Init again
The dotfiles are back
This commit is contained in:
137 changed files with 15805 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# Reference file for all alacritty options, found at;
# Aerc
# Bin
# Mpv
# Other
# Qutebrowser
# Skhd
# Sketchybar
# Sway
# Swaylock
# Tmux
# Vifm
# Vim
# Vimiv
# Warpd
# Xremap
# Yabai
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
Hit the ground flying with dotfiles for Unix-like systems including MacOS. These
contain all sorts of goodies for bash, vim, shell scripts, unix notes, and much
# Installation
$ git clone --depth=1 'ssh://' configs
$ cd configs && bash ./ --help
Use `./ install` to symlink configs. Anything not linked will be
reported and can be viewed at any time with `./ status`. After linking
files, proceed to the [post-installation](#Post-Installation) section
Don't worry, the script won't overwrite anything and doesn't even touch anything
without an explicit `install` argument
### Info
Verified platforms:
- **EndeavourOS 5.19.6** with Bash **5.1.16**
- **MacOS 10.15.{3,5}** with Bash **5.1.8** and **3.2.57**
- Almost certainly works on any Arch-based distro and likely most of Linux
The mindset behind these:
- If it can be done in a shell, it probably should be done in a shell
- The mouse is too far away
- As fast as possible
Configs are kept as consistent as possible between Mac and Linux, without
sacrificing anything on either end. See the [keybinds for
Linux is configured to run Sway. It's extremely light and incredibly fast.
Although almost everything works on Wayland at this point, the Sway config can
be trivially ported to i3 running on Xorg. An Arch-based distro will make
installing the right packages easier, though is by no means required
MacOS is configured to run Yabai with Skhd. This takes some tweaking. Check out
the [Post-installation section for MacOS](#MacOS) beforehand. These config files
were written on and font MacOS Catalina 10.15. Some things may not work in newer
versions, though most things should be fine
The `./notes` directory contains various reference files. They can be accessed
quickly by running `notes`
# Post Installation
## Both
Use `bash status` to see which packages are missing on your
system. `./ install` will try to install additional packages.
This is very likely to work on MacOS and any `pacman`-using distro. If it's not
working, install them manually by looking through `./ status`
This script does not install many heavier packages, such as `gimp`, `sway`, and
`ffmpeg`. Check out `./notes/` for a list of these and
install them manually
## Linux
#### Fonts
Many scripts assume you have access to [Meslo LGM
These can be replaced easily with any other nerd font. Other fonts may lack
support for the right character set
$ mv -i downloaded-fonts/* ~/.local/share/fonts
# mv -i downloaded-fonts/* /usr/local/share/fonts
See the [ArchWiki](
for more information. TexLive downloads a lot of additional fonts by default too
#### xRemap
Remapping keys is done through `xremap`. Despite the name, it works flawlessly
on Wayland, at least in Sway
Depending on your environment, you need to install a different binary, all of
which are available through `cargo`. For example `cargo install xremap
--features sway`. Check [here for more
If you're using systemd, run the following:
# ln -s ~/.configs_pointer/xremap/config{_console,}.yml
# mkdir -p /etc/xremap
# ln -s {~/.configs_pointer,/etc}/xremap/config.yml
# cp ~/.configs_pointer/systemd/xremap.service /etc/systemd/system/xremap.service
# cp ~/.cargo/bin/xremap /usr/local/bin/xremap
# systemctl enable xremap.service
# systemctl start xremap.service
# pc
You can toggle between Mac-style keyboard and standard keyboard with
`` see the doc-comment `vi $(which` for
more information
`sway/config` acts as a hotkey daemon and `wtype` can synthesize input
#### Sway
To run sway, install the `sway` and `swaylock` packages. Both configs reference
`default_wallpaper.png` in their respective directories. Put your wallpaper
there or change the corresponding `config` file
If sway is acting up, try setting/unsetting `WAYLAND_DISPLAY` and `SWAYSOCK`.
`swaymsg` also takes an `-s` option which can specify the socket manually
Sway doesn't adjust the gamma on external displays. Compared to MacOS,
everything looks very washed-out and low contrast. Using `wl-sunset` with `-t
4000 -T 6500 -g 0.9` brings MacOS-like gamma curves
For more information about sway, read the [i3 User's
Guide]( Particularly chapters 3 and 4 are
very important for sway
#### Multilingual input
IME-style inputs require a complicated setup on wayland. The method described
here unfortunately scales like Xwayland. That is to say it's very blurry on a
HiDPI display. Also, IMEs don't work in Alacritty yet. Consider [foot
terminal]( if this is important
If you only need an IME in Chromium, [Google Input
is a pretty decent solution. It scales properly on wayland and doesn't require a
spotty setup. However, it doesn't work in the search bar and makes network calls
for kanji lookups, which can be really slow
Otherwise you can use fcitx5. Choose a supported IME based on what language you
need [here]( For the example
below we'll install Mozc
please pacman -S fcitx5 fcitx5-configtool fcitx5-gtk fcitx5-qt fcitx5-mozc
please pacman -S gtk4 # For Chromium support
Next add these lines to `/etc/environment`
Currently, Chromium will only interface with fcitx5 when it's running on the
non-default gtk4. Add `--gtk-version=4` to `~/.config/chromium-flags.conf`. As
of writing, this breaks Chromium's built-in file manager, the one for picking
files. Use Firefox for a better fcitx5 experience
Open fcitx5-configtool to set the required keyboards and change the global
hotkey. For Mozc, you'd move the Mozc keyboard to the left. Not the other
Japanese keyboards, those are not IME-based
You may need to reboot wayland or possibly the entire system. Fcitx5 will now be
available will the following command. Consider adding the following to
`sway/config` if you want it on startup, or use `<M-i>` to toggle in on/off
fcitx5 -d --replace
#### AV1 media
AV1 is the hottest new codec on the block, providing compression levels better
than h265. I've seen it 200x smaller than png, with the same resolution and
color space
To store images as avif, use `magick convert my_image_name.{png,avif}`. `viu`
has no support for avif. `imv` supports it out of the box. `vimiv` requires a qt
plugin for support:
please pacman -S libavif
# Get the latest release from below, for example
curl -LO ''
tar xf qt-avif-image-plugin-0.5.0.tar.gz
cd qt-avif-image-plugin-0.5.0
please make install
#### Chromium
Chromium does not support screen sharing by default on wayland. To add support
go into `chrome://flags` and enable the "WebRTC PipeWire support" flag. Next
download the following a reboot to allow screen sharing
please pacman -S xdg-desktop-portal-wlr libpipewire02
Consider disabling "Continue running background apps when Chromium is closed" in
Fix the default fonts in `chrome://settings/fonts`. These are the fallback fonts
#### Firefox
Firefox will start on xorg by default, unless the `MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1`
environment variable is set. Incognito is enabled through the `--private-window`
Firefox uses `about:config` stored in
`~/.mozilla/firefox/<random-hash>.default-release/prefs.js`. These are the
equivalent of Chromium flags. For these configs, simply switch
`ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses` to false, to avoid conflicts with xremap
#### Backlights
Laptops usually control the backlight via apci. One program to control this is
[light]( By default light requires the use
of root privileges to modify devices. Use systemd rules and the video group to
allow unprivileged users to run it normally:
curl -LO ''
please mkdir -p /usr/lib/udev/rules.d
please cp 90-backlight.rules /usr/lib/udev/rules.d
# Add your user to the video group
please usermod -aG video emiliko
## MacOS
Macs aren't even close to Linux in virtualisation capabilities, window managers,
and customizability in general. However, if you're unfortunate enough to find
yourself with a macbook, all is not lost. Here's a rough porting guide:
| sWayland | MacOS |
| --------------------- | -------- |
| SwayWM | [Yabai]( |
| xRemap | [Karabiner-Elements]( |
| ~/.config/sway/config | [skhd]( |
| swhkd | [skhd]( |
| wtype | [skhd]( |
| systemd | Launchd |
| Zathura | [Skim]( |
| Fuzzel | [Choose]( or Spotlight |
| udisksctl | `diskutil`
| ~/.local/share/fonts | FontBook |
| wl-clipboard | `pbcopy` `pbpaste` |
| sshd | System Preference -> Sharing -> Remote Login |
| Super/Ctrl | Command |
| Alt | Opt |
| $0 | +$1000 |
For Xorg users, `yabai` is to `skhd` what `bspwm` is to `sxhkd`. Also `launchd`
is wayyy less capable than `systemd` and rarely gets used. The `launchd` script
in `./bin` wraps around all the commands you'll ever need
To use open source apps, run `sudo spctl --master-disable`, then head to System
Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General and select Anywhere at the bottom.
You can check it's working with `spctl --status`
While you're here, you can go under Software Updates and uncheck everything
#### Window managers
MacOS only allows the default Quartz Compositor, a floating window manager with
too many animations and almost no keyboard controls. There are two open source
tiling window managers, which are just scripts overtop Quartz Compositor as
alternatives. [Amethyst]( and
Amethyst provides basic tiling of windows and basic keyboard controls. Yabai is
effectively a port of bspwm to MacOS and has much more extensive configuration
than Amethyst, notably controlling workspaces. Unfortunately they don't hold a
candle to Linux managers. Both can be very laggy and Yabai specifically often
freezes up for a few seconds, though these are the only options.
To use Yabai, boot into recovery mode, and disable SIP [as explained
Despite what apple says, this doesn't make the system immediately explode.
Actually there's no difference at all, except being able to use Yabai
# Methodology
## Keybinding
Generally keybindings follow this scheme for `skhd`/`xremap`, bash, and vim's
insert mode. They roughly resemble Emac's default. Outliers are bolded. These
are written assuming Ctrl is mapped to CapsLock
When possible selecting is preferred to actually deleting the text
| Type | Start of line | Back word | Back character | Forward character | Forward word | End of line |
| ---- | ------------- | --------- | -------------- | ----------------- | ------------ | ----------- |
| Movement | `^a` | **`^b`** | **`^j`** | `^f` | **`^w`** | `^e` |
| Deletion | | **`^u`** | `^h` | `^d` | | `^k` |
Window managers are bound to the Super/Command/Logo key. This conflicts with
MacOS's defaults at times
## Light and Dark Mode
### Graphical
Light mode remains somewhat spotty and probably will indefinitely. On Wayland
there's [wluma]( which is a port of MacOS's
[Lumen]( Both can somewhat help alleviate
rapid changes in on-screen content brightness
There's a UserStyle.css file, tested with
on Chromium which provides dark themes for many additional sites, such as the
### Text mode
Alacritty, tmux, vim, vifm, vimiv are all synchronously colored through
`bin/`. This script supports multiple color schemes and makes it easy to
add new ones.
Vifm has a "light" and "dark" mode which plays better with generally "lighter"
and "darker" color schemes. This can be manually changed with `:Light` and
Vim similarly has shortcuts for the included color schemes. `:Dark[1-4]` and
`:Light[1-4]` change to some hand-picked good ones. Additionally `:Darkh`
changes to a higher-contrast version of the `:Dark` color scheme
## Todo
The only one done configing is you, Ricky
- Maildir with aerc
- [Himalaya]( instead of aerc?
- Setup irc client?
- Organize notes
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
# aerc main configuration
# If set to "gpg", aerc will use system gpg binary and keystore for all crypto
# operations. Otherwise, the internal openpgp implemenation will be used.
# Default: internal
# By default, the file permissions of accounts.conf must be restrictive and
# only allow reading by the file owner (0600). Set this option to true to
# ignore this permission check. Use this with care as it may expose your
# credentials.
# Default: false
# Describes the format for each row in a mailbox view. This field is compatible
# with mutt's printf-like syntax.
# Default: %D %-17.17n %Z %s
index-format=%-20.20D %-17.17n %Z %s
# See time.Time#Format at
# Default: 2006-01-02 03:04 PM (ISO 8601 + 12 hour time)
timestamp-format=2006-01-02 03:04 PM
# Index-only time format for messages that were received/sent today.
# If this is not specified, timestamp-format is used instead.
# Default: "03:04 PM" (12 hour time)
this-day-time-format=03:04 PM
# Index-only time format for messages that were received/sent within the last
# 7 days. If this is not specified, timestamp-format is used instead.
# Default: "Monday 03:04 PM" (Week day + 12 hour time)
this-week-time-format=Monday 03:04 PM
# Index-only time format for messages that were received/sent this year.
# If this is not specified, timestamp-format is used instead.
# Default: "January 02" (Month + month day)
this-year-time-format=January 02
# Width of the sidebar, including the border.
# Default: 20
# Message to display when viewing an empty folder.
# Default: (no messages)
empty-message=(no messages)
# Message to display when no folders exists or are all filtered
# Default: (no folders)
empty-dirlist=(no folders)
# Enable mouse events in the ui, e.g. clicking and scrolling with the mousewheel
# Default: false
# Ring the bell when new messages are received
# Default: true
# Marker to show before a pinned tab's name.
# Default: `
# Describes the format string to use for the directory list
# Default: %n %>r
dirlist-format=%n %>r
# Delay after which the messages are actually listed when entering a directory.
# This avoids loading messages when skipping over folders and makes the UI more
# responsive. If you do not want that, set it to 0s.
# Default: 200ms
# Display the directory list as a foldable tree that allows to collapse and
# expand the folders.
# Default: false
# List of space-separated criteria to sort the messages by, see *sort*
# command in *aerc*(1) for reference. Prefixing a criterion with "-r "
# reverses that criterion.
# Example: "from -r date"
# Default: ""
# Moves to next message when the current message is deleted
# Default: true
# The directories where the stylesets are stored. It takes a colon-separated
# list of directories. If this is unset or if a styleset cannot be found, the
# following paths will be used as a fallback in that order:
# ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/aerc/stylesets
# ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-~/.local/share}/aerc/stylesets
# /usr/local/share/aerc/stylesets
# /usr/share/aerc/stylesets
# default: ""
# Uncomment to use box-drawing characters for vertical and horizontal borders.
# Default: spaces
# border-char-vertical=│
# border-char-horizontal=─
# Sets the styleset to use for the aerc ui elements.
# Default: default
# Activates fuzzy search in commands and their arguments: the typed string is
# searched in the command or option in any position, and need not be
# consecutive characters in the command or option.
# How long to wait after the last input before auto-completion is triggered.
# Default: 250ms
# Global switch for completion popovers
# Default: true
# Uncomment to use UTF-8 symbols to indicate PGP status of messages
# Default: ASCII
# Enable a threaded view of messages. If this is not supported by the backend
# (IMAP server or notmuch), threads will be built by the client.
# Default: false
# Force client-side thread building
# Default: false
# Describes the format string for the statusline.
# Default: [%a] %S %>%T
render-format=[%a] %S %>%T
# Specifies the separator between grouped statusline elements.
# Default: " | "
# separator=
# Defines the mode for displaying the status elements.
# Options: text, icon
# Default: text
# display-mode=
# Specifies the pager to use when displaying emails. Note that some filters
# may add ANSI codes to add color to rendered emails, so you may want to use a
# pager which supports ANSI codes.
# Default: less -R
pager=less -R
# If an email offers several versions (multipart), you can configure which
# mimetype to prefer. For example, this can be used to prefer plaintext over
# html emails.
# Default: text/plain,text/html
# Default setting to determine whether to show full headers or only parsed
# ones in message viewer.
# Default: false
# Layout of headers when viewing a message. To display multiple headers in the
# same row, separate them with a pipe, e.g. "From|To". Rows will be hidden if
# none of their specified headers are present in the message.
# Default: From|To,Cc|Bcc,Date,Subject
# Whether to always show the mimetype of an email, even when it is just a single part
# Default: false
# Parses and extracts http links when viewing a message. Links can then be
# accessed with the open-link command.
# Default: true
# Specifies the command to run the editor with. It will be shown in an embedded
# terminal, though it may also launch a graphical window if the environment
# supports it. Defaults to $EDITOR, or vi.
# Default header fields to display when composing a message. To display
# multiple headers in the same row, separate them with a pipe, e.g. "To|From".
# Default: To|From,Subject
# Specifies the command to be used to tab-complete email addresses. Any
# occurrence of "%s" in the address-book-cmd will be replaced with what the
# user has typed so far.
# The command must output the completions to standard output, one completion
# per line. Each line must be tab-delimited, with an email address occurring as
# the first field. Only the email address field is required. The second field,
# if present, will be treated as the contact name. Additional fields are
# ignored.
# Allow to address yourself when replying
# Default: true
# Filters allow you to pipe an email body through a shell command to render
# certain emails differently, e.g. highlighting them with ANSI escape codes.
# The first filter which matches the email's mimetype will be used, so order
# them from most to least specific.
# You can also match on non-mimetypes, by prefixing with the header to match
# against (non-case-sensitive) and a comma, e.g. subject,text will match a
# subject which contains "text". Use header,~regex to match against a regex.
text/plain=sed 's/^>\+.*/\x1b[36m&\x1b[0m/'
text/html=pandoc -f html -t plain
#image/*=catimg -w $(tput cols) -
# Triggers specify commands to execute when certain events occur.
# Example:
# new-email=exec notify-send "New email from %n" "%s"
# Executed when a new email arrives in the selected folder
new-email=exec notify-send "New email from %n" "%s"
# Templates are used to populate email bodies automatically.
# The directories where the templates are stored. It takes a colon-separated
# list of directories. If this is unset or if a template cannot be found, the
# following paths will be used as a fallback in that order:
# ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/aerc/templates
# ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-~/.local/share}/aerc/templates
# /usr/local/share/aerc/templates
# /usr/share/aerc/templates
# default: ""
# The default template to be used for new messages.
# default: new_message
# The default template to be used for quoted replies.
# default: quoted_reply
# The default template to be used for forward as body.
# default: forward_as_body
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
# Binds are of the form <key sequence> = <command to run>
# To use '=' in a key sequence, substitute it with "Eq": "<Ctrl+Eq>"
# If you wish to bind #, you can wrap the key sequence in quotes: "#" = quit
<C-h> = :prev-tab<Enter>
<C-l> = :next-tab<Enter>
gT = :prev-tab<Enter>
gt = :next-tab<Enter>
<C-t> = :term<Enter>
<semicolon> = :
q = :quit<Enter>
j = :next<Enter>
<Down> = :next<Enter>
<C-d> = :next 50%<Enter>
<C-f> = :next 100%<Enter>
<PgDn> = :next 100%<Enter>
k = :prev<Enter>
<Up> = :prev<Enter>
<C-u> = :prev 50%<Enter>
<C-b> = :prev 100%<Enter>
<PgUp> = :prev 100%<Enter>
gg = :select 0<Enter>
G = :select -1<Enter>
J = :next-folder<Enter>
K = :prev-folder<Enter>
H = :collapse-folder<Enter>
L = :expand-folder<Enter>
v = :mark -t<Enter>
V = :mark -v<Enter>
T = :toggle-threads<Enter>
<Enter> = :view<Enter>
dd = :prompt 'Really delete this message?' 'delete-message'<Enter>
A = :archive flat<Enter>
C = :compose<Enter>
rr = :reply -a<Enter>
rq = :reply -aq<Enter>
Rr = :reply<Enter>
Rq = :reply -q<Enter>
#c = :cf<space>
#$ = :term<space>
#! = :term<space>
#| = :pipe<space>
/ = :search<space>
\ = :filter -a<space>
n = :next-result<Enter>
N = :prev-result<Enter>
<Esc> = :clear<Enter>
<Enter> = :recall<Enter>
/ = :toggle-key-passthrough<Enter>/
q = :close<Enter>
O = :open<Enter>
S = :save<space>
| = :pipe<space>
D = :delete<Enter>
A = :archive flat<Enter>
<C-l> = :open-link <space>
f = :forward<Enter>
rr = :reply -a<Enter>
rq = :reply -aq<Enter>
Rr = :reply<Enter>
Rq = :reply -q<Enter>
H = :toggle-headers<Enter>
<C-k> = :prev-part<Enter>
<C-j> = :next-part<Enter>
J = :next<Enter>
K = :prev<Enter>
$noinherit = true
$ex = <C-x>
<Esc> = :toggle-key-passthrough<Enter>
# Keybindings used when the embedded terminal is not selected in the compose
# view
$ex = <C-x>
<C-p> = :prev-field<Enter>
<C-n> = :next-field<Enter>
<C-h> = <del>
<C-f> = <right>
<C-j> = <left>
<tab> = :next-field<Enter>
# Keybindings used when the embedded terminal is selected in the compose view
$noinherit = true
<C-p> = :prev-field<Enter>
<C-n> = :next-field<Enter>
# Keybindings used when reviewing a message to be sent
y = :send<Enter>
N = :abort<Enter>
p = :postpone<Enter>
q = :choose -o d discard abort -o p postpone postpone<Enter>
e = :edit<Enter>
a = :attach<space>
d = :detach<space>
$noinherit = true
$ex = <C-x>
<C-h> = :prev-tab<Enter>
<C-l> = :next-tab<Enter>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
# Fonts and colors
# Fonts
family: Menlo # Default fallback font
# Alternative monospace fallback fonts
#family: Monaco
#family: Source Code Pro
family: MesloLGM Nerd Font # Use a Nerd-Font for pretty vim statusline
#family: NotoSans Mono # Use a Nerd-Font for pretty vim statusline
#family: MesloLGL Nerd Font # Use a Nerd-Font for pretty vim statusline
size: 11.5
x: 1
y: 1
glyph_offset: # Aligns powerline fonts
x: 0
y: 1
use_thin_strokes: true
draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: false
# Colors (Gruvbox dark)
# Cursor colors
text: CellBackground
cursor: CellForeground
# Vi mode colors
foreground: '#000000'
background: '#ffffff'
foreground: CellBackground
background: CellForeground
background: '#c5c8c6'
foreground: '#1d1f21'
text: '#000000'
background: '#e69f67'
- ~/.config/alacritty/colors.yml
# Window GUI
title: JoJo
x: 536
y: 164
columns: 134 # 16 size font
lines: 36
#columns: 150 # 14 size font
#lines: 40
x: 4
y: 0
decorations: None
startup_mode: Windowed
opacity: 1
title: Alacritty
dynamic_title: true
history: 10000
multiplier: 3
duration: 0
color: '#ffff99'
command: None
save_to_clipboard: true
shape: Block
blinking: Always
vi_mode_style: Block
blink_interval: 400
unfocused_hollow: true
thickness: 0.15
live_config_reload: true
program: /bin/bash
- --login
working_directory: None
double_click: { threshold: 300 }
triple_click: { threshold: 300 }
hide_when_typing: true
- { key: LBracket, mods: Control, action: ToggleViMode}
- { key: I, mode: Vi, action: ToggleViMode}
- { key: N, mods: Alt, action: SpawnNewInstance}
- { key: K, mods: Command, chars: "\x08k"}
# let tmux see C-Space
- { key: Space, mods: Control, chars: "\x00" }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
gruvbox_dark: &base16-gruvbox-dark-pale
background: '#282828'
foreground: '#ebdbb2'
bright_foreground: '#eaeaea'
# Normal colors
# black: '#282828'
# red: '#cc241d'
# green: '#98971a'
# yellow: '#d79921'
# blue: '#458588'
# magenta: '#b16286'
# cyan: '#689d6a'
# white: '#a89984'
# Brighter colors by default! May be too bright
black: '#282828'
red: '#fb4934'
green: '#b8bb26'
yellow: '#fabd2f'
blue: '#83a598'
magenta: '#d3869b'
cyan: '#8ec07c'
white: '#ebdbb2'
# Bright colors
black: '#928374'
red: '#fb4934'
green: '#b8bb26'
yellow: '#fabd2f'
blue: '#83a598'
magenta: '#d3869b'
cyan: '#8ec07c'
white: '#ebdbb2'
gruvbox_light: &base16-gruvbox-light-hard
# Light mode ====
#f9f5d7 # White 1
#ebdbb2 # White 2
#d5c4a1 # White 3
#bdae93 # White 4, light grey
#665c54 # Grey 1
#504945 # Grey 2
#3c3836 # Grey 3, light black
#282828 # Grey 4, black
#9d0006 # Cherry red
#af3a03 # Rust red
#b57614 # Yellow
#79740e # Green
#427b58 # Teal
#076678 # Blue
#8f3f71 # Purple
#d65d0e # Orange
background: '#FDFFD7' # Linux "white"???
