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mnist_scratch.py | ||
Machine Learning with Differential Privacy in TensorFlow
Cross-posted from cleverhans.io
Differential privacy is a framework for measuring the privacy guarantees provided by an algorithm. Through the lens of differential privacy, we can design machine learning algorithms that responsibly train models on private data. Learning with differential privacy provides provable guarantees of privacy, mitigating the risk of exposing sensitive training data in machine learning. Intuitively, a model trained with differential privacy should not be affected by any single training example, or small set of training examples, in its data set.
You may recall our previous blog post on PATE, an approach that achieves private learning by carefully coordinating the activity of several different ML models [Papernot et al.]. In this post, you will learn how to train a differentially private model with another approach that relies on Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD) [Abadi et al.]. DP-SGD and PATE are two different ways to achieve the same goal of privacy-preserving machine learning. DP-SGD makes less assumptions about the ML task than PATE, but this comes at the expense of making modifications to the training algorithm.
Indeed, DP-SGD is a modification of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm, which is the basis for many optimizers that are popular in machine learning. Models trained with DP-SGD have provable privacy guarantees expressed in terms of differential privacy (we will explain what this means at the end of this post). We will be using the TensorFlow Privacy library, which provides an implementation of DP-SGD, to illustrate our presentation of DP-SGD and provide a hands-on tutorial.
The only prerequisite for following this tutorial is to be able to train a simple neural network with TensorFlow. If you are not familiar with convolutional neural networks or how to train them, we recommend reading this tutorial first to get started with TensorFlow and machine learning.
Upon completing the tutorial presented in this post, you will be able to wrap existing optimizers (e.g., SGD, Adam, ...) into their differentially private counterparts using TensorFlow (TF) Privacy. You will also learn how to tune the parameters introduced by differentially private optimization. Finally, we will learn how to measure the privacy guarantees provided using analysis tools included in TF Privacy.
Getting started
Before we get started with DP-SGD and TF Privacy, we need to put together a script that trains a simple neural network with TensorFlow.
In the interest of keeping this tutorial focused on the privacy aspects of
training, we've included such a script as companion code for this blog post in
the walkthrough
of the tutorials
found in the
TensorFlow Privacy repository. The code
found in the file mnist_scratch.py
trains a small convolutional neural network
on the MNIST dataset for handwriting recognition. This script will be used as
the basis for our exercise below.
Next, we highlight some important code snippets from the mnist_scratch.py
The first snippet includes the definition of a convolutional neural network
using tf.keras.layers
. The model contains two convolutional layers coupled
with max pooling layers, a fully-connected layer, and a softmax. The model's
output is a vector where each component indicates how likely the input is to be
in one of the 10 classes of the handwriting recognition problem we considered.
If any of this sounds unfamiliar, we recommend reading
this tutorial first
to get started with TensorFlow and machine learning.
input_layer = tf.reshape(features['x'], [-1, 28, 28, 1])
y = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(16, 8,
y = tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D(2, 1).apply(y)
y = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, 4,
y = tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D(2, 1).apply(y)
y = tf.keras.layers.Flatten().apply(y)
y = tf.keras.layers.Dense(32, activation='relu').apply(y)
logits = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10).apply(y)
predicted_labels = tf.argmax(input=logits, axis=1)
The second snippet shows how the model is trained using the tf.Estimator
which takes care of all the boilerplate code required to form minibatches used
to train and evaluate the model. To prepare ourselves for the modifications we
will be making to provide differential privacy, we still expose the loop over
different epochs of learning: an epoch is defined as one pass over all of the
training points included in the training set.
steps_per_epoch = 60000 // FLAGS.batch_size
for epoch in range(1, FLAGS.epochs + 1):
# Train the model for one epoch.
mnist_classifier.train(input_fn=train_input_fn, steps=steps_per_epoch)
# Evaluate the model and print results
eval_results = mnist_classifier.evaluate(input_fn=eval_input_fn)
test_accuracy = eval_results['accuracy']
print('Test accuracy after %d epochs is: %.3f' % (epoch, test_accuracy))
We are now ready to train our MNIST model without privacy. The model should achieve above 99% test accuracy after 15 epochs at a learning rate of 0.15 on minibatches of 256 training points.
python mnist_scratch.py
Stochastic Gradient Descent
Before we dive into how DP-SGD and TF Privacy can be used to provide differential privacy during machine learning, we first provide a brief overview of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm, which is one of the most popular optimizers for neural networks.
