name: refried beans category: side tried: yes how_good: quite good source: ingredients: - 6 cups cooked pinto beans (about half a dried bag or 4 cans) - 1 1/2 cup finely chopped onions (increa - 1 tsp hot chilli powder - 4 tbsp of finely chopped cilantro - 3 tbsp oil - 2 tbsp lime juice directions: 1: Cook the beans by boiling. Skip this step if using cans 2: Sautee onions in 2 tbsp of oil 3: Mash the cooked beans. They don't have to be perfectly creamy 4: Add bean paste in roughly 2 cup batches to frying onions 5: Mix in chilli powder 6: Take off heat. Mix in cilantro notes: > You can use any type of beans, I used black beans. Pinto are more "traditional". You can probably use up to 3 cups of onions, any types works. Mostly fine without the lime juice.