#background: '#f9f5d7' # White 1 (brighter)
#background: '#fbf1c7' # Sepia white
foreground: '#3c3836' # Grey 3, light black
bright_foreground: '#282828' # Grey 4, black
#black: '#f9f5d7' # White 1
black: '#fbf1c7' # Sepia white
red: '#9d0006' # Cherry red
green: '#79740e' # Green
yellow: '#b57614' # Yellow
cyan: '#427b58' # Teal
blue: '#076678' # Blue
magenta: '#8f3f71' # Purple
white: '#282828' # Grey 4, black
black: '#f9f5d7' # White 1
red: '#9d0006' # Cherry red
green: '#79740e' # Green
yellow: '#b57614' # Yellow
cyan: '#427b58' # Teal
blue: '#076678' # Blue
magenta: '#8f3f71' # Purple
white: '#282828' # Grey 4, black
# Catppuccin!
catppuccin: &catppuccin
# Default colors
background: '#1E1E28'
foreground: '#DADAE8'
# Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true
text: '#1E1E28'
cursor: '#B1E3AD'
# Normal colors
black: '#6E6C7E'
red: '#E38C8F'
green: '#B1E3AD'
yellow: '#EBDDAA'
blue: '#A4B9EF'
magenta: '#C6AAE8'
cyan: '#E5B4E2'
white: '#DADAE8'
# Bright colors
black: '#6E6C7E'
red: '#E38C8F'
green: '#B1E3AD'
yellow: '#EBDDAA'
blue: '#A4B9EF'
magenta: '#C6AAE8'
cyan: '#E5B4E2'
white: '#DADAE8'
- { index: 16, color: '#F2CECF' }
- { index: 17, color: '#3E4058' }
palenight: &palenight
# Default colors
background: '0x292d3e'
foreground: '0x959dcb'
# Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true
text: '0x292d3e'
cursor: '0x959dcb'
# Normal colors
black: '0x292d3e'
red: '0xf07178'
green: '0xc3e88d'
yellow: '0xffcb6b'
blue: '0x82aaff'
magenta: '0xc792ea'
cyan: '0x89ddff'
white: '0x959dcb'
# Bright colors
black: '0x676e95'
red: '0xf07178'
green: '0xc3e88d'
yellow: '0xffcb6b'
blue: '0x82aaff'
magenta: '0xc792ea'
cyan: '0x89ddff'
white: '0xffffff'
- { index: 16, color: '0xf78c6c' }
- { index: 17, color: '0xff5370' }
- { index: 18, color: '0x444267' }
- { index: 19, color: '0x32374d' }
- { index: 20, color: '0x8796b0' }
- { index: 21, color: '0x959dcb' }
dracula: &base16-dracula
# Default colors
background: '0x282a36'
foreground: '0xf8f8f2'
# Normal colors
black: '0x000000'
red: '0xff5555'
green: '0x50fa7b'
yellow: '0xf1fa8c'
blue: '0xcaa9fa'
magenta: '0xff79c6'
cyan: '0x8be9fd'
white: '0xbfbfbf'
# Bright colors
black: '0x282a35'
red: '0xff6e67'
green: '0x5af78e'
yellow: '0xf4f99d'
blue: '0xcaa9fa'
magenta: '0xff92d0'
cyan: '0x9aedfe'
white: '0xe6e6e6'
# Defman21
github: &base16-github
# Default colors
background: '0xffffff'
foreground: '0x333333'
# Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true
text: '0xffffff'
cursor: '0x333333'
# Normal colors
black: '0xffffff'
red: '0xed6a43'
green: '0x183691'
yellow: '0x795da3'
blue: '0x795da3'
magenta: '0xa71d5d'
cyan: '0x183691'
white: '0x333333'
# Bright colors
black: '0x969896'
red: '0x0086b3'
green: '0xf5f5f5'
yellow: '0xc8c8fa'
blue: '0xe8e8e8'
magenta: '0xffffff'
cyan: '0x333333'
white: '0xffffff'
draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: false
# This line is changed by `~/.bash_functions`'s `colo` function
colors: *base16-gruvbox-dark-pale
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ===================================================================
# Core bash aliases
# ===================================================================
# Might be necessary for vim
shopt -s expand_aliases
# Safety aliases
alias mv='mv -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias rm='rm -i'
# Legibility
alias df='df -h'
alias du='du -h'
alias tdu='du -h -d1 | sort -h'
alias free='free -h'
alias mkdir='mkdir -p'
alias bat='bat --paging=never'
alias tt='/usr/bin/time -f "%MKB, %es"'
alias colo=''
# Other
alias mem='top -l 1 -s 0 | grep PhysMem'
alias please='sudo -E '
alias cc="clang -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O2 -std=c99 -pedantic"
alias lsblkf="lsblk -o name,label,fstype,mountpoint,fsused,size,state"
alias mr='make run'
alias ed="ed -p '> :'"
alias ra='rg --no-ignore -.'
alias ee='exit'
alias ffprobe='ffprobe -hide_banner'
# ===================================================================
# Keybindings
# ===================================================================
if [[ "${-}" =~ i ]]; then
# Vim-ish movement by word
bind '"\C-w":"\ef"' # Move forward one word \x1BF
bind '"\C-b": backward-word'
bind '"\C-j": backward-char' # Back one character
bind '"\C-l": complete' # Tab-completion to match vim
stty werase ^u
stty -ixon # i-search down with ^s
# Figure that out:
# ===================================================================
# Navigation aliases
# ===================================================================
alias cd..='cd ..'
alias safe='cd ~/safe'
# Avoid symlink paths
alias cd='cd -P'
alias pwd='pwd -P'
alias cdb='cd $OLDPWD' # Go back a directory. Works with symlinks
# ===================================================================
# Listing aliases
# ===================================================================
# List Long - List files in acending order of size
alias ll='listlong'
alias ls='listlong --ll-ls'
# Additional listing options with exa
if command -v exa &> /dev/null; then
# Tree List Long - Recursively print a tree view
alias tll='listlong --ll-tree'
# Git List Long - Recursively print a tree view following .gitignore
alias gll='listlong --ll-git-tree'
# Directories List Long - List the directory hierarchy
alias dll='listlong --ll-dir-tree'
# All List Long - Detailed information for files in current working dir
alias all='listlong --ll-all'
# List symlinks
alias llinks='listlong --ll-links'
# ===================================================================
# Git
# ===================================================================
if command -v git &> /dev/null; then
alias gitst='git status -s'
alias gitllog='git log --graph --all --oneline --decorate --color=always | sed -n 1,5p'
alias gitlloga='git log --graph --all --oneline --decorate --color=always | bless'
alias gitllogw='git log --graph --all --date=relative --color=always --pretty="format:%C(auto,yellow)%h%C(auto,magenta) %C(auto,blue)%>(14,trunc)%ad %C(auto,green)%<(13,trunc) %aN%C(auto,red)%gD% D %C(auto,reset)%s" | bless'
alias gitdesk='github .'
alias gitcontrib='
git ls-files |
while read f
do git blame -w -M -C -C --line-porcelain "$f" | grep -I "^author "
done | sort -f | uniq -ic | sort -n --reverse'
# ===================================================================
# External programs
# ===================================================================
# nVim
if command -v nvim &> /dev/null; then
alias vi='nvim' vih='nvim +Rooter'
elif command -v vim &> /dev/null; then
alias vi='vim' vih='vim +Rooter'
# Veracrypt
if command -v veracrypt &> /dev/null
then alias vera='veracrypt -t'; fi
# Vifm
if command -v vifm &> /dev/null
then alias fm='vifm'; fi
# Vimiv
if command -v vimiv &> /dev/null
then alias vii=''; fi
# Qemu
if command -v qemu-system-x86_64 &> /dev/null
then alias qemu='qemu-system-x86_64'; fi
# Python
if command -v python3 &> /dev/null
then alias py='python3' venv='source ./bin/activate'; fi
# vim: set ft=bash ff=unix:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# PATH extensions ===================================================
# Cargo's binaries
export PATH="${HOME}/bin:${HOME}/.cargo/bin:${PATH}"
# Scripts mostly intended for use with hotkeys
export PATH="${HOME}/.configs_pointer/bin/hotkey_scripts:${PATH}"
# Custom scripts
export PATH="${HOME}/.configs_pointer/bin:${HOME}/.configs_pointer/bin/one_shots:${PATH}"
# History settings ==================================================
# Ignore duplicates common commands in history
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
export HISTIGNORE='history:pwd:exit:ll:ll -a: ls: tree:tty:pass *'
# Infinite history size
export HISTSIZE=
# Different history file to avoid truncation. Still truncates...
export HISTFILE=~/.bash_eternal_history
# Every prompt writes to history
# MacOS fixes =======================================================
if [[ $(uname -s) == 'Darwin' ]]; then
# Use coreutils binaries when possible. Man pages still open MacOS binary
# by default. Prefix 'g' to open the coreutils manpage
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin/:$PATH"
# Silence login warning about bash deprecation
# `ls --color` for BSD/MacOS
export CLICOLOR=1
# Homebrew ==========================================================
if [[ -x /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew ]]; then
eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
# Stop brew from upgrading all formula when installing something
# Swayland ==========================================================
if [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Linux" ]] && pidof sway &>/dev/null; then
export WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1
export SWAYSOCK="/run/user/$(id -u)/sway-ipc.$(id -u).$(pidof sway).sock"
# Man pages =========================================================
export MANWIDTH=90
export GIT_PAGER='' # Vim can't properly read git-diff colors
if [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Linux" ]] && command -v nvim &>/dev/null; then
export PAGER="/bin/sh -c \"unset PAGER;col -b -x | \
nvim -R -c 'set ft=man nomod nolist' -c 'map q :q<CR>' \
-c 'silent! %s/\v[0-9]+;[0-9];[0-9]+;[0-9]+;[0-9]+m//g' \
-c 'silent! %s/0m//g' \
-c 'nmap K :Man <C-R>=expand(\\\"<cword>\\\")<CR><CR>' -\""
# Config =============================================================
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=~/.config
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=~/.cache
export XDG_DATA_HOME=~/.local/share
export XDG_STATE_HOME=~/.local/state
export XDG_DATA_DIRS='/usr/local/share:/usr/share'
export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS='/etc/xdg'
# Enter GPG password using terminal
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
# For pass -c
# Open git commits and <C-x><C-e>, now <C-g>, in nvim. Absolute path is better
export EDITOR='nvim'
# Stop bash from exiting from ^d. 8 consecutive ^d will still exit
export IGNOREEOF=8
# Ripgrep needs this manually set
export RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH=~/.config/ripgrep/config
# Coloring ==========================================================
# Truecolor support gives full rgb support. This looks something like:
# \033[${bg};2;${red};${green};${blue};${special}m]
# For LS_COLORS and similar use:
# 38;2;${red};${green};${blue};${special}:
# Special modes can be combined. `1` is bold, `4` is underlined, `1;4` is both
# vim: set ft=bash ff=unix:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ===================================================================
# Shell fixes
# ===================================================================
# SSH alias completion ==============================================
local cur prev opts
opts=$(grep '^Host' ~/.ssh/config ~/.ssh/config.d/* 2>/dev/null | grep -v '[?*]' | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)
COMPREPLY+=( $(compgen -W "$opts" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
complete -F _ssh ssh rpluto
# Don't auto-executing line when leaving editor =====================
_edit_wo_executing() {
local editor="${EDITOR:-vi}"
printf '%s\n' "$READLINE_LINE" > "$tmpf"
eval "${editor} ${tmpf}"
rm -f "${tmpf}"
if [[ "$-" =~ "i" ]]; then
bind -x '"\C-x\C-e":_edit_wo_executing'
bind -x '"\C-g":_edit_wo_executing'
# End up in the same directory as vifm exited in
vifmmv() {
local dst="$(command vifm --choose-dir - "$@")"
if [ -z "$dst" ]; then
printf 'Directory was not changed\n'
return 1
cd "$dst"
# Better exiting ====================================================
# Don't exit with background jobs still running. Particularly for Qemu
function exit () {
if [[ "$(jobs | wc -l)" -ne 0 ]]; then
printf 'Exit prevented.\nThere are background jobs:\n'
return 1
builtin exit
# Necessary alias ===================================================
russy () {
if [[ "$1" == "baka" ]]; then
cargo check
elif [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && [[ -e ./src/ ]]; then
cargo test
elif [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
cargo run
elif [[ $# -eq 1 ]] && [[ "$1" =~ \.rs$ ]]; then
rustc -C opt-level=3 "$1"
elif [[ "$1" == "run" && "$2" =~ \.rs$ ]]; then
rustc -C opt-level=3 "$2" && ./"${2%.*}"
eval "cargo $@"
# ===================================================================
# Switching color schemes
# ===================================================================
complete -W \
"--help --query dark light dracula github gruvboxdark gruvboxlight" \
# ===================================================================
# Additional utilities
# ===================================================================
# Colored pagination ================================================
function bless () {
if [[ $1 =~ "-h" ]]; then
echo 'USAGE:'
echo ' bless <file_to_paginate>'
# Do not quote $1. Prevents piped reads
if command -v bat &> /dev/null; then
bat --color=always $1 | less -r
#cat $1 | vim -R -c 'set ft=man nomod nolist' -c 'map q :q<CR>' \
# -c 'map <SPACE> <C-D>' -c 'map b <C-U>' \
# -c 'nmap K :Man <C-R>=expand(\\\"<cword>\\\")<CR><CR>' -
less -r $1
# Attach to tmux session ============================================
function ta() {
if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
tmux new -As "$1"
elif [[ -n "$TMUX" ]]; then
tmux switch-client -n
elif [[ ("${-}" =~ i && -z "${TMUX}" && -n "${SSH_CONNECTION}") || -n "${SSH_TTY}" ]]; then
tmux new-session -As ssh_tmux 2>&1 \
| grep -v 'sessions should be nested with care' # Don't care
tmux attach 2>/dev/null || tmux new -As 0
# Image magick ======================================================
function magika() {
if [[ "$1" == "a" || "$1" == "av1" ]]; then
magick convert "$2" "${2%.*}.avif"
elif [[ "$1" == "i" ]]; then
magick identify "$@"
elif [[ "$1" == "c" ]]; then
magick convert "$@"
magick "$@"
# Make a directory and navigate into it =============================
function cddir() {
if [[ "$#" -lt 1 ]] || [[ "$1" =~ '--help' ]]; then
echo 'Function: cddir()'
echo 'USAGE:'
echo ' cddir <dir_name>'
mkdir -p "$1" && cd ./"$1"
# Change the prompt - alias for change_bash_prompt ==================
function bprompt () {
source ~/.bash_prompt "$@"
# Enable truecolors over an ssh connection ==========================
function truecolor () {
export COLORTERM='truecolor'
if command -v tmux has-session &> /dev/null; then
tmux setenv COLORTERM truecolor
source ~/.bash_prompt
# vim: set ft=bash ff=unix:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Source completion scripts ========================================
source_completion_scripts () {
[ -r "/usr/local/etc/profile.d/" ] && . "/usr/local/etc/profile.d/"
[ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ] && . ~/.git-completion.bash
# Fzf
[ -f ~/.fzf.bash ] && . ~/.fzf.bash
# Arch uses a different location
[ -f /usr/share/fzf/key-bindings.bash ] && . /usr/share/fzf/key-bindings.bash
if [[ "$(type -t _fzf_setup_completion)" == 'function' ]]; then
_fzf_setup_completion path mpv vi vii nvim vimiv cat
# Welcome prompts ===================================================
print_version_and_platform () {
local os_name bash_version
if [[ -n "${BASH_VERSION}" ]]; then
case "$(uname)" in
os_name="$(awk '/PRETTY_NAME/ {
split($0, a, "=")
gsub(/"/, "", a[2])
print a[2]
}' /etc/os-release)"
Darwin) os_name="MacOS $(sw_vers -productVersion)" ;;
printf 'GNU bash %s on %s\n\n' \
"${bash_version:-Unknown}" "${os_name:-Unknown Platform}"
print_user_msg () {
local username tty_name
username="$(id -un)"
tty_name="$(tty | awk '{ print substr($0, 6) }')"
printf '%s: %s @ %s\n' \
"${username}" "${tty_name}" "${HOSTNAME}"
print_welcome_message () {
# Login items =======================================================
is_ssh_connection () {
[[ "${-}" =~ i ]] && [[ -z "${TMUX}" ]] && [[ -n "${SSH_CONNECTION}" ]] \
|| [[ -n "${SSH_TTY}" ]]
has_tmux () {
command -v tmux &> /dev/null
set_starting_dir () {
if [[ "$PWD" == "$HOME" && -d ~/safe && "$IS_VIFM_NEST" != 'T' ]]; then
cd ~/safe
# =============================================================================
# Run script
# =============================================================================
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_prompt
[[ "$IS_VIFM_NEST" == 'T' ]] || print_welcome_message
printf '\n'
# Start in routing directory on login ====
# Attach ssh connections to a dedicated tmux session ====
if is_ssh_connection && has_tmux; then
tmux new-session -As ssh_tmux 2>&1 \
| grep -v 'sessions should be nested with care' # We don't care
# Bash completion ====
# vim: set ft=bash ff=unix:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export PS1
function print_help () {
local invoke_name='change_bash_prompt'
cat << EOF
Change the current bash prompt
USAGE: $invoke_name [--help] [color-mode] [components ...]
[-h|--help] Show this message
host | hostname Hostname of system
tty Terminal's name
pwd | dir Present working directory
user Username
git Git branch
space | tab 4 white space characters
exit | code Last non-zero exit code
$invoke_name # Reset prompt
$invoke_name tty pwd git exit # Default prompt
$invoke_name tab tab user exit # Very minimal
# Select color mode =================================================
function is_default_prompt () {
[[ "$#" -eq 0 ]]
function exit_code () {
local code="$?"
if [[ "$code" != "0" ]]; then
printf " [%d]" "$code"
function change_bash_prompt () {
# Set colors ======================================================
local purple='\[\033[0;35;1m\]'
local yellow='\[\033[0;33;1m\]'
local red='\[\033[0;31;1m\]'
# Prompt components ===============================================
local hostname="${purple}"'[\h]'
local tty="${purple}$(tty | cut -c6-12)"
local cwd="${yellow}"'\W'
local user="${red}"'\u'
local git="${user}"
local exit="${red}"'$(exit_code)'
local prompt_end='\[\e[m\]\$ ' # Trailing nbsp (u00A0) for tmux reverse search
if [ -f ~/.git-prompt.bash ]; then
local git="${red}"'$(__git_ps1 "(%s)")'
local prompt=''
[[ "$IS_VIFM_NEST" != 'T' ]] || prompt+="<VIFM>" # Alert when nested in vifm
# Default prompts =================================================
if is_default_prompt "$@"; then
if [[ -n $SSH_TTY ]] || [[ -n $SSH_CLIENT ]] || [[ -n $SSH_CONNECTION ]]; then
prompt+="${hostname}:${cwd} ${git}${exit}"
prompt+="${tty}:${cwd} ${git}${exit}"
# Build customized prompts ========================================
local seperator=':'
for opt in "$@"; do
case "$opt" in
host | hostname) prompt+="$hostname" ;;
tty) prompt+="$tty" ;;
cwd | pwd | dir) prompt+="$cwd" ;;
user) prompt+="$user" ;;
exit | code) prompt+="$exit" ;;
space | tab)
prompt+=" "
-h | --help)
print_help "$@"
return 0
printf 'Unrecognized option `%s`\n' "$opt"
printf 'Rerun with --help for more information\n'
return 1
seperator=' '
change_bash_prompt "$@"
# vim: set ft=bash ff=unix:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Source all bash configs files, except prompt and profile
# Adapted from
# Source bash_functions twice to fix interdependency between bash_functions and
# bash_aliases
source ~/.bash_env
source ~/.bash_functions
source ~/.bash_aliases
source ~/.bash_functions
# shopt -s histappend
# Suppress prompt warning when switching users
if [[ -r ~/.git-prompt.bash ]]; then
source ~/.git-prompt.bash
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# History selection in reverse search
#"\e[A": history-search-backward
#"\e[B": history-search-forward
# These keybinds work in readline repls like python
"\C-p": history-search-backward
"\C-n": history-search-forward
"\C-f": forward-char
"\C-j": backward-char
"\C-w": forward-word
"\C-b": backward-word
"\C-u": backward-kill-word
"\C-l": complete
set colored-stats On
set completion-ignore-case
# vim: set ff=unix ft=sh:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Infinite history size
export HISTSIZE=
# Different history file to avoid truncation
export HISTFILE=~/.bash_eternal_history
# vim: set ft=sh ff=unix:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Filters out and prettifies battery information
upower --dump | awk '
/Device/ {
device[++devices_cnt]["name"] = substr($0, 41);
i = 1;
/(energy|state|percentage|time to)/ { device[devices_cnt][i++] = $0 }
/model/ {
split($0, a);
for (k in a)
if (!(tolower(a[k]) ~ /model:/))
device[devices_cnt]["model"] = device[devices_cnt]["model"] " " a[k];
for (dev in device) {
if (length(device[dev]["model"]) > 0)
printf "====%s :: %s ========\n",
device[dev]["model"], device[dev]["name"];
printf "==== %s ========\n", device[dev]["name"];
for (i in device[dev]) {
is_name = (tolower(device[dev][i]) ~ /(device|model)/);
is_label = (device[dev][i] ~ /:/);
if (!is_name && is_label)
printf "%s\n", device[dev][i];
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
print_help() {
cat <<HELP
Check if a domain is available. Sends a notification if it is
USAGE: $(basename "$0") <domain>
if [[ "$1" =~ ^[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z]+)+$ ]]; then
whois "$1" | awk -v d_name="$1" '
BEGIN { is_available = 1 }
/Updated Date/ { is_available = 0; print }
/Creation Date/ { is_available = 0; print }
/Registry Expiry Date/ { is_available = 0; print }
if (is_available) {
printf "%s is available!!!\n", d_name
system("notify-send -u critical -t 3600000 \""d_name"\" \"Domain "d_name" is available!\"")
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Warning: Many other files in these configs depend on this script. Do not
# rename it or remove it from ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ unnecessarily
__print_color_help() {
cat <<HELP
Changes the color scheme in vim, vifm, vimiv, bash, tmux, and alacritty
-q, --query Print the current color scheme and exit
-c, --colorscheme Print the current color scheme and exit
-t, --tone Print the current tone (dark|light) and exit
-h, --help Print this message and exit
Available colors:
gruvboxdark - Default dark medium contrast
gruvboxlight - Light medium contrast
dracula - High contrast dark
github - High contrast white
|||| gruvboxdark
|||| --colorscheme
# Detect current alacritty color scheme
declare -r ALACRITTY_COLO=~/.config/alacritty/colors.yml
declare -r VIMIV_CONF=~/.config/vimiv/vimiv.conf
if [[ -r "$ALACRITTY_COLO" ]]; then
COLOR_SCHEME="$(awk -F '*' '/^colors:/ { print $2 }' "$ALACRITTY_COLO")"
# Returns one of "light" or "dark"
__query_color_tone() {
case "$COLOR_SCHEME" in
base16-gruvbox-dark-pale) echo 'dark' ;;
base16-gruvbox-light-hard) echo 'light' ;;
base16-dracula) echo 'dark' ;;
base16-github) echo 'light' ;;
*) echo 'dark' ;;
__print_current_colors() {
echo "Current color scheme: $COLOR_SCHEME"
echo "Current color tone: $(__query_color_tone)"
# Changes the colors and sets environment variables
__change_colors_to() {
# Updates the color scheme for alacritty. Best with alacritty's live reload
__change_alacritty_colors() {
local tmp="$(mktemp)"
awk -v c="$COLOR_SCHEME" '/^colors: /{ $2="*"c } 1' "$ALACRITTY_COLO" > "$tmp"
mv -f "$tmp" "$ALACRITTY_COLO"
__change_vimiv_colors() {
if [[ -w "$VIMIV_CONF" ]]; then
local tmp="$(mktemp)"
awk -v c="$COLOR_SCHEME" '/^\s*style = /{ $3=c } 1' "$VIMIV_CONF" > "$tmp"
mv -f "$tmp" "$VIMIV_CONF"
case "$1" in
-t | --tone) __query_color_tone ;;
-c | --colorscheme) echo "$COLOR_SCHEME" ;;
-q | --query) __print_current_colors ;;
-h | --help) __print_color_help ;;
light | gruvboxlight) __change_colors_to "base16-gruvbox-light-hard" ;;
dracula) __change_colors_to "base16-dracula" ;;
github) __change_colors_to "base16-github" ;;
dark | gruvboxdark) __change_colors_to "base16-gruvbox-dark-pale" ;;
*) __print_color_help ;;
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Pastebin for terminal. Copies the paste's URL to the clipboard