Stochastic gradient descent is an iterative procedure. At each iteration, a batch of data is randomly sampled from the training set (this is where the stochasticity comes from). The error between the model's prediction and the training labels is then computed. This error, also called the loss, is then differentiated with respect to the model's parameters. These derivatives (or gradients) tell us how we should update each parameter to bring the model closer to predicting the correct label. Iteratively recomputing gradients and applying them to update the model's parameters is what is referred to as the descent. To summarize, the following steps are repeated until the model's performance is satisfactory:
Sample a minibatch of training points
(x, y)
is an input andy
a label. -
Compute loss (i.e., error)
L(theta, x, y)
between the model's predictionf_theta(x)
and labely
represents the model parameters. -
Compute gradient of the loss
L(theta, x, y)
with respect to the model parameterstheta
. -
Multiply these gradients by the learning rate and apply the product to update model parameters
Modifications needed to make stochastic gradient descent a differentially private algorithm
Two modifications are needed to ensure that stochastic gradient descent is a differentially private algorithm.
First, the sensitivity of each gradient needs to be bounded. In other words, we need to limit how much each individual training point sampled in a minibatch can influence the resulting gradient computation. This can be done by clipping each gradient computed on each training point between steps 3 and 4 above. Intuitively, this allows us to bound how much each training point can possibly impact model parameters.
Second, we need to randomize the algorithm's behavior to make it statistically impossible to know whether or not a particular point was included in the training set by comparing the updates stochastic gradient descent applies when it operates with or without this particular point in the training set. This is achieved by sampling random noise and adding it to the clipped gradients.
Thus, here is the stochastic gradient descent algorithm adapted from above to be differentially private:
Sample a minibatch of training points
(x, y)
is an input andy
a label. -
Compute loss (i.e., error)
L(theta, x, y)
between the model's predictionf_theta(x)
and labely
represents the model parameters. -
Compute gradient of the loss
L(theta, x, y)
with respect to the model parameterstheta
. -
Clip gradients, per training example included in the minibatch, to ensure each gradient has a known maximum Euclidean norm.
Add random noise to the clipped gradients.
Multiply these clipped and noised gradients by the learning rate and apply the product to update model parameters
Implementing DP-SGD with TF Privacy
It's now time to make changes to the code we started with to take into account the two modifications outlined in the previous paragraph: gradient clipping and noising. This is where TF Privacy kicks in: it provides code that wraps an existing TF optimizer to create a variant that performs both of these steps needed to obtain differential privacy.
As mentioned above, step 1 of the algorithm, that is forming minibatches of
training data and labels, is implemented by the tf.Estimator
API in our
tutorial. We can thus go straight to step 2 of the algorithm outlined above and
compute the loss (i.e., model error) between the model's predictions and labels.
vector_loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
labels=labels, logits=logits)
TensorFlow provides implementations of common losses, here we use the cross-entropy, which is well-suited for our classification problem. Note how we computed the loss as a vector, where each component of the vector corresponds to an individual training point and label. This is required to support per example gradient manipulation later at step 4.
We are now ready to create an optimizer. In TensorFlow, an optimizer object can be instantiated by passing it a learning rate value, which is used in step 6 outlined above. This is what the code would look like without differential privacy:
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(FLAGS.learning_rate)
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss=scalar_loss)
Note that our code snippet assumes that a TensorFlow flag was defined for the learning rate value.
