316 lines
13 KiB
316 lines
13 KiB
import json
import os
import random
import itertools
import math
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from my.tensorflow import grouper
from my.utils import index
class Data(object):
def get_size(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_by_idxs(self, idxs):
Efficient way to obtain a batch of items from filesystem
:param idxs:
:return dict: {'X': [,], 'Y', }
data = defaultdict(list)
for idx in idxs:
each_data = self.get_one(idx)
for key, val in each_data.items():
return data
def get_one(self, idx):
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_empty(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __add__(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError()
class DataSet(object):
def __init__(self, data, data_type, shared=None, valid_idxs=None):
self.data = data # e.g. {'X': [0, 1, 2], 'Y': [2, 3, 4]}
self.data_type = data_type
self.shared = shared
total_num_examples = self.get_data_size()
self.valid_idxs = range(total_num_examples) if valid_idxs is None else valid_idxs
self.num_examples = len(self.valid_idxs)
def _sort_key(self, idx):
rx = self.data['*x'][idx]
x = self.shared['x'][rx[0]][rx[1]]
return max(map(len, x))
def get_data_size(self):
if isinstance(self.data, dict):
return len(next(iter(self.data.values())))
elif isinstance(self.data, Data):
return self.data.get_size()
raise Exception()
def get_by_idxs(self, idxs):
if isinstance(self.data, dict):
out = defaultdict(list)
for key, val in self.data.items():
out[key].extend(val[idx] for idx in idxs)
return out
elif isinstance(self.data, Data):
return self.data.get_by_idxs(idxs)
raise Exception()
def get_batches(self, batch_size, num_batches=None, shuffle=False, cluster=False):
:param batch_size:
:param num_batches:
:param shuffle:
:param cluster: cluster examples by their lengths; this might give performance boost (i.e. faster training).
num_batches_per_epoch = int(math.ceil(self.num_examples / batch_size))
if num_batches is None:
num_batches = num_batches_per_epoch
num_epochs = int(math.ceil(num_batches / num_batches_per_epoch))
if shuffle:
random_idxs = random.sample(self.valid_idxs, len(self.valid_idxs))
if cluster:
sorted_idxs = sorted(random_idxs, key=self._sort_key)
sorted_grouped = lambda: list(grouper(sorted_idxs, batch_size))
grouped = lambda: random.sample(sorted_grouped(), num_batches_per_epoch)
random_grouped = lambda: list(grouper(random_idxs, batch_size))
grouped = random_grouped
raw_grouped = lambda: list(grouper(self.valid_idxs, batch_size))
grouped = raw_grouped
batch_idx_tuples = itertools.chain.from_iterable(grouped() for _ in range(num_epochs))
for _ in range(num_batches):
batch_idxs = tuple(i for i in next(batch_idx_tuples) if i is not None)
batch_data = self.get_by_idxs(batch_idxs)
shared_batch_data = {}
for key, val in batch_data.items():
if key.startswith('*'):
assert self.shared is not None
shared_key = key[1:]
shared_batch_data[shared_key] = [index(self.shared[shared_key], each) for each in val]
batch_ds = DataSet(batch_data, self.data_type, shared=self.shared)
yield batch_idxs, batch_ds
def get_multi_batches(self, batch_size, num_batches_per_step, num_steps=None, shuffle=False, cluster=False):
batch_size_per_step = batch_size * num_batches_per_step
batches = self.get_batches(batch_size_per_step, num_batches=num_steps, shuffle=shuffle, cluster=cluster)
multi_batches = (tuple(zip(grouper(idxs, batch_size, shorten=True, num_groups=num_batches_per_step),
data_set.divide(num_batches_per_step))) for idxs, data_set in batches)
return multi_batches
def get_empty(self):
if isinstance(self.data, dict):
data = {key: [] for key in self.data}
elif isinstance(self.data, Data):
data = self.data.get_empty()
raise Exception()
return DataSet(data, self.data_type, shared=self.shared)
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(self.data, dict):
data = {key: val + other.data[key] for key, val in self.data.items()}
elif isinstance(self.data, Data):
data = self.data + other.data
raise Exception()
valid_idxs = list(self.valid_idxs) + [valid_idx + self.num_examples for valid_idx in other.valid_idxs]
return DataSet(data, self.data_type, shared=self.shared, valid_idxs=valid_idxs)
def divide(self, integer):
batch_size = int(math.ceil(self.num_examples / integer))
idxs_gen = grouper(self.valid_idxs, batch_size, shorten=True, num_groups=integer)
data_gen = (self.get_by_idxs(idxs) for idxs in idxs_gen)
ds_tuple = tuple(DataSet(data, self.data_type, shared=self.shared) for data in data_gen)
return ds_tuple
def load_metadata(config, data_type):
metadata_path = os.path.join(config.data_dir, "metadata_{}.json".format(data_type))
with open(metadata_path, 'r') as fh:
metadata = json.load(fh)
for key, val in metadata.items():
config.__setattr__(key, val)
return metadata
def read_data(config, data_type, ref, data_filter=None):
data_path = os.path.join(config.data_dir, "data_{}.json".format(data_type))
shared_path = os.path.join(config.data_dir, "shared_{}.json".format(data_type))
with open(data_path, 'r') as fh:
data = json.load(fh)
with open(shared_path, 'r') as fh:
shared = json.load(fh)