# isn't very responsive, so it may appear to freeze for a few seconds
# Use with visual selection in vim:
# <range>!
# Lifted from:
if [[ $1 =~ '-h' ]]; then
declare -r name="$(basename "$0")"
cat <<EOF
Paste text onto Corresponding url is copied to the clipboard
echo "Sample save" | $name
wl-paste | $name
pbpaste | $name
cat | $name
exit 0
readonly STDIN="$(cat)"
cat >> /tmp/ix.log <<<"${STDIN}"
declare url="$(curl -s -F 'f:1=<-' <<<"${STDIN}")" || {
exit 1
if [[ "$(uname -s)" == 'Darwin' ]]; then
printf '%s' "${url}" | pbcopy
osascript -e 'display notification "'"URL: ${url}"'" with title "Vim" subtitle "Copied to clipboard"'
printf '%s' "${url}" | wl-copy
notify-send -t 2000 'Vim' 'Copied ix url to wl-clipboard'
# vim: set syn=bash ff=unix:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Compiler and tester for kattis problems
# kat expects a ./sample directory with files named /input_[0-9]+/ and a
# corresponding /output_[0-9]+/ file. These will be run in sequence from lowest
# to highest number
# Supported languages:
# - Rust: Expects a ./src/ file, as well as a ./Cargo.toml
# - Python: Expects with a single .py file or a or ./src/
# - C: Expects a ./main.c file or ./src/main.c
import argparse, sys, os, pathlib, time, subprocess, re
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Tuple
from pathlib import Path
class ProgrammingLang(ABC):
def __init__(self, root: Path, main_file: Path):
def compile_debug(self):
def compile_release(self):
def run_debug(self, input_file, output_file) -> int:
def run_release(self, input_file, output_file) -> int:
class Rust(ProgrammingLang):
def __init__(self, root: Path, main_file: Path):
self.main_file = main_file
self.root = root
self.bin_name =
self.release_bin = os.path.join(root, 'target', 'release', self.bin_name)
self.debug_bin = os.path.join(root, 'target', 'debug', self.bin_name)
def compile_debug(self):
cmd =['cargo', 'build'], cwd=self.root)
if cmd.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(f'Compile time error: code {cmd.returncode}')
def compile_release(self):
cmd =['cargo', 'build', '--release'], cwd=self.root)
if cmd.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(f'Compile time error: code {cmd.returncode}')
def __run(self, input_file, output_file, sub_dir: Path) -> int:
start = time.time()
cmd =
os.path.join(self.root, 'target', sub_dir, self.bin_name),
stdin=input_file, stdout=output_file)
end = time.time()
if cmd.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(f'Runtime error: code {cmd.returncode}')
return end - start
def run_debug(self, input_file, output_file) -> int:
return self.__run(input_file, output_file, 'debug')
def run_release(self, input_file, output_file) -> int:
return self.__run(input_file, output_file, 'release')
class Clang(ProgrammingLang):
def __init__(self, root: Path, main_file: Path):
self.main_file = main_file
self.root = root
self.bin_name = 'clang_out'
self.release_bin = self.debug_bin = os.path.join(root, self.bin_name)
def compile_debug(self):
cmd =[
'gcc', '-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Werror',
'-g', '-O2', '-std=gnu11', '-static',
'-o', self.debug_bin, '-lm'
if cmd.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(f'Compile time error: code {cmd.returncode}')
def compile_release(self):
cmd =[
'gcc', '-g', '-O2', '-std=gnu11', '-static',
'-o', self.release_bin, '-lm'
if cmd.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(f'Compile time error: code {cmd.returncode}')
def run_debug(self, input_file, output_file) -> int:
return self.run_release(input_file, output_file)
def run_release(self, input_file, output_file) -> int:
start = time.time()
cmd =,
stdin=input_file, stdout=output_file)
end = time.time()
return end - start
class CPlusPlus(ProgrammingLang):
def __init__(self, root: Path, main_file: Path):
self.main_file = main_file
self.root = root
self.bin_name = 'clang_out'
self.release_bin = self.debug_bin = os.path.join(root, self.bin_name)
def compile_debug(self):
cmd =[
'g++', '-g', '-O2', '-std=gnu++17', '-static',
'-lrt', '-Wl,--whole-archive', '-lpthread',
'-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Werror',
'-o', self.release_bin
if cmd.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(f'Compile time error: code {cmd.returncode}')
def compile_release(self):
cmd =[
'g++', '-g', '-O2', '-std=gnu++17', '-static',
'-lrt', '-Wl,--whole-archive', '-lpthread',
'-o', self.release_bin
if cmd.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(f'Compile time error: code {cmd.returncode}')
def run_debug(self, input_file, output_file) -> int:
return self.run_release(input_file, output_file)
def run_release(self, input_file, output_file) -> int:
start = time.time()
cmd =,
stdin=input_file, stdout=output_file)
end = time.time()
return end - start
class Python(ProgrammingLang):
def __init__(self, root: Path, main_file: Path):
self.main_file = main_file
self.root = root
self.bin_name =
self.release_bin = self.debug_bin = main_file
def compile_debug(self):
def compile_release(self):
def __run(self, input_file, output_file, interpreter) -> int:
start = time.time()
cmd =[interpreter, self.release_bin],
stdin=input_file, stdout=output_file)
end = time.time()
if cmd.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(f'Runtime error: {cmd.returncode}')
return end - start
def run_debug(self, input_file, output_file) -> int:
return self.__run(input_file, output_file, '/usr/bin/python3')
def run_release(self, input_file, output_file) -> int:
return self.__run(input_file, output_file, '/usr/bin/pypy3')
# Returns the language object
def find_language(root: Path):
ls = os.listdir(root)
if 'src' in ls:
src = os.listdir(os.path.join(root, 'src'))
if '' in src:
return Rust(root, Path('src', ''))
elif 'main.c' in src:
return Clang(root, Path('src', 'main.c'))
elif '' in src:
return CPlusPlus(root, Path('src', ''))
elif 'main.cpp' in src:
return CPlusPlus(root, Path('src', 'main.cpp'))
elif '' in src:
return Python(root, Path('src', ''))
elif '.py' in '\t'.join(ls):
return Python(root, Path('src', next(p for p in ls if '.py' in p)))
if '' in ls:
return Rust(root, Path(''))
elif 'main.c' in ls:
return Clang(root, Path('main.c'))
elif '' in ls:
return CPlusPlus(root, Path(''))
elif 'main.cpp' in ls:
return CPlusPlus(root, Path('main.cpp'))
elif '' in ls:
return Python(root, Path(''))
elif '.py' in '\t'.join(ls):
return Python(root,
Path(os.path.join(root, next(p for p in ls if '.py' in p))))
raise Exception('Language not found or not supported')
def project_root() -> Path:
cwd = Path('.').cwd()
if == 'sample' or == 'src':
return cwd.parent
return cwd
def test_files(root: Path, nb: int) -> Tuple[Path, Path, Path]:
t_input = os.path.join(root, f'sample/input_{nb}')
t_output = os.path.join(root, f'sample/output_{nb}')
real_output = os.path.join(root, f'sample/run_output_{nb}')
return t_input, t_output, real_output
def is_test_exists(n: str, root: Path) -> bool:
samples = os.listdir(os.path.join(root, 'sample'))
if f'input_{n}' not in samples:
print(f'sample/input_{n} not found')
return False
if f'output_{n}' not in samples:
print(f'sample/output_{n} not found')
return False
return True
def run_test(lang, n: int, root: Path, is_time: bool, is_debug: bool) -> bool:
t_in_name, t_out_name, r_out_name = test_files(root, n)
r_out = open(r_out_name, 'w')
t_out = open(t_out_name, 'r')
t_in = open(t_in_name, 'r')
print(f"==== Testcase {n} ====")
if is_debug:
run_time = lang.run_debug(t_in, r_out)
run_time = lang.run_release(t_in, r_out)
if is_time:
print(f"Time: {run_time : 4.3f}s")
r_out = open(r_out_name, 'r')
lines_real =
lines_out =
if len(lines_real) != len(lines_out):
if not is_time:
print(f"!!! Mismatched output\n"
f"Real line count: {len(lines_real)}\n"
f"Expected line count: {len(lines_out)}")
print(f'!!! Failed on test {n}. See ./sample/run_output_{n}')
return False
for i in range(len(lines_real)):
if lines_real[i] != lines_out[i]:
if not is_time:
print(f"!!! Mismatched output\n"
f"Real Output: `{lines_real[i]}`\n"
f"Expected Out: `{lines_out[i]}`")
print(f'!!! Failed on test {n}. See ./sample/run_output_{n}')
return False
return True
# Returns True if all cases passed. Otherwise returns False and the number of
# test cases
def run_tests(lang, root: Path, is_time: bool, is_debug: bool) -> Tuple[bool, int]:
sample_dir = os.listdir(os.path.join(root, 'sample'))
except FileNotFoundError:
print("No ./sample directory found. Cannot test script")
return [False, None]
cases = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None,
[re.match(r'^input_([0-9]+)$', f) for f in sample_dir]))
for case in cases:
if not is_test_exists(, root):
raise Exception()
N = len(cases)
cases.sort(key=lambda x:
for case in cases:
if not run_test(lang,, root, is_time, is_debug):
return False, N
except Exception as e:
return False, N
return True, N
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Compiler and tester for kattis problems')
parser.add_argument("-t", "--time", action="store_true",
help="Time the runtime of each test case")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true",
help="Use the debugging compiler")
parser.add_argument("test_case", type=str, metavar='T', nargs='?',
help="Time one specific test case in debug")
args = parser.parse_args()
root = project_root()
lang = find_language(root)
except Exception as e:
print(f'Failed to detect language: {e}')
if args.debug or args.test_case is not None:
except Exception as e:
if args.test_case is not None:
if is_test_exists(args.test_case, root):
if run_test(lang, args.test_case, root, True, True):
print(f'Passed test case ({args.test_case})')
is_passed, n = run_tests(lang, root,
args.time or args.test_case,
args.debug or args.test_case)
if is_passed:
print(f'All test ({n}) cases passed!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\nKeyboard interrupt. Program killed");
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Greps file and directory names in given directory for a pattern. If no
# directory is provided, the present working directory is used
print_help () {
local exe_name="$(basename "${0}")"
cat << HELP_MSG
List file names matching matching the pattern in a directory
${exe_name} <pattern> [dir]
${exe_name} bash ~
${exe_name} rc
is_help () {
[[ "${#}" -eq 0 ]] || [[ "${1}" == '--help' ]] || [[ "${1}" == '-h' ]]
#define_colors () {
# local colors
# IFS=: colors=(${EXA_COLORS})
# for color in "${colors[@]}"; do
# case "${color}" in
# fi*)
# color_file='\033['"$(cut -c 4- <<<"${color}")"'' ;;
# ln*)
# color_link='\033['"$(cut -c 4- <<<"${color}")"'' ;;
# esac
# done
if is_help "${@}"; then
print_help "${0}"
elif command -v fd &> /dev/null; then
for match in $(fd -aIHd1 "${search_pattern}" "${directory}"); do
printf '%s' "$(basename "${match}")"
if [[ -h "${match}" ]]; then
printf ' -> %s'\
"$(readlink "${match}" | awk '{ sub("'"$HOME"'", "~"); print }')"
printf '\n'
listlong -a "${directory}" | grep -i --color=always "${search_pattern}"
# ex: set syntax=bash ff=unix:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Print a directory listing with multiple default presets. Uses `exa` when
# available
# WARNING: Many scripts and aliases in these dotfiles depend on this script. Do
# not rename it or remove it from $PATH unnecessarily
print_help () {
cat << EOF
Directory listing with sensible defaults. Wraps around 'ls' and 'exa'
USAGE: $(basename "$0") [listing-type] [pass-through-args] [dir]
[-h|--help] Show this message
--ll-tree Display a recursive tree hierarchy
--ll-git-tree Display a tree following rules in .gitignore
--ll-dir-tree Display a tree of directories only
--ll-all Display extensive information about the current directory
--ll-links List symlinks in the current directory
--ll-ls Use of 'ls', even if 'exa' is available
* Passed as argument to 'exa' or 'ls'
for opt in "$@"; do
case "$opt" in
[[ -z "${PRESET}" ]] || continue # Only read first preset argument passed
case "$opt" in
--ll-tree) # Tree List Long - Recursively print a tree view
PRESET='-I ".git|target" --tree'
--ll-git-tree) # Git List Long - Recursively print a tree view following .gitignore
PRESET='--git-ignore --tree'
--ll-dir-tree) # Directories List Long - List the directory hierarchy
PRESET='--only-dirs --tree'
--ll-all) # All List Long - Detailed information for files in current working dir
PRESET='--all --header --links --blocks --group --modified --created --accessed'
--ll-ls) # Use ls instead of exa. Solves odd exa bugs
--ll-links) # List symlinks
PRESET='--color=always | awk "/->/"'
-h | --help)
exit 0
if command -v exa &> /dev/null && [[ "${FORCE_LS}" != 'T' ]]; then
eval "exa --long --sort=size --git --group-directories-first ${PRESET} ${PASS_THROUGH}"
elif ! ls --color &> /dev/null; then
# MacOS default ls
eval "ls -lhSrG ${PASS_THROUGH}"
# GNU ls or similar
eval "ls -lhSrG --color --group-directories-first ${PASS_THROUGH}"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse, os, subprocess, sys
def html_body(lyrics: list) -> str:
html_body = str();
is_in_stanza = False;
lines_in_stanza = 0;
for line in lyrics:
if not is_in_stanza: # Open new stanza
html_body += f'{"":>6}<p class="stanza">\n';
is_in_stanza = True
lines_in_stanza = 0
if line == '\n' and lines_in_stanza > 0: # Close stanza
html_body += f'{"":>6}</p>\n\n'
is_in_stanza = False
elif line != '\n': # Add non-blank line to stanza
html_body += f'{"":>10}<span class="line">{line.strip()}</span>\n'
lines_in_stanza += 1
html_body += f'{"":>6}</p>\n\n'
return html_body
def html_from_template(title, icon, body, url) -> str:
return html_template_top(title, icon) \
+ body \
+ html_template_bottom(title, url);
html_template_top = lambda title, icon : """\
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>""" + title + """</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href=" """ + icon + """ ">
body {
font-family: verdana;
background-color: #222;
color: #D4D4D4;
.stanza {
margin-left: 300px;
.line {
display: block;
font-size: 25px;
#rikaichan-window {
background-color: #222 !important;
color: #D4D4D4 !important;
#rikaichan-window .w-kanji {
font-size: 30px !important;
color: #8EC07C !important;
#rikaichan-window .w-kana {
font-size: 25px !important;
color: #FABD2F !important;
#rikaichan-window .w-conj {
color: #D3869B !important;
#rikaichan-window .w-def {
font-size: 20px !important;
color: #D4D4D4 !important;
body li.tod {
font-size: 18px ;
body li.tod:first-child:nth-last-child(2) {
font-size: 22px ;
body li.tod:nth-child(2) {
font-size: 16px ;
html_template_bottom = lambda title, url : f"""
<p style="margin: 50px; padding-left: 250px">
<a style="color: red; text-align: center"
>Link to video: {str(title)}</a>
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Quickly create an html file from lyrics');
parser.add_argument('-t', '--title', metavar='<title>', type=ascii);
parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', metavar='<url>', type=ascii);
parser.add_argument('-i', '--icon', metavar='<path>', type=ascii);
parser.add_argument('-d', '--download', metavar='<url>', type=ascii,
help='Download mp3 from url');
parser.add_argument('file', type=ascii, nargs='?',
help='Read lyrics from file');
args = parser.parse_args();
if args.file is not None or not sys.stdin.isatty():
title = args.title[1:-1] if args.title is not None else '';
url = args.url[1:-1] if args.url is not None else '';
icon = args.icon[1:-1] if args.icon is not None else '';
# Read lyrics lines
if args.file is not None:
lyrics_file = open(args.file[1:-1], 'r');
lyrics = lyrics_file.readlines();
lyrics = sys.stdin.readlines();
body = html_body(lyrics);
html = html_from_template(title, icon, body, url);
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# List system's WAN and LAN ip addresses
# Depends on ifconfig and awk
if [[ $1 =~ '-h' ]]; then
cat <<EOF
List the system's WAN and LAN addresses
$(basename "$0")
exit 0
awk_lan () {
awk '
BEGIN { print "Local:" }
/UP/ {
split($0, info, /:/)
device_name = '"$1"'
is_up = 1
match($0, /inet ([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}(\/[0-9]{1,3})? /) {
if (is_up) {
ip_addr = substr($0, RSTART + 5, RLENGTH - 5)
printf(" %s: %s\n", device_name, ip_addr)
is_up = 0
}' -
# List all possible inet addresses
if command -v ip address &> /dev/null; then
ip address | awk_lan 'substr(info[2], 2)'
elif command -v ifconfig &> /dev/null; then
ifconfig | awk_lan 'info[1]'
echo '`ifconfig` not found'
# Print network's public IP address
if command -v dig &> /dev/null; then
public_ip=$(dig +short
elif command -v host &> /dev/null; then
# Backup address fetching. Slower though more reliable
if [[ -z $public_ip ]]; then
if command -v curl &> /dev/null; then
public_ip=$(curl --silent
elif command -v wget &> /dev/null; then
public_ip=$(wget --quiet -O -
if [[ -n $public_ip ]]; then
echo "$public_ip" | awk ' match($0, /([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$/) {
printf("Public (WAN): %s\n", substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH))
echo 'Public IP not found'
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Read notes files from ~/.configs_pointer/notes
if [[ $1 =~ '-h' ]]; then
printf 'Open notes files from ~/.configs_pointer/notes\n'
exit 0
elif ! [[ -h ~/.configs_pointer ]]; then
cat <<ERR
Pointer to configs not found
Please set up a symlink ~/.config_pointer to the configs directory
exit 1
elif ! command -v fzf &>/dev/null; then
printf 'Requires fzf\n'
exit 1
# Fzf for notes file
if command -v fd &> /dev/null; then
notes_file=~/.configs_pointer/notes/"$(fd '.md' ~/.configs_pointer/notes -x basename | fzf)"
notes_file="$(find ~/.configs_pointer/notes -type f | fzf)"
# Use best available pagenator
if command -v nvim &>/dev/null; then
nvim -R "${notes_file}"
elif command -v vim &>/dev/null; then
vim -R "${notes_files}"
elif command -v bat &>/dev/null; then
bat --paging=always "${notes_file}"
less "${notes_file}"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Play MacOS system error sound: System Preferences -> Sound -> Sound Effects
if [[ $(uname) == 'Darwin' ]]; then
afplay $(defaults read .GlobalPreferences.plist \
| awk '/sound.beep.sound"/ { gsub(/(.*= ")|(";)/, ""); print }')
# vim: set syntax=bash ff=unix:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S awk -f
# Translate the unix-timestamps in bash history to dates. Requires gnu `date`
if ($0 ~ /^#[0-9]+$/)
system("date -d @" substr($0, 2));
print " "$0
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
print_help() {
cat <<HELP
Generate a random password from /dev/urandom, with characters from /[A-z0-9;-]/
Usage: $(basename "$0") <output-length>
$(basename "$0") 20 | wl-copy
$(basename "$0") 400 > key_file
Special characters: /[;-]/
Length must be at least $MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH. Passwords are generated until one of each a
lowercase, uppercase, digit, and special character are in the password.
Both special characters are required for passwords >=$LONG_PASSWORD_LENGTH characters long.
Really long passwords have at least 2 of each special character.
shopt -s lastpipe
declare -gri LENGTH="$1"
declare password=""
generate_password() {
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=3 count="$(( 10 * LENGTH ))" 2>/dev/null \
| base64 -w0 \
| tr '/' '-' \
| tr '+' ';' \
| cut -c "1-$LENGTH" \
| read -r password
contains_characterset() {
local p="$password"
if [[ $LENGTH -ge $(( 2*LONG_PASSWORD_LENGTH )) ]]; then
[[ $p =~ [A-Z] && $p =~ [a-z] && $p =~ [0-9] && $p =~ \;.+\; && $p =~ -.+- ]]
elif [[ $LENGTH -ge $LONG_PASSWORD_LENGTH ]]; then
[[ $p =~ [A-Z] && $p =~ [a-z] && $p =~ [0-9] && $p =~ \; && $p =~ - ]]
[[ $p =~ [A-Z] && $p =~ [a-z] && $p =~ [0-9] ]] && [[ $p =~ \; || $p =~ - ]]
if [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ && $1 -ge $MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH ]]; then
while ! contains_characterset; do
generate_password "$1"
echo "$password"
exit 1
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
print_long_help() {
cat <<EOF
Start a Pluto Notebook server through an ssh connection
rpluto [--help] [-p <host-port>] <local-port> <ssh-addr>
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p <host-port> Port use for on host for the Pluto Server
<local-port> Port on client to connect Pluto Server
<ssh-addr> Either an ~/.ssh/config alias or the host address
print_short_help() {
cat <<EOF
rpluto [--help] [-p <host-port>] <local-port> <ssh-addr>
For more information try --help
print_start_msg() {
cat <<EOF
Starting remote Pluto Notebook. This may take a few seconds...
Wait for a popup or connect here using a browser:
When you're finished type ^C in this terminal
# 1: Client port
# 2: SSH alias or address
# [3]: Host port
ssh_pluto_tunnel() {
if [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ]]; then
sleep 4 && open -n -a "Google Chrome" --args --incognito "http://localhost:$1" &
elif [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Linux" ]]; then
sleep 4 && chromium --incognito "http://localhost:$1" &>/dev/null
ssh -L "$1":localhost:"${3:-7000}" "$2"\
"julia -e\
\"import Pluto;
printf "\nNotebook has been shutdown\n"
exit 0
# Print help and exit ====
if [[ $1 == '--help' ]]; then
exit 0
elif [[ "$1" =~ '-h' ]]; then
exit 0
# Parse arguments ====
while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do
case $arg in
set -- "${positional_args[@]}"
# Set graceful exit
if [[ "$#" -eq 2 ]]; then
trap exit_msg SIGINT
print_start_msg "$1"
ssh_pluto_tunnel $1 $2 $host_port
exit 2
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Take and resize screenshots on wayland
# Input sources: Full, selection, dimensions, latest taken screenshot
# Filters: Resize, drop-shadow
# Output sources: File, clipboard
# Screenshot default: .png
# Resize default: .avif
# Each screenshot has 1 or more input sources and 1 or more output sources. The
# image extention is determined by the output file, --extension option, or
# defaults. Regardless of extension, every screenshot is first saved as a
# lossless PNG then converted to other formats. All intermediate files are
# saved in a temporary directory set by the --tmp-dir option
# Setting the --tmp-dir alongside the --resize option will modify the latest
# image in that directory
print_help() {
cat <<HELP
Take and resize screenshots on wayland
USAGE: $(basename "$1") [FLAGS] <ARG> [FILE]
-c, --clipboard Save the screenshot to your clipboard
-h, --help Print this help message and exit
-d, --drop-shadow <size> Save the screenshot with a drop-shadow on a white background
-e, --extension <ext> Change image extention saved
-r, --resize <size> Resize the latest screenshot instead of taking a new one
-s, --size <dimensions> Screenshot exact dimensions
-t, --tmp-dir <dir> Set the temporary save and resize source directory
area Takes a screenshot of an area selected by the mouse. Like cmd+shift+4
full Screenshots the full screen
markup Edit latest image in swappy. Incompatible with most options
$(basename "$1") full ~/Pictures/elaina_bubble_tea.png
$(basename "$1") -c area ~/Pictures/elaina_bubble_tea.png
$(basename "$1") -c -d 10 -s '20,400 200x180' ~/Pictures/elaina_bubble_tea.png
$(basename "$1") --resize 80% ~/Pictures/elaina_bubble_tea.webp
Saves full original copy under /tmp/screenshots_tmp/. The latest resize is
available at [FILE] or in the clipboard.
Make sure to specify --clipboard or a file path. There is no default!
declare -r SLURP_REGEX="^[0-9]+,[0-9]+[[:space:]][0-9]+x[0-9]+$"
# Not possible to call script without 2 args
parse_args() {
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
print_help "$0"
return 1
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case "$1" in
-c | --clipboard)
-d | --drop-shadow)
if [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+x[0-9]+$ ]]; then
elif [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
printf 'No size argument found for --drop-shadow option\n'
return 2
-e | --extension)
if [[ "$1" =~ ^\.[a-z0-9]+$ ]]; then
elif [[ "$1" =~ ^[a-z0-9]+$ ]]; then
-r | --resize)
if [[ "$1" =~ [0-9]+%$ ]]; then
elif [[ "$1" =~ [0-9]+$ ]]; then
printf 'Resize amount not specified. Ex: 100%% or 20\n'
return 2
-s | --size)
if [[ "$1" =~ $SLURP_REGEX ]]; then
printf 'No dimension argument found for --tmp-dir option\n'
return 2
-t | --tmp-dir)
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
printf 'No directory argument found for --tmp-dir option\n'
return 2
-h | --help)
print_help "$0"
return 1
if [[ -z "$OUTPUT_PATH" ]]; then
printf 'Multiple output paths specified when only one was expected\n'
return 2
# Assert valid number of inputs and outputs
if [[ -z "$CROP" && -z "$RESIZE" && -z "$IS_SWAPPY" ]]; then
printf 'No inputs specified!\n'
print_help "$0"
return 1
# Set defaults
set_global_defaults() {
if [[ -z "$EXT" && -n "$OUTPUT_PATH" ]]; then
elif [[ -z "$EXT" && -n "$RESIZE" ]]; then
elif [[ -z "$EXT" ]]; then
if [[ -z "$TMP_DIR" ]]; then
mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR"
TMP_PATH="${TMP_DIR}/$(date +%s).png"
if ! [[ -w "$TMP_DIR" ]]; then
printf 'Temporary path %s is not writable. Check permissions\n' "$TMP_PATH"
return 2
# Save screenshot into tmp
get_screenshot() {
if [[ "$CROP" == "area" ]]; then
grim -g "$(slurp)" "$TMP_PATH"
elif [[ "$CROP" == "fullscreen" ]]; then
grim "$TMP_PATH"
elif [[ "$CROP" =~ $SLURP_REGEX ]]; then
grim -g "$CROP" "$TMP_PATH"
apply_drop_shadow() {
magick convert "$TMP_PATH" \
\( +clone -background black -shadow "${SHADOW}+0+0" \) \
+swap -background white -layers merge +repage \
# Resize latest screenshot
resize_latest_screenshot() {
if [[ -n "$IS_SWAPPY" ]] || [[ -n "$RESIZE" && "$RESIZE" == '100%' && "$EXT" == 'png' ]]; then
TMP_PATH="$(fd -e 'png' -E '*_*' . "$TMP_DIR" | sort | tail -1)"
elif [[ -n "$RESIZE" ]]; then
local latest_screenshot="$(fd -e 'png' -E '*_*' . "$TMP_DIR" | sort | tail -1)"
if [[ -z "$latest_screenshot" ]]; then
printf 'No screenshots found to resize\n'
return 1
magick convert "$latest_screenshot" -resize "$RESIZE" "${EXT^^}:$TMP_PATH"
elif [[ "$EXT" != png ]]; then
local source_path="$TMP_PATH"
magick convert "$source_path" "${EXT^^}:$TMP_PATH"
# Copy screenshot to destination
copy_to_destination() {
if [[ "$IS_CLIPBOARD" == true ]]; then
wl-copy < "$TMP_PATH"
elif [[ "$IS_SWAPPY" == true ]]; then
swappy -f "$TMP_PATH" -o "${TMP_PATH%.*}_swappy.png"
if [[ -n "$OUTPUT_PATH" ]]; then
if ! parse_args "$@"; then
exit $?
set_global_defaults || exit $?
[[ -z "$SHADOW" ]] || apply_drop_shadow
resize_latest_screenshot || exit $?
copy_to_destination || exit $?
