp2)])
def _get(xi, span):
if len(xi) <= span[0][0]:
return [""]
if len(xi[span[0][0]]) <= span[1][1]:
return [""]
return xi[span[0][0]][span[0][1]:span[1][1]]
def _get2(context, xi, span):
if len(xi) <= span[0][0]:
return ""
if len(xi[span[0][0]]) <= span[1][1]:
return ""
return get_phrase(context, xi, span)
id2answer_dict = {id_: _get2(context, xi, span)
for id_, xi, span, context in zip(data_set.data['ids'], data_set.data['x'], spans, data_set.data['p'])}
id2score_dict = {id_: score for id_, score in zip(data_set.data['ids'], scores)}
id2answer_dict['scores'] = id2score_dict
if self.config.na:
id2na_dict = {id_: float(each) for id_, each in zip(data_set.data['ids'], na)}
id2answer_dict['na'] = id2na_dict
tensor_dict = dict(zip(self.tensor_dict.keys(), vals))
e = ForwardEvaluation(data_set.data_type, int(global_step), idxs, yp.tolist(), yp2.tolist(), float(loss), id2answer_dict, tensor_dict=tensor_dict)
# TODO : wy support
return e
def compare(yi, ypi, yp2i):
for start, stop in yi:
aypi = argmax(ypi)
mask = np.zeros(yp2i.shape)
mask[aypi[0], aypi[1]:] = np.ones([yp2i.shape[1] - aypi[1]])
if tuple(start) == aypi and (stop[0], stop[1]-1) == argmax(yp2i * mask):
return True
return False
def compare2(yi, span):
for start, stop in yi:
if tuple(start) == span[0] and tuple(stop) == span[1]:
return True
return False
def span_f1(yi, span):
max_f1 = 0
for start, stop in yi:
if start[0] == span[0][0]:
true_span = start[1], stop[1]
pred_span = span[0][1], span[1][1]
f1 = span_f1(true_span, pred_span)
max_f1 = max(f1, max_f1)
return max_f1