workspace(name = "org_tensorflow_privacy") load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository") git_repository( name = "bazel_skylib", remote = "", tag = "1.0.3", ) git_repository( name = "rules_python", remote = "", tag = "0.5.0", ) git_repository( name = "com_google_differential_py", remote = "", commit = "025111e75114a96b8d54ba88e483a2b0f99a2954", ) # This is a workaround until the @com_google_differential_py WORKSPACE declares # the nested differential-privacy/python/WORKSPACE as a local_repository, or # is fixed to support recursive # WORKSPACE loading via git_repository. load("@com_google_differential_py//python:accounting_py_deps.bzl", "accounting_py_deps") accounting_py_deps() # We can't directly use accounting_py_deps_init.bzl because it hard-codes a path # to the requirements file that is relative to the workspace root. load("@rules_python//python:pip.bzl", "pip_install") pip_install( name = "accounting_py_pip_deps", requirements = "@com_google_differential_py//python:requirements.txt", )