# wl-copy
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
// Quick and dirty tree representation of sway's tree string
// Input looks something like:
// H[T[H[S[Alacritty baobab] T[ArchWiki]]] T[chromium-browser Alacritty]]
// This can be found, in the case of one workspace, at
// swaymsg -t get_tree | jq '.nodes[1].nodes[0].representation'
// Which can then be piped to this script
// swaymsg -t get_tree | jq '.nodes[1].nodes[0].representation' | sway_tree 2>/dev/null
// For the example string above, the output will be
// └─┬(Horizontal)
// ├─┬(Tabbed)
// | └─┬(Horizontal)
// | ├─┬(Stacked)
// | | ├───> [Alacritty]
// | | └───> [Baobab]
// | └─┬(Tabbed)
// | └───> [ArchWiki]
// └─┬(Tabbed)
// ├───> [Chromium-browser]
// └───> [Alacritty]
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
fn main() {
let stdin = io::stdin();
let sway_representation = stdin.lock().lines().next()
.expect("Could not read from stdin")
.expect("Stdio error");
println!("{}", ParserTree::from(&sway_representation).format());
pub enum State {
pub enum Layout {
pub enum ParserTree {
Container(Layout, Vec<ParserTree>),
impl ParserTree {
pub fn new() -> Self {
pub fn from(str_rep: &str) -> Self {
pub fn new_leaf(title: String) -> Self {
pub fn container(layout: Layout, nodes: Vec<Self>) -> Self {
Self::Container(layout, nodes)
// Formats a tree view of parsed tree
pub fn format(self) -> String {
self.format_recursive(vec![false], true)
fn format_recursive(self, mut is_branched: Vec<bool>, is_last: bool) -> String {
let indent_size = 2;
let mut indent = (0..((is_branched.len() - 1) * indent_size)).map(|i| {
if i % indent_size == 0 && is_branched[i / indent_size + 1] {
} else {
' '
indent += match is_last {
true => "└─",
false => "├─",
return match self {
Self::Container(layout, children) => {
indent.push(if children.is_empty() { '─' } else { '┬' });
let mut container = indent;
match layout {
Layout::Horizontal => container.push_str("(Horizontal)\n"),
Layout::Vertical => container.push_str("(Vertical)\n"),
Layout::Tabbed => container.push_str("(Tabbed)\n"),
Layout::Stacked => container.push_str("(Stacked)\n"),
let last_i = children.len() - 1;
for (i, child) in children.into_iter().enumerate() {
container += &child.format_recursive(is_branched.clone(), i == last_i);
Self::Leaf(title) => {
let mut cs = title.chars();
let title_cased = match {
None => String::from("Untitled"),
Some(f) => f.to_uppercase().collect::<String>() + cs.as_str(),
format!("{}> {}\n", indent, title_cased)
Self::Empty => format!("{} - <>\n", indent),
fn parse_sway_tree(rep: &str) -> ParserTree {
let mut state = State::EnterContainer;
let characters: Vec<char> = rep.chars().collect();
let mut container_stack: Vec<(Layout, Vec<ParserTree>)> = Vec::new();
let mut c: char;
let mut i = 0;
loop {
c = characters[i];
match state {
State::ReadingTitle(ref mut title) => {
if c == ']' {
let leaf = ParserTree::new_leaf(title.clone());
let mut container = container_stack.pop().unwrap();
let child = ParserTree::container(container.0, container.1);
if !container_stack.is_empty() {
let parent = container_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
} else {
return child
eprintln!("PushLeaf: {:?}", &container_stack);
state = State::ExitContainer;
} else if c == ' ' {
let leaf = ParserTree::new_leaf(title.clone());
let container = container_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
eprintln!("PushLeaf: {:?}", &container_stack);
state = State::EnterContainer;
} else {
i += 1;
State::EnterContainer => {
let c1 = *characters.get(i + 1).unwrap_or(&'\0');
if (c == 'H' || c == 'V' || c == 'T' || c == 'S') && c1 == '[' {
eprintln!("AppendChild: {:?}", &container_stack);
i += 2;
} else {
state = State::ReadingTitle("".to_string());
State::ExitContainer => {
if c == ']' {
eprintln!("AppendParent:{:?}", &container_stack);
let container = container_stack.pop().unwrap();
let child = ParserTree::container(container.0, container.1);
if container_stack.len() == 0 {
return child
} else {
let parent = container_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
i += 1;
} else {
eprintln!("NextChild: {:?}", &container_stack);
state = State::EnterContainer;
i += 1;
// Creates new parts for a container
fn init_container(layout_char: char) -> (Layout, Vec<ParserTree>) {
match layout_char {
'H' => (Layout::Horizontal, vec![]),
'V' => (Layout::Vertical, vec![]),
'T' => (Layout::Tabbed, vec![]),
'S' => (Layout::Stacked, vec![]),
_ => unreachable!(),
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
swaymsg -t get_tree | jq '.nodes[1].nodes[].representation' | tr -d '"' | \
while read ln; do
space_num="$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq '.nodes[1].nodes['"$i"'].name' | tr -d '"')"
printf "Workspace %s :: %s\n" "$space_num" "$ln"
i=$(( i + 1 ))
printf "%s" "$ln" | sway_tree 2>/dev/null
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Usage: ./ [args]
# Args:
# console Loads the console version
# mac Loads the Mac keyboard version
# pc Loads the standard keyboard version
# Explanation =========
# Mac keyboards place their super key adjacent to the spacebar, while standard
# keyboards put alt in that spot:
# Macbook: Shift | z
# Fn | Ctrl | Alt | Super | Space
# Standard: Shift | z
# Fn | Ctrl | Super | Alt | Space
# To preserve consistency when switching keyboards, two versions of the same
# xremap config.yml are available. This script toggles between the two
# Xremap can also run in a non-graphical console. For this we don't need to
# remap Super and Alt, though we still need other keys, like capslock. An
# optional "console" argument can be passed to this script to load
# config_console.yml
print_help() {
cat <<HELP
Switches keyboard modifer keys between Mac and PC layouts
USAGE: $(basename "$0") <ARG>
mac Remaps assuming super is adjacent to the spacebar
pc Remaps assuming alt is adjacent to the spacebar
console Only remaps capslock to ctrl
help Print this message and exit
if ! command -v xremap &>/dev/null; then
printf "xRemap not found\nLayouts were not switched\n"
exit 1
case "$(echo "$1" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" in
ln -sf ~/.config/xremap/config_console.yml ~/.config/xremap/config.yml
echo "Switching to minimal console remapping"
ln -sf ~/.config/xremap/config_mac.yml ~/.config/xremap/config.yml
echo "Switching to mac layout :: ALT | SUPER | SPACE"
ln -sf ~/.config/xremap/config_standard.yml ~/.config/xremap/config.yml
echo "Switching to standard layout :: SUPER | ALT | SPACE"
exit 0
systemctl restart xremap
sleep 2
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Opens vimiv in thumbnail mode, when there's at least one image in the cwd
declare curr_image="$(fd -d 1 -e 'avif' -e 'gif' -e 'heif' -e 'icns' -e 'jpeg' -e 'jpg' -e 'png' -e 'tiff' -e 'webp' | tail -1)"
if [[ -n "$curr_image" ]]; then
vimiv \
--debug gui.eventhandler \
--command 'unbind <space> --mode=image' \
--command 'bind <space>h enter library --mode=image' \
--command 'bind <space>l enter thumbnail --mode=image' \
--command 'enter library' \
--command 'enter thumbnail' \
--command 'goto 0' \
vimiv \
--debug gui.eventhandler \
--command 'unbind <space> --mode=image' \
--command 'bind <space>h enter library --mode=image' \
--command 'bind <space>l enter thumbnail --mode=image' \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
required = true
name = Emiliko Mirror
email =
signingkey = ABCD1234LONGER
editor = nvim
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global
ui = true
tool = vimdiff
praise = blame
gpgsign = true
defaultBranch = main
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Vim
# macOS
# Custom
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-tty
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare MODE=""
declare -r UNIX_CONFIGS=(\
# Shell
bash/.profile ~/.profile
bash/.inputrc ~/.inputrc
bash/.bashrc ~/.bashrc
bash/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile
bash/.bash_env ~/.bash_env
bash/.bash_prompt ~/.bash_prompt
bash/.bash_aliases ~/.bash_aliases
bash/.bash_functions ~/.bash_functions
aerc ~/.config/aerc
alacritty ~/.config/alacritty
git/.gitignore_global ~/.gitignore_global
gnupg/gpg-agent.conf ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
mako ~/.config/mako
mpv ~/.config/mpv
chromium/chromium-flags.conf ~/.config/chromium-flags.conf
ripgrep ~/.config/ripgrep
swappy ~/.config/swappy
tmux ~/.config/tmux
vifm ~/.config/vifm
vimiv ~/.config/vimiv
warpd ~/.config/warpd
# Vim and Neovim
vim/.vim ~/.vim
vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
vim/nvim ~/.config/nvim
vim/.vim/plugin ~/.config/nvim/plugin
vim/.vim/colors ~/.config/nvim/colors
) \
# Swayland
sway ~/.config/sway
swaylock ~/.config/swaylock
xremap ~/.config/xremap
yofi ~/.config/yofi
) \
skhd ~/.config/skhd
yabai ~/.config/yabai
sketchybar ~/.config/sketchybar
skhd/com.skhd.launcher.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.skhd.launcher.plist
sketchybar/com.sketchybar.launcher.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.sketchybar.launcher.plist
warpd/com.warpd.launcher.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.warpd.launcher.plist
other/vlcrc ~/Library/Preferences/org.videolan.vlc/vlcrc
print_help() {
cat <<HELP
Install or query config files
mode: One of "status", "install"
-s, --silent Silences printout for properly installed configs
-b, --basename Printout includes basename of file for properly installed configs
-h, --help Print this menu and exit
./ [flags] <mode>
bash [flags] <mode>
main() {
# Verify we're in the right directory ====
if [[ "$(is_configs_directory)" != "true" ]]; then
printf 'Please move to the top level git directory with this script\n'
printf 'Aborting...\n'
exit 1
# Verify or install ~/.configs_pointer ====
local configs_pointer="$(configs_pointer_is_setup)"
if [[ "${configs_pointer}" != "valid" ]]; then
if [[ "${configs_pointer}" == "does not exist" ]]; then
if ! ln -s "$PWD" ~/.configs_pointer; then
printf 'Failed to link present directory to ~/.config_pointer\n'
printf 'Aborting...\n'
exit 1
printf '~/.configs_pointer does not point to this directory\n'
printf 'Remove ~/.configs_pointer and rerun this script\n'
printf 'Aborting...\n'
exit 1
# Default is status
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
iterate_over_configs 'status'
exit 0
# Parse arguments ====
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
case "$1" in
-s | --silent) MODE="${MODE} silent" ;;
-b | --basename) MODE="${MODE} basename" ;;
-h | --help) MODE="${MODE} help" ;;
status) MODE="${MODE} status" ;;
install) MODE="${MODE} install" ;;
printf 'Invalid argument: "%s"\n' "$1"
exit 1
# Run ====
if [[ "${MODE}" =~ "help" ]]; then
exit 0
elif [[ "${MODE}" =~ "status" ]]; then
iterate_over_configs 'status'
elif [[ "${MODE}" =~ "install" ]]; then
iterate_over_configs 'install'
exit 0
# Checks if the script is being run from the configs directory.
# Return code:
# 0 if it is the configs directory, 1 otherwise.
# Return string:
# Describes why this likely isn't the configs directory.
is_configs_directory() {
if ! [[ -d ./.git ]]; then
printf "Git folder not found in pwd\n"
printf "no .git directory"
return 1
elif ! [[ -x ./ ]]; then
printf " not found in pwd\n"
printf "file not in pwd"
return 1
printf "true"
return 0
configs_pointer_is_setup() {
if ! [[ -e ~/.configs_pointer ]]; then
printf "does not exist"
return 1
elif ! [[ -L ~/.configs_pointer ]]; then
printf "not a symlink"
return 1
elif ! [[ -x ~/.configs_pointer/ ]]; then
printf "no at symlink"
return 1
elif ! cmp -s ~/.configs_pointer/ ./; then
printf " files differ"
return 1
printf "valid"
return 0
# Return the status of a config.
# Arguments:
# 1: Path in configs directory. "from"
# 2: Path on the system. "to"
config_status() {
if [[ "$1" -ef "$2" ]]; then
printf "linked"
return 0
elif [[ -e "$2" ]]; then
printf "conflict"
return 1
elif ! [[ -e "$1" ]]; then
printf "missing"
return 1
printf "not_linked"
return 1
#│ Usεr iητεrfαcε fμηcτiδηs |
# Prints the status of a config.
# Arguments:
# 1: Status in {"not_linked", "conflict", "linked"}
# 2: System path to config file
# Outputs:
# Writes status to stdout
print_config_status() {
if [[ "${MODE}" =~ "basename" ]]; then
local name="$(basename "$2")"
local name="$(printf '%s' "$2" | sed 's#'"${HOME}"'#~#')"
if ! [[ "${MODE}" =~ "silent" ]] || [[ "$1" != "linked" ]]; then
case "$1" in
printf "★ %s :: Newly linked" "${name}" ;;
not_linked) printf "✗ %s :: Not Linked" "${name}" ;;
conflict) printf "≠ %s :: Conflicting file" "${name}" ;;
missing) printf "φ %s :: Missing config file" "${name}" ;;
linked) printf "✓ %s :: Linked" "${name}" ;;
*) printf "? %s :: Status unclear" "${name}" ;;
printf "\n"
print_install_completion_msg() {
cat <<END
Dotfile installation complete. If you have an internet connection, run
to complete the config installation.
#│ Cδηfig liηkiηg αrrαys |
create_directory_paths() {
local a=(\
if [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ]]; then
for d in "${a[@]}"; do
mkdir -p "$d"
# Launchd plists require absolute paths. To make this portable we bundle a
# .template file which has HOMEPATH in place of absolute paths to $HOME. These
# are replaced at install time to create the .plist.
fix_launchd_plists() {
local a=(
skhd/com.skhd.launcher.plist skhd/com.skhd.launcher.template
sketchybar/com.sketchybar.launcher.plist sketchybar/com.sketchybar.launcher.template
warpd/com.warpd.launcher.plist warpd/com.warpd.launcher.template
for ((i = 0; i < "${#a[@]}"; i=(i+2) )); do
local plist="${HOME}/.configs_pointer/${a[$i]}"
local template="${HOME}/.configs_pointer/${a[$i + 1]}"
sed -e 's#HOMEPATH#'"${HOME}"'#g' < "${template}" > "${plist}"
# Launchd requires an absolute path for sketchbar, which isn't available to brew
other_setup() {
if which sketchybar &>/dev/null && ! [[ -e ~/.configs_pointer/sketchybar/sketchybar ]]; then
ln -s "$(which sketchybar)" ~/.configs_pointer/sketchybar/sketchybar &>/dev/null
# Prints the status of a config.
# Arguments:
# 1: Path to config file. The "from" path.
# 2: Path to system file. The "to" path.
# Outputs:
# Writes status to stdout
install_config() {
local status=$(config_status "$1" "$2")
if [[ "${status}" != "not_linked" ]]; then
printf '%s\n' "${status}"
return 1
[[ -d "$1" ]] || mkdir -p "$(dirname "$2")"
if ln -s "$1" "$2"; then
printf "newly_linked"
return 0
return 1
# Arguments
# 1: Mode in {"status", "install"}
iterate_over_configs() {
if [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ]]; then
local a=("${UNIX_CONFIGS[@]}" "${MAC_ONLY[@]}")
local a=("${UNIX_CONFIGS[@]}" "${LINUX_ONLY[@]}")
for ((i = 0; i < "${#a[@]}"; i=(i+2) )); do
local from="${HOME}/.configs_pointer/${a[$i]}"
local to="${a[$i + 1]}"
if [[ "$1" == "status" ]]; then
local status="$(config_status "${from}" "${to}")"
print_config_status "${status}" "${to}"
elif [[ "$1" == "install" ]]; then
local status="$(install_config "${from}" "${to}")"
print_config_status "${status}" "${to}"
printf 'Invalid mode "%s" provided\n' "$1"
exit 1
main "$@"
# vim: set ft=bash syn=bash sw=2 ff=unix:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// defaults:
// explained:
// discussion:
// Set a binding for repeating action (e.g.: ^u, 5, right arrow)
// > defaults write -g NSRepeatCountBinding -string "^u"
// Local list:
// /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Resources/StandardKeyBinding.dict
// General methodology stays as with the rest of the configs
// startOfLine backWord backChar forwardChar forwardWord endOfLine
// Movements: ^a ^b ^j ^f w^ e^
// Selections: ^u ^h ^d k^
// Move by char. Overrides emacs defaults
"^f" = (moveForward:);
"^j" = (moveBackward:);
"^d" = (deleteForward:);
"^h" = (deleteBackward:);
// Move by word
"^w" = (moveWordForward:);
"^b" = (moveWordBackward:);
// Select by word
"^@w" = (moveWordForwardAndModifySelection:);
"^@b" = (moveWordBackwardAndModifySelection:);
// Delete to paragraph/line start/end
//"^u" = (moveToBeginningOfParagraphAndModifySelection:, delete:);
//"^k" = (moveToEndOfParagraphAndModifySelection:, delete:);
"^u" = (moveWordBackwardAndModifySelection:);
"^k" = (moveToEndOfParagraphAndModifySelection:);
// Select to paragraph/line start/end
"^@u" = (moveToBeginningOfParagraphAndModifySelection:);
"^@k" = (moveToEndOfParagraphAndModifySelection:);
// Uppercase word
"^y" = (uppercaseWord:, moveWordForward:, moveWordBackward:);
// ex: set ft=javascript:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
progress-color=over #000000
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
# mpv keybindings
# Location of user-defined bindings: ~/.config/mpv/input.conf
# Lines starting with # are comments. Use SHARP to assign the # key.
# Copy this file and uncomment and edit the bindings you want to change.
# List of commands and further details: DOCS/man/input.rst
# List of special keys: --input-keylist
# Keybindings testing mode: mpv --input-test --force-window --idle
# Use 'ignore' to unbind a key fully (e.g. 'ctrl+a ignore').
# Strings need to be quoted and escaped:
# KEY show-text "This is a single backslash: \\ and a quote: \" !"
# You can use modifier-key combinations like Shift+Left or Ctrl+Alt+x with
# the modifiers Shift, Ctrl, Alt and Meta (may not work on the terminal).
# The default keybindings are hardcoded into the mpv binary.
# You can disable them completely with: --no-input-default-bindings
# Developer note:
# On compilation, this file is baked into the mpv binary, and all lines are
# uncommented (unless '#' is followed by a space) - thus this file defines the
# default key bindings.
# If this is enabled, treat all the following bindings as default.
# default-bindings start
# MBTN_LEFT ignore # don't do anything
# MBTN_LEFT_DBL cycle fullscreen # toggle fullscreen
F cycle fullscreen
# MBTN_RIGHT cycle pause # toggle pause/playback mode
# MBTN_BACK playlist-prev # skip to the previous file
# MBTN_FORWARD playlist-next # skip to the next file
# Mouse wheels, touchpad or other input devices that have axes
# if the input devices supports precise scrolling it will also scale the
# numeric value accordingly
# WHEEL_UP seek 10 # seek 10 seconds forward
# WHEEL_DOWN seek -10 # seek 10 seconds backward
# WHEEL_LEFT add volume -2
# WHEEL_RIGHT add volume 2
# Anime filter keys
Ctrl+1 no-osd change-list glsl-shaders set "~~/shaders/Anime4K_Clamp_Highlights.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Restore_CNN_M.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_M.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x2.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x4.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_S.glsl"; show-text "Anime4K: Mode A (Fast)"
Ctrl+2 no-osd change-list glsl-shaders set "~~/shaders/Anime4K_Clamp_Highlights.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Restore_CNN_Soft_M.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_M.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x2.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x4.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_S.glsl"; show-text "Anime4K: Mode B (Fast)"
Ctrl+3 no-osd change-list glsl-shaders set "~~/shaders/Anime4K_Clamp_Highlights.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_Denoise_CNN_x2_M.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x2.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x4.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_S.glsl"; show-text "Anime4K: Mode C (Fast)"
Ctrl+4 no-osd change-list glsl-shaders set "~~/shaders/Anime4K_Clamp_Highlights.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Restore_CNN_M.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_M.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Restore_CNN_S.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x2.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x4.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_S.glsl"; show-text "Anime4K: Mode A+A (Fast)"
Ctrl+5 no-osd change-list glsl-shaders set "~~/shaders/Anime4K_Clamp_Highlights.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Restore_CNN_Soft_M.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_M.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x2.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x4.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Restore_CNN_Soft_S.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_S.glsl"; show-text "Anime4K: Mode B+B (Fast)"
Ctrl+6 no-osd change-list glsl-shaders set "~~/shaders/Anime4K_Clamp_Highlights.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_Denoise_CNN_x2_M.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x2.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x4.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Restore_CNN_S.glsl:~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_S.glsl"; show-text "Anime4K: Mode C+A (Fast)"
Ctrl+0 no-osd change-list glsl-shaders clr ""; show-text "GLSL shaders cleared"
# # Seek units are in seconds, but note that these are limited by keyframes
RIGHT seek 4 exact # seek 5 seconds forward
LEFT seek -4 exact # seek 5 seconds backward
j seek -12 exact
l seek 12 exact
# UP seek 60 # seek 1 minute forward
# DOWN seek -60 # seek 1 minute backward
# Do smaller, always exact (non-keyframe-limited), seeks with shift.
# Don't show them on the OSD (no-osd).
# Shift+RIGHT no-osd seek 1 exact # seek exactly 1 second forward
# Shift+LEFT no-osd seek -1 exact # seek exactly 1 second backward
# Shift+UP no-osd seek 5 exact # seek exactly 5 seconds forward
# Shift+DOWN no-osd seek -5 exact # seek exactly 5 seconds backward
# Ctrl+LEFT no-osd sub-seek -1 # seek to the previous subtitle
# Ctrl+RIGHT no-osd sub-seek 1 # seek to the next subtitle
# Ctrl+Shift+LEFT sub-step -1 # change subtitle timing such that the previous subtitle is displayed
# Ctrl+Shift+RIGHT sub-step 1 # change subtitle timing such that the next subtitle is displayed
# Alt+left add video-pan-x 0.1 # move the video right
# Alt+right add video-pan-x -0.1 # move the video left
# Alt+up add video-pan-y 0.1 # move the video down
# Alt+down add video-pan-y -0.1 # move the video up
# Alt++ add video-zoom 0.1 # zoom in
# Alt+- add video-zoom -0.1 # zoom out
# Alt+BS set video-zoom 0 ; set video-pan-x 0 ; set video-pan-y 0 # reset zoom and pan settings
# PGUP add chapter 1 # seek to the next chapter
# PGDWN add chapter -1 # seek to the previous chapter
# Shift+PGUP seek 600 # seek 10 minutes forward
# Shift+PGDWN seek -600 # seek 10 minutes backward
# [ multiply speed 1/1.1 # decrease the playback speed
# ] multiply speed 1.1 # increase the playback speed
# { multiply speed 0.5 # halve the playback speed
# } multiply speed 2.0 # double the playback speed
# BS set speed 1.0 # reset the speed to normal
# Shift+BS revert-seek # undo the previous (or marked) seek
# Shift+Ctrl+BS revert-seek mark # mark the position for revert-seek
# q quit
# Q quit-watch-later # exit and remember the playback position
# q {encode} quit 4
# ESC set fullscreen no # leave fullscreen
# ESC {encode} quit 4
# p cycle pause # toggle pause/playback mode
. frame-step # advance one frame and pause
, frame-back-step # go back by one frame and pause
SPACE cycle pause # toggle pause/playback mode
k cycle pause # toggle pause/playback mode
# > playlist-next # skip to the next file
# ENTER playlist-next # skip to the next file
# < playlist-prev # skip to the previous file
# O no-osd cycle-values osd-level 3 1 # toggle displaying the OSD on user interaction or always
# o show-progress # show playback progress
# P show-progress # show playback progress
# i script-binding stats/display-stats # display information and statistics
# I script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle # toggle displaying information and statistics
# ` script-binding console/enable # open the console
# z add sub-delay -0.1 # shift subtitles 100 ms earlier
# Z add sub-delay +0.1 # delay subtitles by 100 ms
# x add sub-delay +0.1 # delay subtitles by 100 ms
[ add sub-delay -0.1 # shift subtitles 100 ms earlier
] add sub-delay +0.1 # delay subtitles by 100 ms
{ add sub-delay -10 # shift subtitles 10s earlier
} add sub-delay +10 # delay subtitles by 10s
( add audio-delay -0.1 # change audio/video sync by delaying the audio
) add audio-delay +0.1 # change audio/video sync by shifting the audio earlier
# ctrl++ add audio-delay 0.100 # change audio/video sync by delaying the audio
# ctrl+- add audio-delay -0.100 # change audio/video sync by shifting the audio earlier
# Shift+g add sub-scale +0.1 # increase the subtitle font size
# Shift+f add sub-scale -0.1 # decrease the subtitle font size
# 9 add volume -2
# / add volume -2
# 0 add volume 2
# * add volume 2
m cycle mute # toggle mute
# 1 add contrast -1
# 2 add contrast 1
# 3 add brightness -1
# 4 add brightness 1
# 5 add gamma -1
# 6 add gamma 1
# 7 add saturation -1
# 8 add saturation 1
# Alt+0 set current-window-scale 0.5 # halve the window size
# Alt+1 set current-window-scale 1.0 # reset the window size
# Alt+2 set current-window-scale 2.0 # double the window size
# d cycle deinterlace # toggle the deinterlacing filter
# r add sub-pos -1 # move subtitles up
# R add sub-pos +1 # move subtitles down
# t add sub-pos +1 # move subtitles down
# v cycle sub-visibility # hide or show the subtitles
# Alt+v cycle secondary-sub-visibility # hide or show the secondary subtitles
# V cycle sub-ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat # toggle stretching SSA/ASS subtitles with anamorphic videos to match the historical renderer
# u cycle-values sub-ass-override "force" "no" # toggle overriding SSA/ASS subtitle styles with the normal styles
# j cycle sub # switch subtitle track
# J cycle sub down # switch subtitle track backwards
n cycle sub # switch subtitle track
N cycle sub down # switch subtitle track backwards
# SHARP cycle audio # switch audio track
a cycle audio
A cycle audio down
# _ cycle video # switch video track
# T cycle ontop # toggle placing the video on top of other windows
# f cycle fullscreen # toggle fullscreen
# s screenshot # take a screenshot of the video in its original resolution with subtitles
# S screenshot video # take a screenshot of the video in its original resolution without subtitles
# Ctrl+s screenshot window # take a screenshot of the window with OSD and subtitles
# Alt+s screenshot each-frame # automatically screenshot every frame; issue this command again to stop taking screenshots
# w add panscan -0.1 # decrease panscan
# W add panscan +0.1 # shrink black bars by cropping the video
# e add panscan +0.1 # shrink black bars by cropping the video
# A cycle-values video-aspect-override "16:9" "4:3" "2.35:1" "-1" # cycle the video aspect ratio ("-1" is the container aspect)
# POWER quit
# PLAY cycle pause # toggle pause/playback mode
# PAUSE cycle pause # toggle pause/playback mode
# PLAYPAUSE cycle pause # toggle pause/playback mode
# PLAYONLY set pause no # unpause
# PAUSEONLY set pause yes # pause
# STOP quit
# FORWARD seek 60 # seek 1 minute forward
# REWIND seek -60 # seek 1 minute backward
# NEXT playlist-next # skip to the next file
# PREV playlist-prev # skip to the previous file
# VOLUME_UP add volume 2
# VOLUME_DOWN add volume -2
= add volume 4
- add volume -4
# MUTE cycle mute # toggle mute
# CLOSE_WIN {encode} quit 4
ctrl+q quit
ctrl+w quit
# E cycle edition # switch edition
# l ab-loop # set/clear A-B loop points
# L cycle-values loop-file "inf" "no" # toggle infinite looping
# ctrl+c quit 4
# DEL script-binding osc/visibility # cycle OSC visibility between never, auto (mouse-move) and always
# ctrl+h cycle-values hwdec "auto" "no" # toggle hardware decoding
# F8 show-text ${playlist} # show the playlist
# F9 show-text ${track-list} # show the list of video, audio and sub tracks
# Legacy bindings (may or may not be removed in the future)
# ! add chapter -1 # seek to the previous chapter
# @ add chapter 1 # seek to the next chapter
# Not assigned by default
# (not an exhaustive list of unbound commands)
# ? cycle sub-forced-only # toggle DVD forced subs
# ? stop # stop playback (quit or enter idle mode)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
# custom settings #
volume='60' # Don't blast on open (use -/=)
save-position-on-quit # Starts from where you left off last time
#no-input-default-bindings # Disables all keybinds, including scripts!
