Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/lab/main'

This commit is contained in:
Akemi Izuko 2023-09-25 20:28:21 -06:00
commit ae5113f102
Signed by: akemi
GPG key ID: 8DE0764E1809E9FC
3 changed files with 16 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -11,12 +11,18 @@ battery_charge() {
display_brightness() {
local x
if command -v ddcutil &>/dev/null; then
ddcutil getvcp 10 | awk '
match($0, /[0-9]+,/) { printf "%s", substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH - 1) }'
light -G | awk '{ split($0, a, "."); printf "%s", a[1] }'
x="$(ddcutil getvcp 10 2>/dev/null |\
awk 'match($0, /[0-9]+,/) { printf "%s", substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH - 1) }')"
if [[ -z "$x" ]]; then
x="$(light -G | awk '{ split($0, a, "."); printf "%s", a[1] }')"
printf "%s" "$x"
get_volume() {

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@ -91,6 +91,9 @@ bind T clock-mode
bind-key -n M-0 switch-client -n
bind-key -n M-9 switch-client -p
unbind-key w
bind-key w choose-session
# Tmux Keybinds =====================================================
# Reload tmux quickly
unbind R

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@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ let RG_TEMPLATE = 'rg --hidden --no-ignore --follow '
" Use ripgrep with fzf (from Jonhoo)
noremap <leader>s :Rg<CR>
noremap <leader>S :Rg<CR>
command! -bang -nargs=* Rg
\ call fzf#vim#grep(
@ -239,6 +239,8 @@ command! -bang -nargs=* Rg
\ : fzf#vim#with_preview('right:50%:hidden', '?'),
\ <bang>0)
noremap <leader>s :BLines <CR>
" FZF colors match vim colorscheme
let g:fzf_colors =
\ { 'fg': ['fg', 'Normal'],