Now, we use the optimizers.dp_optimizer
module of TF Privacy to implement the
optimizer with differential privacy. Under the hood, this code implements steps
3-6 of the algorithm above:
optimizer = optimizers.dp_optimizer.DPGradientDescentGaussianOptimizer(
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss=vector_loss)
In these two code snippets, we used the stochastic gradient descent optimizer
but it could be replaced by another optimizer implemented in TensorFlow. For
instance, the AdamOptimizer
can be replaced by DPAdamGaussianOptimizer
. In
addition to the standard optimizers already included in TF Privacy, most
optimizers which are objects from a child class of tf.train.Optimizer
can be
made differentially private by calling
As you can see, only one line needs to change but there are a few things going
on that are best to unwrap before we continue. In addition to the learning rate,
we passed the size of the training set as the population_size
parameter. This
is used to measure the strength of privacy achieved; we will come back to this
accounting aspect later.
More importantly, TF Privacy introduces three new hyperparameters to the
optimizer object: l2_norm_clip
, noise_multiplier
, and num_microbatches
You may have deduced what l2_norm_clip
and noise_multiplier
are from the two
changes outlined above.
Parameter l2_norm_clip
is the maximum Euclidean norm of each individual
gradient that is computed on an individual training example from a minibatch.
This parameter is used to bound the optimizer's sensitivity to individual
training points. Note how in order for the optimizer to be able to compute these
per example gradients, we must pass it a vector loss as defined previously,
rather than the loss averaged over the entire minibatch.
Next, the noise_multiplier
parameter is used to control how much noise is
sampled and added to gradients before they are applied by the optimizer.
Generally, more noise results in better privacy (often, but not necessarily, at
the expense of lower utility).
The third parameter relates to an aspect of DP-SGD that was not discussed
previously. In practice, clipping gradients on a per example basis can be
detrimental to the performance of our approach because computations can no
longer be batched and parallelized at the granularity of minibatches. Hence, we
introduce a new granularity by splitting each minibatch into multiple
microbatches [McMahan et al.]. Rather than
clipping gradients on a per example basis, we clip them on a microbatch basis.
For instance, if we have a minibatch of 256 training examples, rather than
clipping each of the 256 gradients individually, we would clip 32 gradients
averaged over microbatches of 8 training examples when num_microbatches=32
This allows for some degree of parallelism. Hence, one can think of
as a parameter that allows us to trade off performance (when
the parameter is set to a small value) with utility (when the parameter is set
to a value close to the minibatch size).
Once you've implemented all these changes, try training your model again with the differentially private stochastic gradient optimizer. You can use the following hyperparameter values to obtain a reasonable model (95% test accuracy):
Measuring the privacy guarantee achieved
At this point, we made all the changes needed to train our model with differential privacy. Congratulations! Yet, we are still missing one crucial piece of the puzzle: we have not computed the privacy guarantee achieved. Recall the two modifications we made to the original stochastic gradient descent algorithm: clip and randomize gradients.
It is intuitive to machine learning practitioners how clipping gradients limits the ability of the model to overfit to any of its training points. In fact, gradient clipping is commonly employed in machine learning even when privacy is not a concern. The intuition for introducing randomness to a learning algorithm that is already randomized is a little more subtle but this additional randomization is required to make it hard to tell which behavioral aspects of the model defined by the learned parameters came from randomness and which came from the training data. Without randomness, we would be able to ask questions like: “What parameters does the learning algorithm choose when we train it on this specific dataset?” With randomness in the learning algorithm, we instead ask questions like: “What is the probability that the learning algorithm will choose parameters in this set of possible parameters, when we train it on this specific dataset?”
We use a version of differential privacy which requires that the probability of learning any particular set of parameters stays roughly the same if we change a single training example in the training set. This could mean to add a training example, remove a training example, or change the values within one training example. The intuition is that if a single training point does not affect the outcome of learning, the information contained in that training point cannot be memorized and the privacy of the individual who contributed this data point to our dataset is respected. We often refer to this probability as the privacy budget: smaller privacy budgets correspond to stronger privacy guarantees.
Google's DP library can be used to compute the privacy budget spent to train our machine learning model. Knowing what level of differential privacy was achieved allows us to put into perspective the drop in utility that is often observed when switching to differentially private optimization. It also allows us to compare two models objectively to determine which of the two is more privacy-preserving than the other.