no-input-builtin-bindings # Disables all default keybinds
# Example mpv configuration file
# Warning:
# The commented example options usually do _not_ set the default values. Call
# mpv with --list-options to see the default values for most options. There is
# no builtin or example mpv.conf with all the defaults.
# Configuration files are read system-wide from /usr/local/etc/mpv.conf
# and per-user from ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf, where per-user settings override
# system-wide settings, all of which are overridden by the command line.
# Configuration file settings and the command line options use the same
# underlying mechanisms. Most options can be put into the configuration file
# by dropping the preceding '--'. See the man page for a complete list of
# options.
# Lines starting with '#' are comments and are ignored.
# See the CONFIGURATION FILES section in the man page
# for a detailed description of the syntax.
# Profiles should be placed at the bottom of the configuration file to ensure
# that settings wanted as defaults are not restricted to specific profiles.
# video settings #
# Start in fullscreen mode by default.
# force starting with centered window
# don't allow a new window to have a size larger than 90% of the screen size
# Do not close the window on exit.
# Do not wait with showing the video window until it has loaded. (This will
# resize the window once video is loaded. Also always shows a window with
# audio.)
# Disable the On Screen Controller (OSC).
# Keep the player window on top of all other windows.
# Specify high quality video rendering preset (for --vo=gpu only)
# Can cause performance problems with some drivers and GPUs.
# Force video to lock on the display's refresh rate, and change video and audio
# speed to some degree to ensure synchronous playback - can cause problems
# with some drivers and desktop environments.
# Enable hardware decoding if available. Often, this does not work with all
# video outputs, but should work well with default settings on most systems.
# If performance or energy usage is an issue, forcing the vdpau or vaapi VOs
# may or may not help.
# audio settings #
# Specify default audio device. You can list devices with: --audio-device=help
# The option takes the device string (the stuff between the '...').
# Do not filter audio to keep pitch when changing playback speed.
# Output 5.1 audio natively, and upmix/downmix audio with a different format.
# Disable any automatic remix, _if_ the audio output accepts the audio format.
# of the currently played file. See caveats mentioned in the manpage.
# (The default is "auto-safe", see manpage.)
# other settings #
# Pretend to be a web browser. Might fix playback with some streaming sites,
# but also will break with shoutcast streams.
# cache settings
# Use a large seekable RAM cache even for local input.
# Use extra large RAM cache (needs cache=yes to make it useful).
# Disable the behavior that the player will pause if the cache goes below a
# certain fill size.
# Store cache payload on the hard disk instead of in RAM. (This may negatively
# impact performance unless used for slow input such as network.)
# Display English subtitles if available.
# Play Finnish audio if available, fall back to English otherwise.
# Change subtitle encoding. For Arabic subtitles use 'cp1256'.
# If the file seems to be valid UTF-8, prefer UTF-8.
# (You can add '+' in front of the codepage to force it.)
# You can also include other configuration files.
# profiles #
sub-font='Hiragino Sans W3'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
// Copy the current subtitles to the clipboard
// You may select the copied subtitles with `qwer` by default or just
// `<TAB><TAB>` to copy all of them
// Make sure to edit g.afterCopyAction[Mac|Linux] below. This command will be
// run by bash after the subtitles are copied to clipboard. For example to
// search them up in an online dictionary
// Rebind keys here
var key_binds = {
// Keys to move selection. Letters mean `move<Left/Right><Plus/Minus>`.
// moveLP increases the selection size by 1 character to the left
moveLP: "q",
moveLM: "w",
moveRM: "e",
moveRP: "r",
// Start and stop copying
copyKey: "TAB",
// Global
var g = {
osd: mp.create_osd_overlay("ass-events"),
has_moved_selection: false,
sub_chars: undefined,
sub_len: function () { return this.sub_chars.length },
start: 0,
end: 0,
// Shell script to run after copying. Both examples below assume chrome
// with a dictionary is open on workspace 3 and the "seach box focus"
// Chrome extension is installed
// MacOS version ======
// Uses skhd, not preinstalled
afterCopyActionMac: "/usr/bin/env -S bash -c '"
+ 'skhd -k "cmd + shift - a"' // Move to left desktop
+ ' && sleep .6'
+ ' && skhd -k "ctrl - l"' // Focus search bar
+ ' && sleep .1'
+ ' && skhd -k "cmd - a"' // Select entire search bar
+ ' && skhd -k "cmd - v"' // Paste clipboard
+ ' && skhd -k "return"' // Search
+ "'",
// Linux version ======
// Uses wtype, intended for swayland
afterCopyActionLinux: "/usr/bin/env -S bash -c '"
+ 'wtype -M logo -k 3' // Move to workspace 3
+ ' && sleep .2'
+ ' && wtype -M alt -k l' // Focus searchbar
+ ' && sleep .2'
+ ' && wtype -M ctrl -k v' // Paste
+ ' && wtype -k return' // Search
+ "'",
mp.add_key_binding(key_binds.copyKey, "startCopySubs", main);
function main() {
if (!initSelection()) {
mp.osd_message('No subtitles found', 1);
mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_binds.moveLP, "moveLP", function () { moveSelection(true, 'left') });
mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_binds.moveLM, "moveLM", function () { moveSelection(false, 'left') });
mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_binds.moveRM, "moveRM", function () { moveSelection(false, 'right') });
mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_binds.moveRP, "moveRP", function () { moveSelection(true, 'right') });
mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_binds.copyKey, "copySubs", function () {
mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_binds.copyKey, "startCopySubs", main);
g.has_moved_selection = false;
// Create a new selection printing on OSD
// Returns true when a new selection has been created
function initSelection() {
g.sub_chars = [];
var chars = mp.get_property('sub-text')
.replace('\n', '\\N')
.replace(/\u202A/g, '') // Left to right embed
.replace(/\u202C/g, '') // Right to left embed
if (chars.length === 0) return false;
// Combine \N with previous character
for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
if (chars[i+1] + chars[i+2] === '\\N')
g.sub_chars.push(chars[i] + chars[++i] + chars[++i])
// Select middle half of subs, the [1/4, 3/4] range
g.start = Math.floor(g.sub_len() / 4);
g.end = Math.floor(g.sub_len() * 3 / 4);
return true
// Write updated selection to osd
function renderSelection() {
var ass_str = "";
// Color selected characters in gruvbox yellow
for (var i = 0; i < g.sub_len(); i++) {
if (i === g.start) ass_str += "{\\c&H1476B7&}";
ass_str += g.sub_chars[i];
if (i === g.end) ass_str += "{\\c&HFFFFFF&}";
|||| = "{\\an2}" + ass_str;
// Increase or decrease the selection. At least one character must be selected
function moveSelection(is_additive, side) {
if (is_additive && side === 'left')
g.start -= (g.start !== 0);
else if (side === 'left')
g.start += (g.start < g.end);
else if (is_additive)
g.end += (g.end !== g.sub_len());
g.end -= g.start < g.end;
g.has_moved_selection = true;
// Remove selection from OSD and reset it to as before
function clearSelection() {
for (var bind in key_binds)
g.sub_chars = [];
// Copy the current selection to the clipboard
function copySelection() {
var selected = g.sub_chars.join('').replace(/\\N/g, ''); // Removes linebreaks
if (g.has_moved_selection) {
selected = selected.slice(g.start, g.end + 1);
kernel_name = mp.command_native({
name: "subprocess",
capture_stdout: true,
args: ["uname", "-s"],
if (kernel_name.match("Darwin")) {
mp.command("run bash -c \"echo '" + selected + "' | pbcopy\"");
mp.osd_message('Copied to clipboard', 1);
if (g.afterCopyActionMac)
mp.command("run " + g.afterCopyActionMac);
} else if (kernel_name.match("Linux")) {
mp.command("run bash -c \"echo '" + selected + "' | wl-copy\"");
mp.osd_message('Copied to clipboard', 1);
if (g.afterCopyActionLinux)
mp.command("run " + g.afterCopyActionLinux);
} else {
mp.msg.log("error", "Unrecognized kernel name: '" + kernel_name + "'");
// Depreciated
function copySubs() {
var subs = mp.get_property('sub-text').replace(/\u202a/g, '');
mp.command("run bash -c \"echo '" + subs + "' | pbcopy\"");
mp.osd_message('Copied to clipboard', 1);
//var is_windows = mp.get_property_native('options/vo-mmcss-profile', o).match(/o/);
//var is_mac = mp.get_property_native('options/cocoa-force-dedicated-gpu', o).match(/o/);
// ? "Is windows" : "Not windows?");
// ? "Is mac" : "Not a mac?");
//if (is_windows) {
// mp.osd_message('Windows is not supported at this time\nClipboard unchanged', 4);
// return
//} else if (is_mac) {
// mp.command("run /usr/bin/env -S bash -c 'echo \"" + subs + "\" | pbcopy'");
//} else {
// mp.command("run /usr/bin/env -S bash -c 'echo \"" + subs + "\" | xclip'");
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare PACMAN=""
# Linux and Cargo packages are written in pairs: (package_name, binary_name).
# Brew packages only use their binary name and are intended for MacOS.
# The binary name is used to check if the package is already installed from
# another source
declare -r \
'dante' 'aerc'
'w3m' 'aerc'
'aerc' 'aerc'
'alacritty' 'alacritty'
'bat' 'bat'
'calc' 'calc'
'dust' 'dust'
'exa' 'exa'
'fd' 'fd'
'foliate' 'foliate'
'fuzzel' 'fuzzel'
'fzf' 'fzf'
'gawk' 'gawk'
'git' 'git'
'git-lfs' 'git-lfs'
'grim' 'grim'
'pass' 'pass'
'slurp' 'slurp'
'swappy' 'swappy'
'imv' 'imv'
'jq' 'jq'
'mpv' 'mpv'
'neofetch' 'neofetch'
'neovim' 'nvim'
'paru' 'paru'
'ripgrep' 'rg'
'sway' 'sway'
'swaybg' 'swaybg'
'swaylock' 'swaylock'
'tealdeer' 'tldr'
'tmux' 'tmux'
'udisks2' 'udisksctl'
'vifm' 'vifm'
'viu' 'viu'
'wl-clipboard' 'wl-paste'
'wtype' 'wtype'
'zathura-pdf-mupdf' 'zathura'
'zathura' 'zathura'
) \
'alacritty' 'alacritty'
'bat' 'bat'
'du-dust' 'dust'
'exa' 'exa'
'fd-find' 'fd'
'ripgrep' 'rg'
'tealdeer' 'tldr'
'viu' 'viu'
) \
'bash' 'bat' 'calc' 'coreutils' 'dust' 'exa' 'fd' 'fzf' 'gawk' 'git'
'imagemagick' 'jq' 'mmv' 'mpv' 'neofetch' 'node' 'nvim' 'pngpaste'
'python3' 'ripgrep' 'skhd' 'tealdeer' 'tmux' 'vifm' 'viu' 'yabai'
) \
'mmv' 'mmv'
'nerd-fonts-meslo' 'font-manager'
'vimiv-qt-git' 'vimiv'
'warpd-wayland-git' 'warpd'
'wev' 'wev'
'wlsunset' 'wlsunset'
print_help() {
cat <<HELP
Install packages and external scripts. Uses the default package manager for
your system. May not work on some distros
./ [ARGS]
ssh Downloads essential packages directly via curl
help Prints this message and exits (default)
status Lists the download status of packages and exits
install Installs packages using package managers
main() {
if ! set_package_manager; then
printf "Failed to find package manager\nAborting...\n"
exit 1
printf "Found \`%s\` as system package manager\n" "${PACMAN}"
if [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" && "$1" == "install" ]]; then
cp -n ~/.configs_pointer/other/madoka_error.aiff ~/Library/Sounds/madoka_error.aiff
elif [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Linux" && "$1" == "install" ]]; then
elif [[ "$1" == "ssh" ]]; then
elif [[ "$1" == "status" ]]; then
exit 0
exit 0
if [[ "$1" == "install" ]]; then
printf 'Done\n'
set_package_manager () {
if ! command -v brew &>/dev/null && [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ]]; then
eval "$(curl -fsSL '')"
if command -v paru &> /dev/null; then PACMAN='paru -S'
elif command -v pacman &> /dev/null; then PACMAN='sudo pacman -S'
elif command -v apt-get &> /dev/null; then PACMAN='sudo apt-get install'
elif command -v apk &> /dev/null; then PACMAN='sudo apk add'
elif command -v rpm &> /dev/null; then PACMAN='rpm -ihv'
elif command -v brew &> /dev/null; then PACMAN='brew install'
return 1
list_packages() {
if [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ]]; then
printf "==== Installed by \`%s\` =============\n" "${PACMAN}"
for pkg in "${BREW_PACKAGES[@]}"; do
print_package_status "$pkg" "brew"
elif [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Linux" ]]; then
printf "==== Installed by \`%s\` =============\n" "${PACMAN}"
for ((i = 0; i < "${#LINUX_PACKAGES[@]}"; i=(i+2) )); do
print_package_status "${LINUX_PACKAGES[$i + 1]}" "$PACMAN"
printf "==== Installed by \`cargo install\` =============\n"
for ((i = 0; i < "${#CARGO_PACKAGES[@]}"; i=(i+2) )); do
print_package_status "${CARGO_PACKAGES[$i + 1]}" "cargo"
print_package_status() {
if [[ "$2" == "cargo" ]] && [[ -x "${HOME}/.cargo/bin/$1" ]]; then
printf "✓ %s :: Installed\n" "$1"
elif [[ "$2" == "cargo" ]]; then
printf "✗ %s :: Not installed\n" "$1"
elif [[ "$2" == brew* ]] && brew list "$1" &>/dev/null; then
printf "✓ %s :: Installed\n" "$1"
elif [[ "$2" == brew* ]]; then
printf "✗ %s :: Not installed\n" "$1"
elif command -v "$1" &> /dev/null; then
printf "✓ %s :: Installed\n" "$1"
printf "✗ %s :: Not installed\n" "$1"
#│ Pαckαgε iηsταllεrs |
install_web_packages() {
if ! command -v rustup &>/dev/null && ask "Install rustup?"; then
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
if ! [[ -e ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm ]] && ask "Install tmux's plugin manager?"; then
git clone --depth 1 '' ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm
if [[ ! -f ~/.git-prompt.bash ]] && ask "Download git-prompt for bash?"; then
curl --output ~/.git-prompt.bash\
if [[ ! -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]] && ask "Download git-completion for bash?"; then
curl --output ~/.git-completion.bash\
if [[ ! -f ~/.fzf.bash ]] && ask "Download fzf-completion for bash?"; then
curl --output ~/.fzf.bash\
if ask "Install vim plugins?"; then
if command -v vim &>/dev/null; then
vim +$'if !has(\'nvim\') | PlugInstall --sync | endif' +qall
elif command -v vi &>/dev/null; then
vi +$'if !has(\'nvim\') | PlugInstall --sync | endif' +qall
printf "Run :PlugInstall in nVim to finish setting up vim's plugins\n"
if command -v pip3 &>/dev/null && ! pip3 list 2>&1 | grep -q '^pynvim'; then
pip3 install pynvim
install_cargo_packages() {
if ! command -v cargo &> /dev/null; then
printf 'Cargo package manager not found\n'
return 1
for ((i = 0; i < "${#CARGO_PACKAGES[@]}"; i=(i+2) )); do
local bin="${CARGO_PACKAGES[$i + 1]}"
local name="${CARGO_PACKAGES[$i]}"
if ! command -v "${bin}" &>/dev/null && ask "Cargo install ${name}?"; then
cargo install "${name}"
install_brew_packages() {
brew tap koekeishiya/formulae
printf 'Checking brew packages. Brew is slow. This may take a while...\n'
for pkg in "${BREW_PACKAGES[@]}"; do
if [[ -z "$(brew list "${pkg}")" ]] \
&& ! command -v "${pkg}" &>/dev/null \
&& ask "Install ${pkg}?"; then
brew install "${pkg}"
# May or may not work. Tested with pacman on arch
install_linux_packages() {
for ((i = 0; i < "${#LINUX_PACKAGES[@]}"; i=(i+2) )); do
local bin="${LINUX_PACKAGES[$i + 1]}"
local name="${LINUX_PACKAGES[$i]}"
if ! command -v "${bin}" &>/dev/null && ask "Install ${name}?"; then
eval "${PACMAN} ${name}"
# Very tentative. Only works on linux and only installs essentials for ssh
install_curl_packages() {
mkdir -p ~/bin
if ! command -v fzf &>/dev/null && ask 'Download fzf?'; then
curl --output 'fzf_download.tar.gz' \
-LO ''
tar xf 'fzf_download.tar.gz'
chmod u+x ./fzf
rm -f 'fzf_download.tar.gz'
if ! command -v neofetch &>/dev/null && ask 'Download neofetch?'; then
curl --output "neofetch.tar.gz" \
-LO ''
tar xf 'neofetch.tar.gz'
mv ./neofetch-*/neofetch ./neofetch
rm -rf 'neofetch.tar.gz' 'neofetch-7.1.0'
if ! command -v tmux &>/dev/null && ask 'Download tmux?'; then
curl --output 'tmux.tar.gz' \
-LO ''
tar xf 'tmux.tar.gz'
(cd tmux-* && ./configure && make && mv ./tmux ../tmux)
rm -rf 'tmux.tar.gz' ./tmux-*
if ! command -v nvim &>/dev/null && ask 'Download neovim?'; then
curl -LO ''
chmod u+x ./nvim.appimage
mv ./nvim.appimage ./nvim
# Arguments:
# 1: Prompt message
# Return:
# 0 for yes, 1 for no
ask () {
read -rp $'\n'"$1 ([y]/n) "
[[ "${REPLY:-y}" =~ ^[Yy][es]?$ ]]
main "$@"
# vim: set ft=bash syn=bash sw=2 ff=unix:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<!-- vim: set ft=xml: -->
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Tmux-line inspired yabai spaces on sketchybar
const sh = require('child_process');
const mode = process.argv[2];
const curr_space_id = process.env.YABAI_SPACE_ID;
const prev_space_id = process.env.YABAI_RECENT_SPACE_ID;
if (mode === "--update" )
else if (mode === "--refresh")
refreshOnly(prev_space_id, curr_space_id);
console.error(`Mode ${mode} is invalid\nUse one of --refresh or --update`);
// Wrapper around child process spawn
function spawn(cmd, args, name) {
let output = sh.spawnSync(cmd, args);
if (output.status !== 0) {
console.error(`${name} failed with exit code ${output.status}`);
if (output.stderr) console.error(output.stderr.toString());
else console.log("No stderr");
return output
// Refreshes "focus" colors between previous and current space
// Args: ID of current and previous spaces
function refreshOnly(prev, curr) {
prev = `yabai_space_${prev}`;
curr = `yabai_space_${curr}`;
"--set", prev,
"--set", curr,
`Refreshing ${prev} and ${curr}`
// Removes all current yabai spaces from sketchybar. Then creates new spaces
// from current data
function updateSketchybar() {
let spaces = spawn("yabai", ["-m", "query", "--spaces"], "Yabai query");
spaces = JSON.parse(spaces.stdout);
// Reorder spaces based on index. Yabai does not guarantee order
let ordered_spaces = new Array(spaces.length);
spaces.forEach(s => {
ordered_spaces[s.index - 1] = {
is_focused: s.focused === 1,
// Construct sketchybar shell call
let sketchy_args = new Array();
ordered_spaces.forEach((s, i) => {
"--add", "space", `yabai_space_${}`, "left",
"--set", `yabai_space_${}`,
`label=E${i + 1}`, // Works best with crashnumberingserif font
`label.color=0xFF${s.is_focused ? "000000" : "EBDBB2"}`,
`label.background.color=0xFF${s.is_focused ? "C8CB36" : "4E4E4E"}`,
`click_script=yabai -m space --focus ${i + 1}`
spawn("sketchybar", sketchy_args, "Sketchybar add all spaces");
// Remove all yabai spaces from sketchybar
function removeSketchybarSpaces() {
let bar = spawn("sketchybar", ["--query", "bar"], "Sketchybar query");
let tag, sketchy_args = new Array();
JSON.parse(bar.stdout).items.forEach(item => {
tag = item.match(/yabai_space_[0-9]+/);
if (tag) sketchy_args.push("--remove", tag);
if (sketchy_args.length) spawn("sketchybar", sketchy_args, "Remove all");
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This is a demo config to bring across some of the most important commands more easily.