num_examples = len(next(iter(data.values())))
if data_filter is None:
valid_idxs = range(num_examples)
mask = []
keys = data.keys()
values = data.values()
for vals in zip(*values):
each = {key: val for key, val in zip(keys, vals)}
mask.append(data_filter(each, shared))
valid_idxs = [idx for idx in range(len(mask)) if mask[idx]]
print("Loaded {}/{} examples from {}".format(len(valid_idxs), num_examples, data_type))
shared_path = config.shared_path or os.path.join(config.out_dir, "shared.json")
if not ref:
word2vec_dict = shared['lower_word2vec'] if config.lower_word else shared['word2vec']
word_counter = shared['lower_word_counter'] if config.lower_word else shared['word_counter']
char_counter = shared['char_counter']
if config.finetune:
shared['word2idx'] = {word: idx + 2 for idx, word in
enumerate(word for word, count in word_counter.items()
if count > config.word_count_th or (config.known_if_glove and word in word2vec_dict))}
assert config.known_if_glove
assert config.use_glove_for_unk
shared['word2idx'] = {word: idx + 2 for idx, word in
enumerate(word for word, count in word_counter.items()
if count > config.word_count_th and word not in word2vec_dict)}
shared['char2idx'] = {char: idx + 2 for idx, char in
enumerate(char for char, count in char_counter.items()
if count > config.char_count_th)}
UNK = "-UNK-"
shared['word2idx'][NULL] = 0
shared['word2idx'][UNK] = 1
shared['char2idx'][NULL] = 0
shared['char2idx'][UNK] = 1
json.dump({'word2idx': shared['word2idx'], 'char2idx': shared['char2idx']}, open(shared_path, 'w'))
new_shared = json.load(open(shared_path, 'r'))
for key, val in new_shared.items():
shared[key] = val
if config.use_glove_for_unk:
# create new word2idx and word2vec
word2vec_dict = shared['lower_word2vec'] if config.lower_word else shared['word2vec']
new_word2idx_dict = {word: idx for idx, word in enumerate(word for word in word2vec_dict.keys() if word not in shared['word2idx'])}
shared['new_word2idx'] = new_word2idx_dict
offset = len(shared['word2idx'])
word2vec_dict = shared['lower_word2vec'] if config.lower_word else shared['word2vec']
new_word2idx_dict = shared['new_word2idx']
idx2vec_dict = {idx: word2vec_dict[word] for word, idx in new_word2idx_dict.items()}
# print("{}/{} unique words have corresponding glove vectors.".format(len(idx2vec_dict), len(word2idx_dict)))
new_emb_mat = np.array([idx2vec_dict[idx] for idx in range(len(idx2vec_dict))], dtype='float32')
shared['new_emb_mat'] = new_emb_mat
data_set = DataSet(data, data_type, shared=shared, valid_idxs=valid_idxs)
return data_set
def get_squad_data_filter(config):
def data_filter(data_point, shared):
assert shared is not None
rx, rcx, q, cq, y = (data_point[key] for key in ('*x', '*cx', 'q', 'cq', 'y'))
x, cx = shared['x'], shared['cx']
if len(q) > config.ques_size_th:
return False
# x filter
xi = x[rx[0]][rx[1]]
if config.squash:
for start, stop in y:
stop_offset = sum(map(len, xi[:stop[0]]))
if stop_offset + stop[1] > config.para_size_th:
return False
return True
if config.single:
for start, stop in y:
if start[0] != stop[0]:
return False
if config.data_filter == 'max':
for start, stop in y:
if stop[0] >= config.num_sents_th:
return False
if start[0] != stop[0]:
return False
if stop[1] >= config.sent_size_th:
return False
elif config.data_filter == 'valid':
if len(xi) > config.num_sents_th:
return False
if any(len(xij) > config.sent_size_th for xij in xi):
return False
elif config.data_filter == 'semi':
Only answer sentence needs to be valid.
for start, stop in y:
if stop[0] >= config.num_sents_th:
return False
if start[0] != start[0]:
return False
if len(xi[start[0]]) > config.sent_size_th:
return False
raise Exception()
return True
return data_filter
def update_config(config, data_sets):
config.max_num_sents = 0
config.max_sent_size = 0
config.max_ques_size = 0
config.max_word_size = 0
config.max_para_size = 0
for data_set in data_sets:
data = data_set.data
shared = data_set.shared
for idx in data_set.valid_idxs:
rx = data['*x'][idx]
q = data['q'][idx]
sents = shared['x'][rx[0]][rx[1]]
config.max_para_size = max(config.max_para_size, sum(map(len, sents)))
config.max_num_sents = max(config.max_num_sents, len(sents))
config.max_sent_size = max(config.max_sent_size, max(map(len, sents)))
config.max_word_size = max(config.max_word_size, max(len(word) for sent in sents for word in sent))
if len(q) > 0:
config.max_ques_size = max(config.max_ques_size, len(q))
config.max_word_size = max(config.max_word_size, max(len(word) for word in q))
if config.mode == 'train':
config.max_num_sents = min(config.max_num_sents, config.num_sents_th)
config.max_sent_size = min(config.max_sent_size, config.sent_size_th)
config.max_para_size = min(config.max_para_size, config.para_size_th)
config.max_word_size = min(config.max_word_size, config.word_size_th)
config.char_vocab_size = len(data_sets[0].shared['char2idx'])
config.word_emb_size = len(next(iter(data_sets[0].shared['word2vec'].values())))
config.word_vocab_size = len(data_sets[0].shared['word2idx'])
if config.single:
config.max_num_sents = 1
if config.squash:
config.max_sent_size = config.max_para_size
config.max_num_sents = 1