Before we derive a bound on the privacy guarantee achieved by our optimizer, we
first need to identify all the parameters that are relevant to measuring the
potential privacy loss induced by training. These are the noise_multiplier
the sampling ratio q
(the probability of an individual training point being
included in a minibatch), and the number of steps
the optimizer takes over the
training data. We simply report the noise_multiplier
value provided to the
optimizer and compute the sampling ratio and number of steps as follows:
noise_multiplier = FLAGS.noise_multiplier
sampling_probability = FLAGS.batch_size / 60000
steps = FLAGS.epochs * 60000 // FLAGS.batch_size
At a high level, the privacy analysis measures how including or excluding any particular point in the training data is likely to change the probability that we learn any particular set of parameters. In other words, the analysis measures the difference between the distributions of model parameters on neighboring training sets (pairs of any training sets with a Hamming distance of 1). In TF Privacy, we use the Rényi divergence to measure this distance between distributions. Indeed, our analysis is performed in the framework of Rényi Differential Privacy (RDP), which is a generalization of pure differential privacy [Mironov]. RDP is a useful tool here because it is particularly well suited to analyze the differential privacy guarantees provided by sampling followed by Gaussian noise addition, which is how gradients are randomized in the TF Privacy implementation of the DP-SGD optimizer.
We will express our differential privacy guarantee using two parameters:
and delta
Delta bounds the probability of our privacy guarantee not holding. A rule of thumb is to set it to be less than the inverse of the training data size (i.e., the population size). Here, we set it to
because MNIST has 60000 training points. -
Epsilon measures the strength of our privacy guarantee. In the case of differentially private machine learning, it gives a bound on how much the probability of a particular model output can vary by including (or removing) a single training example. We usually want it to be a small constant. However, this is only an upper bound, and a large value of epsilon could still mean good practical privacy.
To compute the privacy spent using the Google DP library, we need to define a
and a DpEvent
. The PrivacyAccountant
specifies what
method of privacy accounting will be used. In our case that will be RDP, so we
use the RdpAccountant
. The DpEvent
is a representation of the log of
privacy-impacting actions that have occurred, in our case, the repeated sampling
of records and estimation of their mean with Gaussian noise added.
To initialize the PrivacyAccountant
, we need to define a list of orders, at
which the Rényi divergence will be computed. While some finer points of how to
use the RDP accountant are outside the scope of this document, it is useful to
keep in mind the following. First, there is very little downside in expanding
the list of orders for which RDP is computed. Second, the computed privacy
budget is typically not very sensitive to the exact value of the order (being
close enough will land you in the right neighborhood). Finally, if you are
targeting a particular range of epsilons (say, 1—10) and your delta is fixed
(say, 10^-5
), then your orders must cover the range between
and 1+ln(1/delta)/1≈12.5
. This last rule may appear
circular (how do you know what privacy parameters you get without running the
privacy accountant?!), one or two adjustments of the range of the orders would
usually suffice.
orders = [1 + x / 10. for x in range(1, 100)] + list(range(12, 64))
accountant = privacy_accountant.RdpAccountant(orders)
Next we create a DpEvent
and feed it to the accountant for processing using
its compose
event = dp_event.SelfComposedDpEvent(
Finally, we can query the accountant for the best epsilon
at the given
by calling the get_epsilon
method which takes the minimum over
all orders.
epsilon = accountant.get_epsilon(target_delta)
Running the code snippets above with the hyperparameter values used during
training will estimate the epsilon
value that was achieved by the
differentially private optimizer, and thus the strength of the privacy guarantee
which comes with the model we trained. Once we computed the value of epsilon
interpreting this value is at times difficult. One possibility is to purposely
insert secrets in the model's training set and measure how likely they are to be
leaked by a differentially private model (compared to a non-private model) at
inference time [Carlini et al.].
Putting all the pieces together
We covered a lot in this blog post! If you made all the changes discussed
directly into the mnist_scratch.py
file, you should have been able to train a
differentially private neural network on MNIST and measure the privacy guarantee
However, in case you ran into an issue or you'd like to see what a complete
implementation looks like, the "solution" to the tutorial presented in this blog
post can be
in the tutorials directory of TF Privacy. It is the script called