# For a more advanced configuration example see
############## BAR ##############
sketchybar -m --bar height=35 \
blur_radius=40 \
position=bottom \
padding_left=10 \
padding_right=10 \
corner_radius=20 \
topmost=false \
#for i in {1..8}
# spaces+=(--add space space$i left \
# --set space$i associated_display=1 associated_space=$i icon=$i)
sketchybar -m \
--add item yabai_spaces left \
--set yabai_spaces script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/yabai_spaces.js --update" \
--subscribe yabai_spaces #front_app_switched #\
sketchybar -m --add event window_created \
--add event window_destroyed
############## GLOBAL DEFAULTS ##############
sketchybar -m --default updates=when_shown \
drawing=on \
cache_scripts=on \
icon.font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:17.0" \
icon.color=0xffffffff \
label.font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:14.0" \
############## SPACE DEFAULTS ##############
sketchybar -m --default label.padding_left=2 \
label.padding_right=2 \
icon.padding_left=8 \
############## PRIMARY DISPLAY SPACES ##############
#sketchybar -m --add space code left \
# --set code associated_display=1 \
# associated_space=1 \
# icon.font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:20.0" \
# icon= \
# icon.highlight_color=0xff48aa2a \
# label=code \
# click_script="yabai -m space --focus 1" \
# \
# --add space tex left \
# --set tex associated_display=1 \
# associated_space=2 \
# icon= \
# icon.highlight_color=0xfffab402 \
# label=tex \
# click_script="yabai -m space --focus 2"
############## ITEM DEFAULTS ###############
#sketchybar -m --default label.padding_left=2 \
# icon.padding_right=2 \
# icon.padding_left=6 \
# label.padding_right=6
############### LEFT ITEMS ##############
#sketchybar -m --add item space_separator left \
# --set space_separator icon= \
# associated_space=1 \
# icon.padding_left=15 \
# label.padding_right=15 \
# icon.font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:15.0" \
# \
# --add item gitNotifications left \
# --set gitNotifications associated_space=1 \
# update_freq=300 \
# icon.font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:18.0" \
# icon= \
# script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/" \
# click_script="open" \
# --subscribe gitNotifications system_woke \
# \
# --add item githubIndicator left \
# --set githubIndicator associated_space=1 \
# update_freq=1000 \
# icon.font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:18.0" \
# icon= \
# click_script="open" \
# script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/" \
# --subscribe githubIndicator system_woke \
# \
# --add item topmem left \
# --set topmem associated_space=1 \
# icon.padding_left=10 \
# update_freq=15 \
# script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/"
############### RIGHT ITEMS ##############
#sketchybar -m --add item clock right \
# --set clock update_freq=10 \
# script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/" \
# \
# --add item mailIndicator right \
# --set mailIndicator associated_space=1,2,3 \
# update_freq=30 \
# script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/" \
# icon.font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:20.0" \
# icon= \
# click_script="osascript -e 'tell application \"Mail\" to activate'"
## Creating Graphs
#sketchybar -m --add graph cpu_user right 200 \
# --set cpu_user graph.color=0xffffffff \
# update_freq=2 \
# width=0 \
# associated_space=1 \
# label.padding_left=0 \
# icon= \
# script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/" \
# lazy=on \
# \
# --add graph cpu_sys right 200 \
# --set cpu_sys label.padding_left=0 \
# associated_space=1 \
# icon= \
# graph.color=0xff48aa2a \
# \
# --add item topproc right \
# --set topproc associated_space=1 \
# label.padding_right=10 \
# update_freq=15 \
# script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/"
###################### CENTER ITEMS ###################
# Adding custom events which can listen on distributed notifications from other running processes
#sketchybar -m --add event spotify_change "com.spotify.client.PlaybackStateChanged" \
# --add item spotifyIndicator center \
# --set spotifyIndicator script="~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/" \
# --set spotifyIndicator click_script="osascript -e 'tell application \"Spotify\" to pause'" \
# --subscribe spotifyIndicator spotify_change
############## FINALIZING THE SETUP ##############
sketchybar -m --update
~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/yabai_spaces.js --refresh
echo "sketchybar configuration loaded.."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Record a few seconds of system audio, and save. Intended to seamlessly record
# audio for anki cards, while watching anime. MacOS only
# May require changing capture device. Find available options with:
# $ ffmpeg -f avfoundation -list_devices true -i ""
# Change the number in the ffmpeg argument to desired device. BlackHole-2ch is
# recommended for recording macos system audio. Make sure vlc's output device
# is an aggregate of BlackHole-2ch and the speakers
# External dependencies: ffmepg, BlackHole-2ch
if [[ $(uname) != 'Darwin' ]]; then
printf 'This is meant for MacOS\nAborting...\n'
exit 1
recording_name="$(date +'%m_%d_%Y-%H_%M_%S' | awk '{printf("%s%s", $0, ".mp3")}')"
mkdir -p ~/Desktop/anki_recordings
ffmpeg \
-f avfoundation \
-i ":2" -filter:a "atempo=0.95" \
-t "${1:-6}" \
unset recording_name
# Further reference ====
# Rec audio with ffmpeg
# With vlc? Wouldn't require BlackHole-2ch this way
# Trim on the fly? Save a unix timestamp in a file, then have ffmpeg trim the
# recording based on the time in the file. Use a second hotkey to edit the
# file's time with the current timestamp. Default should be +10s from start
# ex: set syntax=bash:ff=unix:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# $ shrink_screenshot_clipboard [resize-percent]
# Resize the image on the clipboard and save as
# ~/Desktop/shrink_screenshot_out.png. Intended for use with the MacOS
# screenshot tool
# External dependencies: pngpaste, convert (ImageMagick)
if [[ $(uname) != 'Darwin' ]]; then
printf 'This is meant for MacOS\nAborting...\n'
exit 1
# Random seed at the end to avoid conflicts
if pngpaste - > "$screenshot"; then
convert "$screenshot" -resize "${1:-50}%" ~/Desktop/shrink_screenshot_out.png
# Play error sound to notify script failing
osascript -e 'display notification "Failed to resize clipboard" with title "Skhd"'
unset screenshot
# vim: set syn=bash ff=unix:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# $ shrink_screenshot_desktop [resize-percent]
# Half the size of the lastest screenshot on the desktop. Saves as
# ~/Desktop/shrink_screenshot_out.png. Intended for use with the MacOS
# screenshot tool
# External dependencies: fd, convert (ImageMagick)
if [[ $(uname) != 'Darwin' ]]; then
printf 'This is meant for MacOS\nAborting...\n'
exit 1
#fd 'Screen Shot' --extension 'png' ~/Desktop | awk 'END { gsub(/ /, " ", $0); print }'
#screenshot=~/"Desktop/$(ls -tr ~/Desktop | grep 'Screen Shot .*\.png$' | tail -n 1)"
screenshot="$(ls -tr ~/Desktop/*"Screen Shot"*".png" | tail -n 1)"
if [[ $screenshot != '' ]]; then
convert "$screenshot" -resize "${1:-50}%" ~/Desktop/shrink_screenshot_out.png
# Play error sound to notify script failing
unset screenshot
# ex: set syntax=bash:ff=unix:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
# Reference:
# Applications without hotkeys
.blacklist [
"Parallels Desktop"
# Match Firefox's incognito shortcut to Chrome's
cmd + shift - n [
"Firefox" : skhd -k "cmd + shift - p"
* ~
cmd + ctrl - n [
"Google Chrome" : skhd -k "cmd + shift - n" \
&& skhd -t "~/Documents/other_stuff/canvas/ - 320663 book dampi elaina_(majo_no_tabitabi) flowers gray_eyes gray_hair long_hair majo_no_tabitabi stairs witch.jpg" \
&& skhd -k "return"
* ~
# Prevent full quit
cmd - q [
"Google Chrome": play_error_sound
"Preview": play_error_sound
* ~
cmd + ctrl - y : skhd -k "alt - left"\
&& skhd -t "~~"\
&& skhd -k "alt - right"\
&& skhd -t "~~"
cmd + ctrl - r : skhd -t "AsExpectedOfRust"
cmd + ctrl - a : open -na "Chromium" --args --incognito \
--window-size=1250,800 --window-position=200,140
# Rofi menu
#cmd + shift - space : ~/.configs_pointer/skhd/scripts/rofi_macos
#0x35 : skhd -k "0x32"
#cmd - r : skhd -t "step"; skhd -k "0x24"
#ctrl - h : skhd -k "backspace"
#default < escape : skhd -k "0x32"
#default < cmd - escape : skhd -k "cmd - 0x32"
#default < 0x35 : skhd -k "~"
#[ Never Quit ]
#@Include Google Chrome
#@Include Preview
#<M-q> :: play_error_sound
#│ Kεybδαrd δvεrr𝓲dεs |
# By letter ====
ctrl - j [
"Alacritty" ~
* : skhd -k "left"
ctrl - f [
"Alacritty" ~
* : skhd -k "right"
ctrl - h [
"Alacritty" ~
* : skhd -k "backspace"
ctrl - d [
"Alacritty" ~
"qutebrowser" ~
* : skhd -k "delete"
# Vertically ====
ctrl - p [
"Alacritty" ~
* : skhd -k "up"
ctrl - n [
"Alacritty" ~
* : skhd -k "down"
# By word ====
ctrl - b [
"Alacritty" ~
* : skhd -k "alt - left"
ctrl - w [
"Alacritty" ~
* : skhd -k "alt - right"
ctrl - u [
"Alacritty" ~
"qutebrowser" ~
* : skhd -k "alt + shift - left"
ctrl - r [
"Alacritty" ~
* : skhd -k "alt + shift - right"
# By line ====
ctrl - a [
"Alacritty" ~
* : skhd -k "cmd - left"
ctrl - e [
"Alacritty" ~
* : skhd -k "cmd - right"
ctrl - k [
"Alacritty" ~
"qutebrowser" ~
* : skhd -k "cmd + shift - right"
# Other ====
ctrl - 0x21 [ # <C-[>
"Alacritty" ~
* : skhd -k "escape"
ctrl - y [
"Alacritty" ~
* : skhd -k "cmd - c"
#│ Gεnεrαl cδmmαnd mδdε |
:: general @ : sketchybar -m --bar color=0xFFFF8700 # \
#ffplay -t '1000' -nodisp -autoexit -loglevel error \
# Toggle general mode ====
default < cmd - g ; general
general < escape ; default
general < ctrl - 0x21 : sketchybar -m --bar color=0x44000000; \
skhd -k "escape"
# Shrink screenshot and save to desktop ====
general < 0 : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; shrink_screenshot_clipboard 100 # Save clipboard to desktop
general < 9 : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; shrink_screenshot_clipboard 90 # Shrink from clipboard
general < 8 : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; shrink_screenshot_clipboard 80
general < 7 : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; shrink_screenshot_clipboard 70
general < 6 : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; shrink_screenshot_clipboard 60
general < 5 : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; shrink_screenshot_clipboard 50
general < 4 : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; shrink_screenshot_clipboard 40
general < 3 : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; shrink_screenshot_clipboard 30
#general < d : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; shrink_screenshot_desktop # Lastest screenshot on ~/Desktop
# Vi-like scrolling for browsers ====
general < g : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; skhd -k "cmd - up"; skhd -k "cmd + ctrl - g"
general < shift- g : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; skhd -k "cmd - down"; skhd -k "cmd + ctrl - g"
general < ctrl - u : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; skhd -k "alt - up"; skhd -k "cmd + ctrl - g"
general < ctrl - d : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; skhd -k "alt - down"; skhd -k "cmd + ctrl - g"
general < k : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; skhd -k "up"; skhd -k "cmd + ctrl - g"
general < j : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; skhd -k "down"; skhd -k "cmd + ctrl - g"
general < shift- h : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; skhd -k "cmd - left"; skhd -k "cmd + ctrl - g"
general < shift- l : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; skhd -k "cmd - right";skhd -k "cmd + ctrl - g"
general < shift- j : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; skhd -k "cmd + alt - left"; skhd -k "cmd + ctrl - g"
general < shift- k : skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"; skhd -k "cmd + alt - right";skhd -k "cmd + ctrl - g"
cmd + ctrl - q : record_audio_line 10 # Audio capture while watching on vlc
# Other convenience tools ====
### Upload clipboard to pastebin
cmd + ctrl - x : pbpaste | ix
### Backup and restore chrome incognito windows
cmd + ctrl - e : chrome_session close \
~/.config/skhd/ \
&& osascript -e \
'display notification "Chrome window backed up" with title "Skhd"'
cmd + ctrl - r : chrome_session restore \
#│ Yαbαi ωiηdδω mαηαgεr |
# Keybind methodology:
# In general
# Spaces use gamer-style `wasd`
# Windows use vim-style `hjkl`
# <<Default mode>>:
# All default mode bindings are indentically available in yabai mode
# cmd shift {a,d} : switches to adjacent space
# cmd shift {h,j,k,l} : switches to window in that direction
# cmd {[, ]} : move window onto left or right stack
# cmd shift {[, ]} : move window onto top or bottom stack
# cmd tab : cycle across stacks clockwise
# cmd ` : cycle within stack
# <<Yabai mode>>:
# Prefix : cmd e
# Escape : esc, enter, <M-[>
# x : close window
# = : Balance bsp tree on y axis
# === Stacks
# === Resize window
# {q,w,e,r} : Resize window on horizontally. qw resize left, er resize right
# lcmd {q,w,e,r} : Resize window on vertically. qw resize top, er resize bottom
# Add shift to the above for a smaller increment
# === Spaces
# shift {a,d} : Move window to adjacent space, and switch to that space
# ctrl {a,d} : Reorder space
# n : Create new space on right, move current window and switch to it
# ctrl q : Close space
# === Floating
# ctrl [0-9] : Set numpad position of floating window TODO
# === Pinning
# m : Swap to pinning mode
# c : From pinning mode, clears pin list
# [0-9] : From pinning mode, pins current window to specified number
# alt [0-9] : From default mode, switch to pinned window
# shift cmd space : From default mode pulls up rofi menu for pinned windows
# Oneshots
default < cmd + shift - a : yabai -m space --focus prev
default < cmd + shift - d : yabai -m space --focus next
#default < cmd - h : # Stop accidentally hiding windows
## Switching windows
default < lcmd - h : yabai -m window --focus west
default < lcmd - j : yabai -m window --focus south
default < lcmd - k : yabai -m window --focus north
default < lcmd - l : yabai -m window --focus east
# Moving windows onto stacks <M-{[,]}>
default < lcmd - 0x21 : ~/.config/yabai/ 'west'
default < lcmd - 0x1E : ~/.config/yabai/ 'east'
default < shift + lcmd - 0x21 : ~/.config/yabai/ 'north'
default < shift + lcmd - 0x1E : ~/.config/yabai/ 'south'
# Cycle within stack with <M-`> <M-S-`>
#default < lcmd - 0x32 : yabai -m window --focus stack.prev\
# || yabai -m window --focus stack.last
#default < lcmd + shift - 0x32 : yabai -m window --focus\
# || yabai -m window --focus stack.first
## Cycle between stacks with <M-Tab>
#default < cmd - 0x30 : yabai -m window --focus \
# "$(yabai -m query --windows --space | ~/.config/yabai/cycle_stack.js)"
# Pop out window
cmd + ctrl - p : yabai -m window --toggle float && \
yabai -m window --grid 40:40:0:2:33:38
# Center window
cmd + ctrl - c : yabai -m window --toggle float && \
yabai -m window --grid 80:80:11:2:58:71
# Yabai Mode ========================================================
# Assumes enter and exit sounds are set up
:: yabai @ : sketchybar -m --bar color=0xFFC8CB36; #\
#ffplay -nodisp -autoexit -t "1000" \
#~/.config/skhd/slow_air_woosh.wav &>/dev/null
default < lcmd - e ; yabai
yabai < escape ; default
yabai < return : sketchybar -m --bar color=0x44000000; \
skhd -k "escape" #&&\
#ffplay -nodisp -autoexit -t "700"\
#~/.config/skhd/correct_ping.wav &>/dev/null
yabai < ctrl - k : sketchybar -m --bar color=0x44000000; skhd -k "escape"
yabai < ctrl - 0x21 : sketchybar -m --bar color=0x44000000; skhd -k "escape"
#ffplay -nodisp -autoexit -t "700"\
#~/.config/skhd/correct_ping.wav &>/dev/null
#│ Wiηdδωs |
# Window switching
yabai < lcmd - h : yabai -m window --focus west
yabai < lcmd - j : yabai -m window --focus south
yabai < lcmd - k : yabai -m window --focus north
yabai < lcmd - l : yabai -m window --focus east
# Move windows within a space
# Lcmd: Move | Rcmd: Swap
yabai < lcmd + shift - h : yabai -m window --warp west
yabai < lcmd + shift - j : yabai -m window --warp south
yabai < lcmd + shift - k : yabai -m window --warp north
yabai < lcmd + shift - l : yabai -m window --warp east
yabai < rcmd - h : yabai -m window --swap west
yabai < rcmd - j : yabai -m window --swap south
yabai < rcmd - k : yabai -m window --swap north
yabai < rcmd - l : yabai -m window --swap east
# Manipulate bsp
yabai < ctrl - b : yabai -m space --layout bsp; ~/.config/yabai/toggle_outline.bash
yabai < ctrl - f : yabai -m space --layout float
yabai < ctrl - y : yabai -m space --mirror y-axis
yabai < ctrl - x : yabai -m space --mirror x-axis
yabai < ctrl - r : yabai -m space --rotate 270
yabai < ctrl - s : yabai -m window --toggle split
yabai < ctrl - o : ~/.config/yabai/toggle_border.bash
yabai < 0x18 : yabai -m space --balance # = sign
# Swapping stacks <M-S-[> <M-]>
# --swap moves target window onto current window. We want the opposite
yabai < cmd - 0x21 : ~/.config/yabai/ 'west'
yabai < cmd - 0x1E : ~/.config/yabai/ 'east'
yabai < shift + cmd - 0x21 : ~/.config/yabai/ 'north'
yabai < shift + cmd - 0x1E : ~/.config/yabai/ 'south'
# Cycle within stack with <M-`> <M-S-`>
yabai < lcmd - 0x32 : yabai -m window --focus stack.prev\
|| yabai -m window --focus stack.last
yabai < lcmd + shift - 0x32 : yabai -m window --focus\
|| yabai -m window --focus stack.first
# Cycle between stacks with <M-Tab>
#TODO: Depreciate or fix
#yabai < cmd - 0x30 : yabai -m window --focus \
# "$(yabai -m query --windows --space | ~/.config/yabai/cycle_stack.js)"
yabai < x : yabai -m window --close
yabai < 0x1B : yabai -m window --minimize # Uses -
# Rofi select windows with ;
yabai < 0x29 : skhd -k "return" && ~/.config/yabai/rofi_window.js
# Move window between spaces
yabai < shift - a : yabai -m window --space prev && \
yabai -m space --focus prev
yabai < shift - d : yabai -m window --space next && \
yabai -m space --focus next
# Resize window
# Horizontal
yabai < q : yabai -m window --resize left:-30:0
yabai < w : yabai -m window --resize left:30:0
yabai < e : yabai -m window --resize right:-30:0
yabai < r : yabai -m window --resize right:30:0
# Vertical
yabai < lcmd - q : yabai -m window --resize top:0:-30
yabai < lcmd - w : yabai -m window --resize top:0:30
yabai < lcmd - e : yabai -m window --resize bottom:0:-30
yabai < lcmd - r : yabai -m window --resize bottom:0:30
# Horizontal - fine
yabai < shift - q : yabai -m window --resize left:-10:0
yabai < shift - w : yabai -m window --resize left:10:0
yabai < shift - e : yabai -m window --resize right:-10:0
yabai < shift - r : yabai -m window --resize right:10:0
# Vertical - fine
yabai < lcmd + shift - q : yabai -m window --resize top:0:-10
yabai < lcmd + shift - w : yabai -m window --resize top:0:10
yabai < lcmd + shift - e : yabai -m window --resize bottom:0:-10
yabai < lcmd + shift - r : yabai -m window --resize bottom:0:10
# Pinning windows ===
:: pinning @ : sketchybar -m --bar color=0xFFB8BB26
yabai < m ; pinning
pinning < escape ; default
pinning < ctrl - 0x21 ; yabai
pinning < c : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --clear; skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"
pinning < 1 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --set 1 \
$(yabai -m query --windows --space | jq '.[0]["id"]'); \
skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"
pinning < 2 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --set 2 \
$(yabai -m query --windows --space | jq '.[0]["id"]'); \
skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"
pinning < 3 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --set 3 \
$(yabai -m query --windows --space | jq '.[0]["id"]'); \
skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"
pinning < 4 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --set 4 \
$(yabai -m query --windows --space | jq '.[0]["id"]'); \
skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"
pinning < 5 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --set 5 \
$(yabai -m query --windows --space | jq '.[0]["id"]'); \
skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"
pinning < 6 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --set 6 \
$(yabai -m query --windows --space | jq '.[0]["id"]'); \
skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"
pinning < 7 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --set 7 \
$(yabai -m query --windows --space | jq '.[0]["id"]'); \
skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"
pinning < 8 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --set 8 \
$(yabai -m query --windows --space | jq '.[0]["id"]'); \
skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"
pinning < 9 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --set 9 \
$(yabai -m query --windows --space | jq '.[0]["id"]'); \
skhd -k "ctrl - 0x21"
# Focuses pinned window
yabai < alt - 1 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 1
yabai < alt - 2 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 2
yabai < alt - 3 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 3
yabai < alt - 4 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 4
yabai < alt - 5 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 5
yabai < alt - 6 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 6
yabai < alt - 7 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 7
yabai < alt - 8 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 8
yabai < alt - 9 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 9
default < alt - 1 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 1
default < alt - 2 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 2
default < alt - 3 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 3
default < alt - 4 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 4
default < alt - 5 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 5
default < alt - 6 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 6
default < alt - 7 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 7
default < alt - 8 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 8
default < alt - 9 : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --focus 9
default < cmd + shift - space : ~/.config/yabai/pin_window.js --rofi
yabai < f : yabai -m window --toggle float
# Spaces ====
# Switch space
yabai < cmd + shift - a : yabai -m space --focus prev && yabai -m window --focus
yabai < cmd + shift - d : yabai -m space --focus next && yabai -m window --focus
default < cmd + shift - 1 : yabai -m space --focus 1 && yabai -m window --focus
default < cmd + shift - 2 : yabai -m space --focus 2 && yabai -m window --focus
default < cmd + shift - 3 : yabai -m space --focus 3 && yabai -m window --focus
default < cmd + shift - 4 : yabai -m space --focus 4 && yabai -m window --focus
default < cmd + shift - 9 : yabai -m space --focus last && yabai -m window --focus
# Reorder space
yabai < ctrl - a : yabai -m space --move prev && ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/yabai_spaces.js --update
yabai < ctrl - d : yabai -m space --move next && ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/yabai_spaces.js --update
yabai < n : ~/.config/yabai/new_space.js && ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/yabai_spaces.js --update
yabai < ctrl - q : ~/.config/yabai/close_space.js && ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/yabai_spaces.js --update
# Float ====
# Center window
yabai < c : yabai -m window --toggle float && \
yabai -m window --grid 80:80:11:2:58:71
# Picture in picture
yabai < p : yabai -m window --toggle sticky && \
yabai -m window --toggle pip
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Locks the screen and lowers-brightness. Restores brightness on unlock
declare brightness_lvl;
if ! command -v ddcutil &>/dev/null && command -v light &>/dev/null; then
lvl="$(light -G)"
(swaylock; light -S "$lvl") &
light -S 3
elif command -v ddcutil &>/dev/null; then
lvl="$(ddcutil getvcp 10 | awk '{
gsub(" ",""); # Remove spaces
split($0, a, "=");
split(a[2], a, ",");
print a[1]
