name: Bread category: baking tried: yes how_good: bland, tho certainly bread source: modified ingredients: - 5 cups of flour - 1 tsbp active dry yeast - 2 cups warm water directions: 1: > Mix flour, yeast, and water in one bowl. Add flour in 1/2 cup at a time, until dough begins to pull away from the sides 2: Knead dough on lightly floured surface (or butter hands) for 5-8 minutes 3: Cover bowl in plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place for 90 minutes 5: Punch down bread to remove bubbles 6: Divide into 4 equal quarters 7: Roll out each quarter to a log of about 70cm 8: Line up the logs and squeeze together one end 9: > Tie a 4-plait with the logs. General steps are, given logs 1 2 3 4, pickup 4 to make it 1 2 4 3, then pickup 2 to make it 2 1 4 3, then pickup the 1 to make it 2 4 1 3. Repeat until the entire bread is in a plait. 10: Place on a baking sheet that's been cooking sprayed 11: Cover and let rise for 45 minutes 12: Preheat oven to 350F 13: Bake bread for 30 minutes 14: Cool the loaf for 10 minutes before slicing notes: > Could add cinnamon and raisins for something sweeter. Maybe cheese for a flavour? Spread a mixed egg on the top before baking to make it shiny on top.