if [[ "$lvl" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
(swaylock; ddcutil setvcp 10 "$lvl") &
ddcutil setvcp 10 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
# Default config for sway
# Copy this to ~/.config/sway/config and edit it to your liking.
# Read `man 5 sway` for a complete reference.
#│ Sεττiηg ναriαblεs |
# Linux MacOS Wayland identifier code
# Alt Opt Alt_{L,R} Mod1 00000008
# Logo key Command Super_{L,R} Mod4 00000040
# Control Ctrl Control_{L,R} Control 00000004
# Shift Shift Shift_{L,R}
# Fn Fn XF86Fn
# Arrow keys are Left|Down|Up|Right
set $mod1 Mod4
set $mod2 Mod4+Shift
# Pane movement keys - vim
set $pane_left h
set $pane_down j
set $pane_up k
set $pane_right l
# Symmetric keys - mpv
set $left_outer q
set $left_inner w
set $right_inner e
set $right_outer r
# Space movement keys - gaming
set $space_up w
set $space_left a
set $space_down s
set $space_right d
# Resize keys - vim windows
set $size_up comma
set $size_down period
set $term alacritty
set $menu fuzzel -fmonospace:size=14 -l10 -w40 \
-b222222e0 -t8ec07cff -mffaf00ff -s222222ff -Sebdbb2ff -Cffaf00ff
# Sound effects and additional features
set $volume_command ~/.config/sway/
set $volume_notify_sound ~/.config/sway/pop_sound.mp3
set $screenshot_sound ffplay -nodisp -autoexit -v error \
# TODO: Unique sensible name
set $original_path ~/Desktop/shrink_screenshot_out.png
set $compress_path ~/Desktop/shrink_screenshot_out.webp
set $shrink_path ~/Desktop/shrink_screenshot_out.png
#│ Pαηεs αηd cδηταiηεrs |
# Move focus
bindsym $mod1+$pane_left focus left
bindsym $mod1+$pane_down focus down
bindsym $mod1+$pane_up focus up
bindsym $mod1+$pane_right focus right
# Move focused window
bindsym $mod2+$pane_left move left
bindsym $mod2+$pane_down move down
bindsym $mod2+$pane_up move up
bindsym $mod2+$pane_right move right
# Layout modifiers
bindsym $mod2+f floating toggle
bindsym $mod2+s layout stacking
bindsym $mod2+t layout tabbed
bindsym $mod2+r layout toggle
# Binary split container
bindsym $mod1+b split toggle
bindsym $mod1+v split none
bindsym $mod1+m fullscreen
# Switch container layout Stacking|Tabbed|Rotate-bsp
bindsym $mod1+s layout stacking
bindsym $mod1+t layout tabbed
bindsym $mod1+r layout toggle split
# Traverse window tree
bindsym $mod1+u focus parent
bindsym $mod1+d focus child
# Alt-tab cycles windows, like on proprietary systems
bindsym $mod1+tab exec ~/.config/sway/ next
bindsym $mod2+tab exec ~/.config/sway/ previous
# Swap focus between the tiling area and the floating area
#bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle
# Important rust jerk
bindsym $mod1+ctrl+r exec wtype "asExpectedOfRust"
# rEsize containers ====
bindsym $mod1+e mode "resize"
mode "resize" {
# Horizontal, shift for fine adjust
bindsym $size_up resize grow width 16px
bindsym $size_down resize shrink width 16px
bindsym $size_up+Shift resize grow width 4px
bindsym $size_down+Shift resize shrink width 4px
# Vertical, shift for fine adjust
bindsym $mod1+$size_down resize shrink height 16px
bindsym $mod1+$size_up resize grow height 16px
bindsym $mod1+$size_down+Shift resize shrink height 4px
bindsym $mod1+$size_up+Shift resize grow height 4px
# Escaping
bindsym $mod1+f mode "workspace_tuning"
bindsym Shift+end mode "default"
bindsym Ctrl+k mode "default"
bindsym Ctrl+bracketleft mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
# Gaps ====
bindsym $mod2+bracketright gaps inner current minus 3
bindsym $mod2+bracketleft gaps inner current plus 3
#bindsym $mod2+equal gaps toggle
# Standard outer gapping for 27" screen
bindsym $mod2+c gaps vertical current set 100, \
gaps horizontal current set 200
# Same as above, shifted left slightly
bindsym $mod2+g gaps vertical current set 100, \
gaps left current set 150, \
gaps right current set 250
bindsym $mod1+g mode "gapping"
mode "gapping" {
# General resize
bindsym $mod2+bracketright gaps inner current minus 3
bindsym $mod2+bracketleft gaps inner current plus 3
# Horizontal
bindsym q gaps left current minus 2
bindsym w gaps left current plus 2
bindsym e gaps right current plus 2
bindsym r gaps right current minus 2
# Vertical
bindsym $mod1+q gaps top current minus 2
bindsym $mod1+w gaps top current plus 2
bindsym $mod1+e gaps bottom current plus 2
bindsym $mod1+r gaps bottom current minus 2
# Escaping
bindsym Shift+end mode "default"
bindsym Ctrl+k mode "default"
bindsym Ctrl+bracketleft mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
#│ Wδrksραcεs |
bindsym $mod1+bracketleft workspace prev
bindsym $mod1+bracketright workspace next
bindsym $mod2+a workspace prev
bindsym $mod2+d workspace next
bindsym $mod1+1 workspace number 1
bindsym $mod1+2 workspace number 2
bindsym $mod1+3 workspace number 3
bindsym $mod1+4 workspace number 4
bindsym $mod1+5 workspace number 5
bindsym $mod1+6 workspace number 6
bindsym $mod1+7 workspace number 7
bindsym $mod1+8 workspace number 8
bindsym $mod1+9 workspace number 9
# Advanced workspace tuning ====
bindsym $mod1+f mode "workspace_tuning"
mode "workspace_tuning" {
# Move focused container to workspace
bindsym 1 move container to workspace number 1
bindsym 2 move container to workspace number 2
bindsym 3 move container to workspace number 3
bindsym 4 move container to workspace number 4
bindsym 5 move container to workspace number 5
bindsym 6 move container to workspace number 6
bindsym 7 move container to workspace number 7
bindsym 8 move container to workspace number 8
bindsym 9 move container to workspace number 9
# Swap containers
bindsym $mod1+$pane_left mark --add "_swap", focus left, swap container with mark "_swap", focus left, unmark "_swap"
bindsym $mod1+$pane_down mark --add "_swap", focus down, swap container with mark "_swap", focus down, unmark "_swap"
bindsym $mod1+$pane_up mark --add "_swap", focus up, swap container with mark "_swap", focus up, unmark "_swap"
bindsym $mod1+$pane_right mark --add "_swap", focus right, swap container with mark "_swap", focus right, unmark "_swap"
# Stack, Tab, Rotate
bindsym s layout stacking
bindsym t layout tabbed
bindsym r layout toggle split
bindsym f fullscreen
bindsym Shift+f fullscreen
# Escaping
bindsym $mod1+e mode "resize"
bindsym Shift+end mode "default"
bindsym Ctrl+k mode "default"
bindsym Ctrl+bracketleft mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
#│ Iηρμτ αηd δμτρμτ αdjμsτmεητs |
# Trackpad more like MacOS
input 1452:634:bcm5974 {
tap enabled
natural_scroll enabled
accel_profile adaptive
pointer_accel 0.36
output * background ~/.config/sway/secondary_wallpaper.png fill
output eDP-1 background ~/.config/sway/default_wallpaper.png fill
output DP-1 background ~/.config/sway/default_wallpaper.png fill
output DP-3 background ~/.config/sway/default_wallpaper.png fill
output DP-1 scale 2
output DP-3 scale 2
default_border pixel 2
# Adjust gamma. More important for external displays. Laptops are usually fine
exec wlsunset -t 4000 -T 6500 -g 0.9
# Volume controls
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec $volume_command 4 $volume_notify_sound
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec $volume_command -4 $volume_notify_sound
bindsym shift+XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec $volume_command 1 $volume_notify_sound
bindsym shift+XF86AudioLowerVolume exec $volume_command -1 $volume_notify_sound
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec ~/.config/sway/
# External brightness control
# For laptops
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec light -A 1
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec light -U 1
# For external monitors
bindsym F4 exec ddcutil setvcp 10 - 4
bindsym F5 exec ddcutil setvcp 10 + 4
bindsym Shift+F4 exec ddcutil setvcp 10 - 1
bindsym Shift+F5 exec ddcutil setvcp 10 + 1
#│ Hδτkεy dαεmδη |
# Terminal
bindsym $mod2+Return exec $term
# Chromium
bindsym $mod2+n exec chromium
# Firefox
bindsym $mod2+p exec MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 firefox --private-window
# App launcher, like spotlight
bindsym $mod1+space exec $menu
# Reload sway config
bindsym $mod1+ctrl+s reload
# Close window
bindsym $mod2+q kill
# Dragging windows
floating_modifier $mod1 normal
# Screenlock
bindsym $mod2+i exec ~/.config/sway/
# Scratchpad
bindsym $mod1+Shift+minus move scratchpad
bindsym $mod1+minus scratchpad show
# Warpd - Keyboard-driven mouse
bindsym Mod4+Control+j exec warpd --hint
bindsym Mod4+Control+n exec warpd --normal
# Xremap
exec sudo ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ pc
# IME Module
bindsym $mod1+i exec ~/.config/sway/
# Mako notifications
exec mako
# Exit sway (logs you out of your Wayland session)
bindsym $mod2+Escape exec swaynag -t warning -m 'Are you sure you want to exit sway?' -b 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
# Screenshots ====
bindsym $mod2+6 mode "screenshots"
bindsym $mod2+5 mode "screenshots"; exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ area --clipboard && $screenshot_sound
bindsym $mod2+4 mode "screenshots"; exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ \
-c -d 40 -s "$(~/.config/sway/" $original_path && $screenshot_sound
mode "screenshots" {
# Screenshooting in processing "steps"
# 1. Get screenshot
bindsym a exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ area --clipboard \
$original_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym f exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ full --clipboard \
$original_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym s mode "default"; exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ markup
# 2. Downsize the screenshot, since 4k is too big
bindsym 1 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '10%' --clipboard --extension png $shrink_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 2 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '20%' --clipboard --extension png $shrink_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 3 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '30%' --clipboard --extension png $shrink_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 4 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '40%' --clipboard --extension png $shrink_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 5 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '50%' --clipboard --extension png $shrink_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 6 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '60%' --clipboard --extension png $shrink_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 7 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '70%' --clipboard --extension png $shrink_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 8 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '80%' --clipboard --extension png $shrink_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 9 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '90%' --clipboard --extension png $shrink_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 0 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '100%' --clipboard --extension png $shrink_path && $screenshot_sound
# OR compress image
bindsym space mode "shrink_screenshots"
# 3. Copy the smaller image back to clipboard and return to default
bindsym return mode "default"
bindsym Shift+end mode "default"
bindsym Ctrl+k mode "default"
bindsym Ctrl+bracketleft mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
mode "shrink_screenshots" {
# 2. Compress the screenshot, hard
bindsym 1 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '10%' --clipboard --extension webp $compress_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 2 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '20%' --clipboard --extension webp $compress_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 3 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '30%' --clipboard --extension webp $compress_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 4 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '40%' --clipboard --extension webp $compress_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 5 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '50%' --clipboard --extension webp $compress_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 6 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '60%' --clipboard --extension webp $compress_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 7 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '70%' --clipboard --extension webp $compress_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 8 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '80%' --clipboard --extension webp $compress_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 9 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '90%' --clipboard --extension webp $compress_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym 0 exec ~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --resize '100' --clipboard --extension webp $compress_path && $screenshot_sound
bindsym space mode "screenshots"
# 3. Back out
bindsym return mode "default"
bindsym Shift+end mode "default"
bindsym Ctrl+k mode "default"
bindsym Ctrl+bracketleft mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
#│ Sτylεs |
bar {
position bottom
binding_mode_indicator yes
# Vertical horizontal
gaps 0 10
mode dock
status_command while ~/.config/sway/; do sleep 60; done
colors {
# Foreground color
statusline #e7d6ad
background #22222200
# border background text
focused_workspace #F4B36Eff #F4B36Eff #000000
inactive_workspace #00000000 #444444 #e7d6ad
urgent_workspace #fadb2f #fadb2f #000000
#binding_mode #8ec07c #8ec07c #000000
#binding_mode #8ec07c #d3869b #000000
binding_mode #fadb2f #fadb2f #000000
# Colors
client.focused #F4A66E #F4A66E #000000 #F4A66E #F4A66E
#client.focused #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #000000 #ffffff #ffffff
#│ Oτhεr |
# Sleep settings for laptops TODO: systemctl suspend?
set $laptop 'eDP-1'
set $sleep sleep 3 && swaylock
bindswitch --reload --locked lid:on exec \
swaymsg output $laptop dpms off && swaylock
bindswitch --reload --locked lid:off exec \
swaymsg output $laptop dpms on
#bindswitch --reload --locked lid:on exec swaymsg output $laptop_screen disable
#bindswitch --reload --locked lid:on exec '[ $(swaymsg -t get_outputs | grep name | wc -l) == 1 ] && ($sleep) || ($notify "Clamshell mode" "Laptop screen off" && swaymsg output $laptop_screen disable)'
#bindswitch --reload --locked lid:off output $laptop_screen enable
include /etc/sway/config.d/*
# Example configuration:
# output HDMI-A-1 resolution 1920x1080 position 1920,0
# You can get the names of your outputs by running: swaymsg -t get_outputs
#exec swayidle -w \
# timeout 101 'swaylock' \
# timeout 314 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' \
# resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"' \
# timeout 626 'systemctl suspend ' \
# before-sleep 'swaylock'
### Idle configuration
# Example configuration:
# exec swayidle -w \
# timeout 300 'swaylock -f -c 000000' \
# timeout 600 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"' \
# before-sleep 'swaylock -f -c 000000'
# This will lock your screen after 300 seconds of inactivity, then turn off
# your displays after another 300 seconds, and turn your screens back on when
# resumed. It will also lock your screen before your computer goes to sleep.
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# From
import sys
import json
import subprocess
direction=bool(sys.argv[1] == 'next')
swaymsg =['swaymsg', '-t', 'get_tree'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
data = json.loads(swaymsg.stdout)
current = data["nodes"][1]["current_workspace"]
workspace = int(data["nodes"][1]["current_workspace"])-1
roi = data["nodes"][1]["nodes"][workspace]
temp = roi
windows = list()
def getNextWindow():
if focus < len(windows) - 1:
return focus+1
return 0
def getPrevWindow():
if focus > 0:
return focus-1
return len(windows)-1
def makelist(temp):
for nodes in "floating_nodes", "nodes":
for i in range(len(temp[nodes])):
if temp[nodes][i]["name"] is None:
def focused(temp_win):
for i in range(len(temp_win)):
if temp_win[i]["focused"] == True:
return i
focus = focused(windows)
if direction:
attr = f"[con_id={windows[getNextWindow()]['id']}]"
attr = f"[con_id={windows[getPrevWindow()]['id']}]"
sway =['swaymsg', attr, 'focus'])
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Simple wrapper around pactl to keep volume in [0,100]% range. Optionally
# plays an indicator sound after changing the volume
# Args:
# 1: Change amount in percent. An integer
# 2: Sound file to play. No sound is played if omitted or invalid
declare -r ADJUST="$1"
declare -r NOTIFY_SOUND="$2"
declare -r MAX_VOLUME="100"
set_volume() {
if ! pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ "${1}%"; then
printf "Failed to set default sink volume\n" >&2
exit 1
[[ -z "$NOTIFY_SOUND" ]] || play_notify_sound "$NOTIFY_SOUND"
play_notify_sound() {
if ! [[ -r "$1" ]]; then
printf "File '%s' is not readable" "$1" >&2
exit 1
if command -v ffmpeg &>/dev/null; then
ffplay -nodisp -autoexit -v error "$1"
elif command -v afplay &>/dev/null; then
afplay "$1"
printf "Failed to find sound player for volume indication sound\n" >&2
if ! [[ "$ADJUST" =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then
printf "No volume change amount provided\n" >&2
exit 1
readonly curr_volume=$(pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | awk '
match($0, /[0-9]+%/) { printf "%s", substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH - 1) }')
if ! [[ "$curr_volume" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
printf "Failed to find default sink's volume: %s\n" "$curr_volume" >&2
declare -ir new_volume=$(($curr_volume + $ADJUST))
printf "Changing volumes from %d -> %d\n" "$curr_volume" "$new_volume" >&2
if [[ "$new_volume" -gt "$MAX_VOLUME" ]]; then
set_volume "$MAX_VOLUME"
elif [[ "$new_volume" -lt "0" ]]; then
set_volume "0"
set_volume "$new_volume"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
battery_charge() {
if [[ -r /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/uevent ]]; then
cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/uevent | awk '
/CHARGE_NOW/ { split($0, a, "="); curr = a[2]; n++ }
/CHARGE_FULL=/ { split($0, a, "="); full = a[2]; n++ }
END { if (n == 2) printf "%.1f", curr / full * 100 }
display_brightness() {
if command -v ddcutil &>/dev/null; then
ddcutil getvcp 10 | awk '
match($0, /[0-9]+,/) { printf "%s", substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH - 1) }'
light -G | awk '{ split($0, a, "."); printf "%s", a[1] }'
get_volume() {
pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | awk '
match($0, /[0-9]+%/) { printf "%s", substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH - 1) }'
remaining_ram() {
free --mega | awk '/Mem/ {
split($0, a, " ")
used = a[3] / 1000
shared = a[5] / 1000
available = a[7] / 1000
printf "%0.1fG / %.1fG", used + shared, available
time="$(date +'%d %a %l:%M %p' | awk '{ gsub(/ +/, " "); print }')"
[[ -z "$brightness" ]] || output+="${brightness}cd | "
[[ -z "$volume" ]] || output+="${volume}dB | "
[[ -z "$charge" ]] || output+="[${charge}%] | "
[[ -z "$ramu" ]] || output+="${ramu} | "
[[ -z "$time" ]] || output+="$time"
printf "%s" "$output"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
CURRENT_ID="$(pgrep ^fcitx5$)"
if [[ -n "$CURRENT_ID" ]]; then
kill "$CURRENT_ID"
fcitx5 -d --replace
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Toggles between muted and the previous volume. Uses `pactl`
# ./ # Default toggles based on current volume
# ./ mute
# ./ unmute
declare -r vol="$(pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | awk '{ printf $5 }')"
declare -r store=~/.config/sway/toggle_mute_data
# Saves the current non-zero volume and mutes
mute_and_save () {
[[ "$vol" == "0%" ]] || printf "%s" "$vol" > "$store"
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ 0%
# Restores previous volume, or sets to 10%
unmute () {
if [[ "$vol" == "0%" && "$(head "$store")" =~ [0-9]+% ]]; then
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ "$(head "$store")"
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ 10%
# Main ======
case "$1" in
if [[ "$vol" == "0%" ]]; then
ffplay -nodisp -autoexit -v error ~/.config/sway/pop_sound.mp3
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Gets a slurp-like output for the focused window with sway borders cropped
declare -a a=( $(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq '..
| (.nodes? // empty)[] | select(.focused==true)
| .rect.x, .window_rect.x, .rect.y, .window_rect.y, .window_rect.width, .window_rect.height, .rect.height') )
if [[ ${#a[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
a=( $(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq '..
| (.floating_nodes? // empty)[] | select(.focused==true)
| .rect.x, .window_rect.x, .rect.y, .window_rect.y, .window_rect.width, .window_rect.height, .rect.height') )
if [[ ${#a[@]} -ne 7 ]]; then
printf 'Failed to find window\n'
exit 1
elif [[ $((${a[5]} + ${a[3]})) -eq ${a[6]} ]]; then
printf '%d,%d %dx%d\n' \
"$((${a[0]} + ${a[1]}))" \
"${a[2]}" \
"${a[4]}" \
"$((${a[5]} - ${a[3]}))"
printf '%d,%d %dx%d\n' \
"$((${a[0]} + ${a[1]}))" \
"$((${a[2]} + ${a[3]}))" \
"${a[4]}" \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Description=xRemap keyboard remapper
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/xremap /etc/xremap/config.yml
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
# General Settings ==================================================
# Ctrl-space as prefix
unbind-key C-b
unbind-key C-Space
set-option -g prefix C-Space
bind-key C-Space send-prefix
set -s copy-command 'wl-copy'
set -g mouse on
# vi keybinds in copy mode
set-window-option -g mode-keys vi
set -g mode-keys vi
set-option -s set-clipboard off
# Start window index at 1, for chromium-like tab switching
set -g base-index 1
# 100k line scrollback
set-option -g history-limit 100000
# Avoid ESC delay
set -s escape-time 0
# Full colors
set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color" # 'xterm' not 'tmux' for vim's sake
set -ag terminal-overrides ",*256*:RGB"
# Window and Panes ==================================================
# Fast Alt-bound keybinds
# Adjacent windows
bind-key -n M-l next
bind-key -n M-h prev
# Move between panes. Mix of vim up/down and vimium's tabs left/right
bind-key -n M-k select-pane -t '{top-right}'
bind-key -n M-j select-pane -t '{bottom-left}'
# Move windows
bind-key -n M-[ swap-window -t -1 \; prev
bind-key -n M-] swap-window -t +1 \; next
# Goto window, like chromium tabs
bind-key -n M-1 select-window -t 1
bind-key -n M-2 select-window -t 2
bind-key -n M-3 select-window -t 3
bind-key -n M-4 select-window -t 4
bind-key -n M-5 select-window -t 5
bind-key -n M-6 select-window -t 6
bind-key -n M-7 select-window -t 7
bind-key -n M-8 select-window -t '{end}'
# Slower prefix-bound keybinds
# Move between panes
bind h select-pane -L
bind j select-pane -D
bind k select-pane -U
bind l select-pane -R
# Resize panes
bind -r C-h resize-pane -L
bind -r C-j resize-pane -D
bind -r C-k resize-pane -U
bind -r C-l resize-pane -R
# Swap panes
bind-key L swap-pane -s '{right-of}'
bind-key K swap-pane -s '{up-of}'
bind-key J swap-pane -s '{down-of}'
bind-key H swap-pane -s '{left-of}'
# Split panes like vim
bind v split-window -h -c '#{pane_current_path}'
bind s split-window -v -c '#{pane_current_path}'
bind T new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}"
# Move current pane between windows
bind-key g command-prompt -p "grab pane from:" "join-pane -s '%%'"
bind-key m command-prompt -p "move pane to:" "join-pane -t '%%'"
# Pop out current pane into a new window
bind-key p break-pane -t :
# Toggle pane synchronization
bind-key C-s setw synchronize-panes
# Switch sessions with ( )
bind-key -n M-0 switch-client -n
bind-key -n M-9 switch-client -p
# Tmux Keybinds =====================================================
# Reload tmux quickly
unbind R
bind R source-file ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf \; display 'Reloaded tmux config'
# Faster command prompt
bind ';' command-prompt -I ""
# F12 toggles the outer tmux session's key interception. Keys get passed
# through to the inner session
bind -T root F12 \
set prefix None \;\
set key-table off \;\
if -F '#{pane_in_mode}' 'send-keys -X cancel' \;\
set status-position top \;\
refresh-client -S
bind -T off F12 \
set -u prefix C-Space \;\
set -u key-table \;\
set status-position bottom \;\
refresh-client -S
# Copy mode keybinds
# Move to line ends
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'L' send-keys '$'
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'H' send-keys '^'
# Navigate to previous command prompt
bind-key b copy-mode\;\
send-keys -X start-of-line\;\
send-keys -X search-backward " "
# Copy mode selection
bind P paste-buffer
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi v send-keys -X begin-selection
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-v send-keys -X rectangle-toggle
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-k send-keys -X cancel
# Copy via mouse selection or y key
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-pipe 'wl-copy'
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi MouseDragEnd1Pane send-keys -X copy-pipe 'wl-copy'
# Statusline ========================================================
set-option -g status-position bottom
set -g status-left-length 32
set -g status-bg "black"
set -g status-fg "grey"
set-option -g status-left "#[fg=yellow, bg=black bold] #H "
set-window-option -g window-status-current-format "\
#[fg=black, bg=green] #I* \
#[fg=black, bg=green bold] #W \
#[fg=green, bg=black]"
set-window-option -g window-status-format "\
#[fg=black, bg=grey]\
#[fg=black, bg=grey] #I #W \
#[fg=grey, bg=black]"
set-option -g status-right "\
#[fg=yellow, bg=black] #S #(whoami) \
#[fg=black, bg=yellow] CPU: #{cpu_percentage} "
set-window-option -g window-status-separator ''
# Plugins ===========================================================
set -g @plugin 'nhdaly/tmux-better-mouse-mode'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-cpu'
set -g @scroll-speed-num-lines-per-scroll "1"
set -g @emulate-scroll-for-no-mouse-alternate-buffer "on" # Scroll manpages
set -g @plugin 'mattdavis90/base16-tmux'
set -g @colors-base16 'gruvbox-light-soft'
run '~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'
# Overwriting options ===============================================
set -g pane-active-border-style "fg=white"
set -g pane-border-style "fg=brightblack"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
" You can edit this file by hand.
" The " character at the beginning of a line comments out the line.
" Blank lines are ignored.
" The Default color scheme is used for any directory that does not have
" a specified scheme and for parts of user interface like menus. A
" color scheme set for a base directory will also
" be used for the sub directories.
" The standard ncurses colors are:
" Default = -1 = None, can be used for transparency or default color
" Black = 0
" Red = 1
" Green = 2
" Yellow = 3
" Blue = 4
" Magenta = 5
" Cyan = 6
" White = 7
" Light versions of colors are also available (set bold attribute):
" LightBlack
" LightRed
" LightGreen
" LightYellow
" LightBlue
" LightMagenta
" LightCyan
" LightWhite
" Available attributes (some of them can be combined):
" bold
" underline
" reverse or inverse
" standout
" italic (on unsupported systems becomes reverse)
" none
" Vifm supports 256 colors you can use color numbers 0-255
" (requires properly set up terminal: set your TERM environment variable
" (directly or using resources) to some color terminal name (e.g.
" xterm-256color) from /usr/lib/terminfo/; you can check current number
" of colors in your terminal with tput colors command)
" highlight group cterm=attrs ctermfg=foreground_color ctermbg=background_color
highlight clear
highlight Win cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight Directory cterm=bold ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=default
highlight Link cterm=bold ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=default
highlight BrokenLink cterm=bold ctermfg=red ctermbg=default
highlight HardLink cterm=none ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=default
highlight Socket cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=default
highlight Device cterm=bold ctermfg=red ctermbg=default
highlight Fifo cterm=bold ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=default
highlight Executable cterm=bold ctermfg=green ctermbg=default
highlight Selected cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=default
highlight CurrLine cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight TopLine cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
highlight TopLineSel cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=default
highlight StatusLine cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
highlight WildMenu cterm=underline,reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight CmdLine cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight ErrorMsg cterm=none ctermfg=red ctermbg=black
highlight Border cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
highlight OtherLine ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight JobLine cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
highlight SuggestBox cterm=bold ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight CmpMismatch cterm=bold ctermfg=white ctermbg=red
highlight AuxWin ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight TabLine cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight TabLineSel cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User1 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User2 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User3 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User4 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User5 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User6 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User7 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User8 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User9 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight OtherWin ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight LineNr ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight OddLine ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
" gruvbox color scheme approximation for vifm
" Reset all styles first
highlight clear
" Window colors
"highlight Border cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
"highlight TopLine cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
"highlight TopLineSel cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=default
highlight Win cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight OtherWin cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
highlight LineNr ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight OddLine ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight Border cterm=none ctermfg=235 ctermbg=default
highlight TopLine cterm=none ctermfg=214 ctermbg=235
highlight TopLineSel cterm=bold ctermfg=214 ctermbg=237
highlight CurrLine cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight TopLine cterm=bold ctermfg=white ctermbg=239
highlight TopLineSel cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=green
highlight TabLine cterm=bold ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight TabLineSel cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=green
highlight Border cterm=bold ctermfg=white ctermbg=239
highlight StatusLine cterm=bold ctermfg=white ctermbg=239
" Filetype colors ===================================================
"highlight Directory cterm=bold ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=default
highlight Directory cterm=bold ctermfg=blue ctermbg=default
highlight Directory cterm=bold ctermfg=109 ctermbg=default
"highlight Link cterm=bold ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=default
highlight Link cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=default
highlight BrokenLink cterm=bold ctermfg=red ctermbg=default
highlight HardLink cterm=none ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=default
highlight Socket cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=default
highlight Device cterm=bold ctermfg=red ctermbg=default
highlight Fifo cterm=bold ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=default
highlight Executable cterm=bold ctermfg=green ctermbg=default
" Visual selection
highlight Selected cterm=bold ctermfg=default ctermbg=239
" Highlight on cursor for the inactive pane
highlight OtherLine ctermfg=default ctermbg=239
highlight WildMenu cterm=underline,reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight CmdLine cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight ErrorMsg cterm=none ctermfg=red ctermbg=black
highlight JobLine cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
highlight SuggestBox cterm=bold ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight CmpMismatch cterm=bold ctermfg=white ctermbg=red
highlight AuxWin ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
"highlight TabLine cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
"highlight TabLineSel cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User1 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User2 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User3 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User4 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User5 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User6 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User7 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User8 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User9 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight OtherWin ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
" Special files =====================================================
" Darkish purple for media
highlight {*.aac,*.anx,*.asf,*.au,*.avi,*.ts,*.axa,*.axv,*.divx,*.flac,*.m2a,
\*.ac3,*.webm} cterm=bold
\ ctermfg=139 ctermbg=default
" Same darkish purple for pictures
highlight {*.avif,*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpeg,*.jpg,*.ico,*.png,*.ppm,*.svg,*.svgz,*.tga,
\*.tif,*.tiff,*.webp,*.xbm,*.xcf,*.xpm,*.xspf,*.xwd} cterm=bold
\ ctermfg=139 ctermbg=default
" Project root files
highlight {README*,,MAKEFILE} cterm=underline,bold
\ ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=default
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
" Light mode gruvbox. Only slight changes from darkmode
" Reset all styles first
highlight clear
" Window colors
highlight Win cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight OtherWin cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
highlight LineNr ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight OddLine ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight Border cterm=none ctermfg=235 ctermbg=default
highlight TopLine cterm=none ctermfg=214 ctermbg=235
highlight TopLineSel cterm=bold ctermfg=214 ctermbg=237
highlight CurrLine cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight CurrLine cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight TopLine cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
highlight TopLineSel cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=green
highlight TabLine cterm=bold ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight TabLineSel cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=green
highlight Border cterm=bold ctermfg=white ctermbg=white
highlight StatusLine cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
" Filetype colors ===================================================
highlight Directory cterm=bold ctermfg=blue ctermbg=default
highlight Link cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=default
highlight BrokenLink cterm=bold ctermfg=red ctermbg=default
highlight HardLink cterm=none ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=default
highlight Socket cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=default
highlight Device cterm=bold ctermfg=red ctermbg=default
highlight Fifo cterm=bold ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=default
highlight Executable cterm=bold ctermfg=green ctermbg=default
highlight Selected cterm=bold ctermfg=default ctermbg=251
highlight OtherLine ctermfg=default ctermbg=251
highlight WildMenu cterm=underline,reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight CmdLine cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight ErrorMsg cterm=none ctermfg=red ctermbg=black
highlight JobLine cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
highlight SuggestBox cterm=bold ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight CmpMismatch cterm=bold ctermfg=white ctermbg=red
highlight AuxWin ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
"highlight TabLine cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
"highlight TabLineSel cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User1 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User2 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User3 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User4 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User5 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User6 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User7 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User8 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User9 ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight OtherWin ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
" Special files =====================================================
" Darkish purple for media
highlight {*.aac,*.anx,*.asf,*.au,*.avi,*.ts,*.axa,*.axv,*.divx,*.flac,*.m2a,
\*.ac3,*.webm} cterm=bold
\ ctermfg=5 ctermbg=default
" Same darkish purple for pictures
highlight {*.avif,*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpeg,*.jpg,*.ico,*.png,*.ppm,*.svg,*.svgz,*.tga,
\*.tif,*.tiff,*.webp,*.xbm,*.xcf,*.xpm,*.xspf,*.xwd} cterm=bold
\ ctermfg=5 ctermbg=default
" Project root files
highlight {README*,,MAKEFILE,makefile,Cargo.toml} cterm=underline,bold
\ ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=default
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
print_help() {
cat <<HELP
Open given files in backgrounded programs, preferably using GUI apps
Intended for use with vifm
open_file() {
case "${1##*.}" in
zathura "$1" &
imv "$1" &
local has_video="$(ffprobe -hide_banner "$1" 2>&1 | awk '/Stream.+Video/')"
if [[ -n "$TMUX" && -z "$has_video" ]]; then
tmux split-window -h
sleep .2 # Let bash login, otherwise command won't get sent
tmux send-keys "mpv $1" Enter
mpv --force-window "$1" &>/dev/null &
chromium "$1" &>/dev/null &
if [[ -z ${SWAYSOCK+x} ]]; then
printf 'Sway not running. Will not open gui apps\n' >&2
exit 1
for arg in "$@"
case "$arg" in
exit 0
open_file "$arg"
#swaymsg [con_mark=vifm_window] focus
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
" [n]ormal, [v]isual, [d]ialogue, [q]uick view, [m]enu, [c]ommand
" Ctrl+k as Esc
nnoremap <C-k> <ESC>
vnoremap <C-k> <ESC>
dnoremap <C-k> <ESC>
qnoremap <C-k> q
mnoremap <C-k> <ESC>
cnoremap <C-k> <C-c>
" Quickly access command line
nnoremap ; :
vnoremap ; :
mnoremap ; :
" Run external command
nnoremap ! :!!
" Invert sorting order
nnoremap r :invert o<cr>
" Special filters with ,
nnoremap , z
" Toggle explore
qnoremap e q
" Vifm unique mappings ==============================================
" Open editor for command line
nnoremap : q:
" Toggle previewing "o[ther] viewer"
nnoremap o :view<cr>
qnoremap o :view<cr>
vnoremap o :view<cr>gv
" Open sorting menu
nnoremap s :sort<cr>
" Open bash shell in cwd
nnoremap <C-l> :!/usr/bin/env IS_VIFM_NEST='T' bash -l<cr>
nnoremap <C-f> :!/usr/bin/env IS_VIFM_NEST='T' bash -l<cr>
" Open cwd in finder
nnoremap <space>ofinder :!open .<cr>
nnoremap <space>ogadd :!git add %c<cr>
" Logical conflict mappings
" Navigate back from symlinks
nnoremap H :cd -<cr>
"nnoremap L l
" Open file in existing instance of macvim
nnoremap O :!mvim --remote-tab-silent %f<cr>
" Windows and buffers ===============================================
" Window control with leader
"nnoremap <space>w <C-w>
" Open and switch to split, like in vim
nnoremap <space>ws :split<cr><space>
nnoremap <space>wv :vsplit<cr><space>
" Expand current window
nnoremap <space>wo :only<cr>
" Close current window
nnoremap <space>wc <space>:only<cr>
" eXchange windows
nnoremap <space>wx <C-w>x
" Open a new tab
nnoremap <space>wT :tabnew<cr>
" Close tab
nnoremap <space>wC :tabclose<cr>
" Quick window switching. [N]ormal and [Q]uick view modes
nnoremap <space>l <C-w>l
nnoremap <space>h <C-w>h
nnoremap <space>j <C-w>j
nnoremap <space>k <C-w>k
qnoremap <space>l <C-w>l
qnoremap <space>h <C-w>h
qnoremap <space>j <C-w>j
qnoremap <space>k <C-w>k
" Window movement
nnoremap <space><space>h <C-w>H
nnoremap <space><space>j <C-w>J
nnoremap <space><space>k <C-w>K
nnoremap <space><space>l <C-w>L
" Window resizing
" < increases, > decreases
nnoremap <space>, 4<C-w>>
nnoremap <space>. 4<C-w><
nnoremap <space><space>, 4<C-w>+
nnoremap <space><space>. 4<C-w>-
" Set windows to be equally sized
nnoremap <space><space>= <C-w>=
" Emacs-like movements
" Move by character
cnoremap <C-f> <right>
cnoremap <C-j> <left>
" Delete by character. Note: <delete> not <del>
cnoremap <C-d> <delete>
cnoremap <C-h> <bs>
" Move by word
cnoremap <C-b> <a-b>
cnoremap <C-w> <a-f>
" Delete left word
cnoremap <C-u> <C-w>
" Jump to end of line
cnoremap <C-a> <home>
cnoremap <C-e> <end>
" Clipboard ==============================================
" Copy file or directory paths to clipboard
if executable('pbcopy')
nnoremap yd :!echo %d | pbcopy<cr>
nnoremap yf :!echo %c:p | pbcopy<cr>
nnoremap yp :!echo %c:p | sed 's#'"${HOME}"'#~#' | pbcopy<cr>
elseif executable('wl-copy')
nnoremap yd :!echo %d | wl-copy<cr>
nnoremap yf :!echo %c:p | wl-copy<cr>
nnoremap yp :!echo %c:p | sed 's#'"${HOME}"'#~#' | wl-copy<cr>
elseif executable('xclip')
nnoremap yd :!echo %d | xclip %i<cr>
nnoremap yf :!echo %c:p | xclip %i<cr>
nnoremap yp :!echo %c:p | sed 's#'"${HOME}"'#~#' | xclip %i<cr>
elseif executable('xsel')
nnoremap yd :!echo -n %d | xsel --input --primary %i &&
\ echo -n %d | xsel --clipboard --input %i<cr>
nnoremap yf :!echo -n %c:p | xsel --input --primary %i &&
\ echo -n %c:p | xsel --clipboard --input %i<cr>
" Experimental ===========================================
nnoremap <space>m :sync %d<cr><space>
" Toggle dotfiles
"nnoremap gh :set dotfiles!<cr>
"nnoremap <space>. :set dotfiles!<cr>
" Smaller scrolling movements
"nnoremap <C-u> 6k
"vnoremap <C-u> 6k
"nnoremap <C-d> 6j
"vnoremap <C-d> 6j
nnoremap <space>orestore :!git restore %c<cr>
nnoremap <space>oadd :!git add %c<cr>
"command! pngcopy :!osascript -e 'set the clipboard to (read (POSIX file "'.%c.'") as PNG picture)'
" ===================================================================
" Settings
" ===================================================================
" Don't use this directly. <C-l> loads additional configs
set shell='/usr/bin/env bash'
set vicmd='nvim --'
set syscalls "nosyscalls for third party tools like `cp` instead
set vifminfo=dhistory,savedirs,chistory,state,tui,shistory,
set trash " Required for moving files with dd/p
set history=1000 " Directory history scrollback
set undolevels=1000 " Maximum undos stored
set nofollowlinks
set sortnumbers
set timefmt=%m/%d\ %H:%M " See `man date` or `man strftime` for details
" Show list of matches on tab completion in command-line mode
set wildmenu
set wildstyle=popup
set vimhelp " Extra highlighting with vim's help file format
set nohlsearch " Don't highlight search results automatically
set incsearch " Incremental highlights while typing
set scrolloff=2
" Backwards compatibility. Enables <C-i> without 't'
set cpoptions="fs"
set sort +size
" Resolve symlinked paths like cd -P
set chaselinks
set tablabel="%t"
set statusline="%16A %u:%-g %s (%d) -> %T"
command! Light :colorscheme gruvbox-light Default Default-256
command! Dark :colorscheme gruvbox-dark Default Default-256
if system(' --tone') == 'light'
" ===================================================================
" Preload defaults
" ===================================================================
" :mark mark /full/directory/path [filename]
" Common directories
mark h ~/
mark c ~/.configs_pointer/
mark d ~/Downloads/
mark s ~/safe/
mark v ~/.config/vifm/
set millerview
" ===================================================================
" Commands
" ===================================================================
" Only 3 view modes are available. Full screen and 2 window splits
" :only :split :vsplit
command! hsplit :split
command! duplicate :clone
command! mview :set millerview!
command! finder :!open .
" Git-like shortcuts
command! stash :norm! zR
command! stashpop :norm! zM
command! stashdrop :norm! zO
" Vifm doesn't support escaping modfiers like `exe "norm! \<C-w>h"`, so we use
" a remap ahead of time
nnoremap + <C-w>h
command! preview :tabnew | set nomillerview | vsplit | sync! | exe 'norm +' | exe ':24wincmd-' | view
" i for image
nnoremap <space>i :preview<cr>
nnoremap <space><space>i :!~/.configs_pointer/bin/ &>/dev/null &<cr>
" ===================================================================
" Fzf intergration
" ===================================================================
" Write the current bookmarks to a file
command! fzfreadbmarks :exe "normal! :bmarks\r:write ~/.config/vifm/fzf-read/bookmarks\rq"
" Automatically navigate into directories and symlinks to directories
command! navigateIfDir :if system('[[ ! -d '.expand('%c').' ]] || printf "T"') == 'T' | exe 'norm l' | endif
" Prefer to use popup window. Requires 90 $COLUMNS and tmux >=3.2. Yabai on
" MacOS causes it to crash regardless. Use full-screen as a fallback
command! fzfbmarks
\ :if $TMUX != '' && &columns > 90
\ | exe 'cd "'.system('cat ~/.config/vifm/fzf-read/bookmarks | fzf-tmux -p 90,30 | sed "s/:.*//" ').'"'
\ | else
\ | exe 'cd "'.term('cat ~/.config/vifm/fzf-read/bookmarks | fzf 2>/dev/tty | sed "s/:.*//" ').'"'
\ | endif
command! fdcddir
\ :if $TMUX != '' && &columns > 90
\ | exe 'cd "'.system('fd -HE ''.git'' -t d . | fzf-tmux -p 90,30').'"'
\ | else
\ | exe 'cd "'.term('fd -HE ''.git'' -t d . | fzf 2>/dev/tty').'"'
\ | endif
command! fdeditfiles
\ :if $TMUX != '' && &columns > 90
\ | exe 'edit "'.system('fd -HE ''.git'' -t f . | fzf-tmux -p 90,30').'"'
\ | else
\ | exe 'edit "'.term('fd -HE ''.git'' -t f . | fzf 2>/dev/tty').'"'
\ | endif
command! fdmvcursor
\ :if $TMUX != '' && &columns > 90
\ | exe 'goto "'.system('fd --maxdepth=1 -HE ''.git'' . | fzf-tmux -p 90,30').'"' | navigateIfDir
\ | else
\ | exe 'goto "'.term('fd --maxdepth=1 -HE ''.git'' . | fzf 2>/dev/tty').'"' | navigateIfDir
\ | endif
" Read in latests bookmarks before fzfinding through them
command! fzfmarks :fzfreadbmarks | fzfbmarks
nnoremap <space>r :fzfmarks<cr>
nnoremap <space>e :fdcddir<cr>
nnoremap <space>f :fdeditfiles<cr>
nnoremap <space>; :fdmvcursor<cr>
" ===================================================================
" Defaults
" ===================================================================
" Directory-local options, see :h vifm-'sort'
autocmd DirEnter ~/Downloads setlocal sort=-mtime
" Tmux won't work with sixel at all. Alacritty is currently very unstable with
" it and flickers a lot. Set $TMUX for blurrier faster version. Quanity on
" MacOS with viu seems to get worse the more images you preview
if $TMUX == ''
fileviewer <video/*>
\ vifm-sixel video %pw %ph %c %pd
\ %pc
\ vifm-sixel clear
fileviewer <image/*>
\ montage %c -geometry "2000x1100" -background none sixel:- %pd
\ %pc
\ vifm-sixel clear
fileviewer <video/*>
\ ffmpegthumbnailer -s 0 -i %c:p -o ~/.config/vifm/thumbnail_output.jpg &&
\ viu ~/.config/vifm/thumbnail_output.jpg -w %pw %v
\ viu ~/.config/vifm/thumbnail_output.jpg -h %ph %s
fileviewer <image/*>
\ viu %c:p -w %pw %v
\ viu %c:p -h %ph %s
" Bat as default previewer. Put it at the end since there's no way to
" overwrite this setting
fileviewer *[^/] env -uCOLORTERM bat --color always --theme ansi --wrap never --pager never %c -p
filetype *.mp4,*.mkv,*.mov,*.webm,*.mp3,*.flac mpv %c
if system('uname') == 'Darwin'
filetype *.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.icns open -a %c:p
filetype *.pdf open -a 'skim' %c || open %c:p
filetype *.pdf zathura %c
filetype *.epub foliate %c %i &
nnoremap L :! ~/.config/vifm/scripts/ "%c" &<cr>
vnoremap L :! ~/.config/vifm/scripts/ "%f" &<cr>
" Wayland only
filetype <image/*> imv %c:p
" vim: set syn=vifm ft=vifm ff=unix:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}
%\usepackage{libertine, newtxmath} % conflicts with lmodern remove sigmas
\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} % For background colors
\definecolor{gruv-box-background}{RGB}{34, 34, 34} % Backwards compatibility
\definecolor{gruv-box-dark-bg}{RGB}{34, 34, 34}
\definecolor{gruv-box-light-bg}{RGB}{235, 219, 178}
\definecolor{gruv-box-yellow}{RGB}{255, 175, 0}
% Sans-serif font. Clarifies distinction between math and text
% Number sets
\newcommand{\Part}[1]{\frac{\partial}{\partial #1}}
% Boxes
% Code
\usepackage[hashEnumerators,smartEllipses]{markdown} % Doesn't work
% Fancy letters using \mathbcal{letter}
\DeclareFontFamily{U}{BOONDOX-calo}{\skewchar\font=45 }
<-> s*[1.05] BOONDOX-r-calo}{}
<-> s*[1.05] BOONDOX-b-calo}{}
% paper=letterpaper, % Paper size, change to letterpaper for US letter size
% top=1in, % Top margin
% bottom=1in, % Bottom margin
% left=1in, % Left margin
% right=1in, % Right margin
% headheight=1in, % Header height
% footskip=1.4cm, % Space from the bottom margin to the baseline of the footer
% headsep=10pt % Space from the top margin to the baseline of the header
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
global !p
def math():
return vim.eval('vimtex#syntax#in_mathzone()') == '1'
def comment():
return vim.eval('vimtex#syntax#in_comment()') == '1'
def env(name):
[x,y] = vim.eval("vimtex#env#is_inside('" + name + "')")
return x != '0' and y != '0'
# Color boxes =================================================<<<{{{
snippet block "Simple box with colored border, interior, and text"
snippet titlebox "Box with a centered title and color option" A
\begin{tcolorbox}[title={\centering ${1:untitled}},
snippet splitbox "Box with a top, bottom, and title"
snippet minipage "Small page indent" A
snippet ebox "Box for containing examples"
\begin{tcolorbox}[title={${1:Ex: untitled}},colframe={${2:Magenta!75!black}}]
snippet inbox "Indented titled box"
snippet code "Code environment"
# }}}>>>
# Environments ================================================<<<{{{
snippet begin "begin{} / end{}" bA
context "math()"
snippet case "cases" wA
snippet enum "Enumerate" bA
\item $0
priority 100
snippet item "First item" bA
\item $0
snippet desc "Description" b
\item[$1] $0
snippet mk "Math" wA
snippet dm "Math" wA
\] $0
snippet dl "Math" wA
\[ ${1:${VISUAL}} \]$0
snippet align "Align" bA
priority 10
snippet item "Itemize" bA
\item $0
snippet chmargin "Bigger left margin" bA
# }}}>>>
# Fractions ===================================================<<<{{{
context "math()"
snippet // "Standard fraction, nothing fancy" iA
snippet / "Fraction" i
context "math()"
snippet '(-?(\d+)|(\d*)(\\)?([A-Za-z]+)((\^|_)(\{\d+\}|\d))*)/' "powerful frac like 2/" wrA
\\frac{`!p snip.rv =`}{$1}$0
priority 1000
context "math()"
snippet '^.*\)/' "() frac" wrA
stripped = match.string[:-1]
depth = 0
i = len(stripped) - 1
while True:
if stripped[i] == ')': depth += 1
if stripped[i] == '(': depth -= 1
if depth == 0: break;
snip.rv = stripped[0:i] + "\\frac{" + stripped[i+1:-1] + "}"
`{$1} $0
snippet part "partial derivative d/dx" w
\frac{\partial ${1:V}}{\partial ${2:x}}$0
# }}}>>>
# Sub/Super scripts ===========================================<<<{{{
priority 10
context "math()"
snippet '([A-Za-z])(-?\d) ' "auto exponentiate like x-2 -> x^{-2}" wrA
`!p snip.rv =`^{`!p snip.rv =`} $0
context "math()"
snippet td "exponentiate" iA
priority 20
context "math()"
snippet '([A-Za-z])_([-\w\d]{2,})(,)? ' "auto subscript after space" wrA
`!p snip.rv =`_{`!p snip.rv =`}`!p
if is not None:
snip.rv =`$0
context "math()"
snippet '([A-Za-z|\]])ud' "auto 上下 script" wrA
`!p snip.rv =`^{${1:exp}}_{${2:sub}} $0
context "math()"
snippet sqrt "\sqrt{}" iA
# }}}>>>
# Equality shortcuts ==========================================<<<{{{
snippet == "aligned equals" iA
&= $1 \\\\
snippet n= "not equal" iA
snippet <= "leq" iA
snippet >= "geq" iA
snippet >> ">>" iA
snippet << "<<" iA
snippet ~~ "~" iA
# }}}>>>
# Matricies ===================================================<<<{{{
snippet (mat "round brackets" i
\end{pmatrix} $0
snippet [mat "square brackets" i
\end{bmatrix} $0
snippet |mat "square brackets" i
\end{vmatrix} $0
priority 100
snippet cvec "column vector" iA
\begin{pmatrix} ${1:x}_${2:1}\\\\ \vdots\\\\ $1_${2:n} \end{pmatrix}
# }}}>>>
# Enclosing delimiters ========================================<<<{{{
context "math()"
snippet () "() delimiters" iA
\left( ${1:${VISUAL}} \right)$0
snippet lr "() delimiters" i
\left( ${1:${VISUAL}} \right)$0
snippet lr( "() delimiters" i
\left( ${1:${VISUAL}} \right)$0
snippet lr| "|| delimiters" i
\left| ${1:${VISUAL}} \right|$0
snippet lr|| "|| || for vector magnitudes" i
\left\| ${1:${VISUAL}} \right\|$0
snippet lr{ "{} delimiters" i
\left\\{ ${1:${VISUAL}} \right\\}$0
snippet lrb "{} delimiters" i
\left\\{ ${1:${VISUAL}} \right\\}$0
snippet lr[ "[] delimiters" i
\left[ ${1:${VISUAL}} \right]$0
snippet lr< "<> delimiters" i
\left< ${1:${VISUAL}} \right>$0
snippet lra "<> delimiters" iA
\left<${1:${VISUAL}} \right>$0
context "math()"
snippet set "set" wA
\\{$1\\} $0
# }}}>>>
# Math symbols with numbers ===================================<<<{{{
snippet sum "sum" w
\sum_{i=${1:0}}^{${2:\infty}} ${3:a_i z^i}
snippet taylor "taylor" w
\sum_{${1:k}=${2:0}}^{${3:\infty}} ${4:c_$1} (x-a)^$1 $0
snippet lim "limit" w
\lim_{${1:x} \to ${2:\infty}} $0
priority 300
context "math()"
snippet dint "integral" wA
\int_{${1:-\infty}}^{${2:\infty}} $4 \,d${3:x}$0
# }}}>>>
# Symbol shortcuts ============================================<<<{{{
snippet ooo "\infty" iA
context "math()"
snippet EE "geq" iA
priority 300
context "math()"
snippet 'prime(\d+)' "prime like x^(4)" wrA
^{(`!p snip.rv =`)} $0
context "math()"
snippet AA "forall" iA
snippet lll "l" iA
context "math()"
snippet nabla "nabla" iA
context "math()"
snippet xx "cross" iA
priority 100
snippet ** "cdot" iA
priority 100
context "math()"
snippet -> "to" iA
priority 200
context "math()"
snippet <-> "leftrightarrow" iA
context "math()"
snippet !> "mapsto" iA
snippet Nn "cap" iA
snippet UU "cup" iA
snippet uuu "bigcup" iA
\bigcup_{${1:i \in ${2: I}}} $0
snippet nnn "bigcap" iA
\bigcap_{${1:i \in ${2: I}}} $0
context "math()"
snippet iff "iff" Ai
priority 100
snippet ... "ldots" iA
# }}}>>>
# Set related symbols =========================================<<<{{{
priority 10
context "math()"
snippet 'cc ' "subset" rAi
\\subset $0
snippet notin "not in " iA
context "math()"
snippet inn "in " iA
snippet NN "n" iA
snippet OO "emptyset" iA
snippet RR "real" iA
snippet QQ "Q" iA
snippet ZZ "Z" iA
# }}}>>>
# Symbols right on top ========================================<<<{{{
context "math()"
snippet conj "conjugate" iA
priority 10
context "math()"
snippet "bar" "bar" riA
# Used to be: \overline{$1}$0
priority 100
context "math()"
snippet "([a-zA-Z])bar" "bar" riA
priority 10
context "math()"
snippet "hat" "hat" riA
priority 100
context "math()"
snippet "([a-zA-Z])hat" "hat" riA
# }}}>>>
# Mathematical functions ======================================<<<{{{
priority 100
context "math()"
snippet '(?<!\\)(sin|cos|tan|arccot|sec|cot|csc|ln|log|exp|star|perp)' "ln" rwA
\\`!p snip.rv =`
priority 200
context "math()"
snippet '(?<!\\)(arcsin|arccos|arctan|arccot|arccsc|arcsec|pi|zeta|theta|phi)' "ln" rwA
\\`!p snip.rv =`$0
priority 30
context "math"
snippet ' (?<!\\)int(_[A-Za-z]+)? ' "blank integral, with possible subscript" rwA
if is not None:
snip.rv = "_{" +[1:] + "}"`$0
priority 20
context "math()"
snippet 'vec([A-Za-z0])(_((\{\w+\})?|(\w)))? ' "vector arrow [with subscript]" rwA
snip.rv =
if is not None:
snip.rv +=`}$0
# }}}>>>
# Misc ========================================================<<<{{{
context "math()"
snippet tt "text" iA
context "math()"
snippet '(?<!\\)(mathbcal)' "Autocomplete for special chars" rwA
# }}}>>>
# Huge environments ===========================================<<<{{{
snippet template "Basic template" b
\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} % Set margin preference
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
" vi:syntax=vim
" base16-vim (
" by Chris Kempson (
" Atelier Estuary Light scheme by Bram de Haan (
" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/"
" GUI color definitions
let s:gui00 = "f4f3ec"
let g:base16_gui00 = "f4f3ec"
let s:gui01 = "e7e6df"
let g:base16_gui01 = "e7e6df"
let s:gui02 = "929181"
let g:base16_gui02 = "929181"
let s:gui03 = "878573"
let g:base16_gui03 = "878573"
let s:gui04 = "6c6b5a"
let g:base16_gui04 = "6c6b5a"
let s:gui05 = "5f5e4e"
let g:base16_gui05 = "5f5e4e"
let s:gui06 = "302f27"
let g:base16_gui06 = "302f27"
let s:gui07 = "22221b"
let g:base16_gui07 = "22221b"
let s:gui08 = "ba6236"
let g:base16_gui08 = "ba6236"
let s:gui09 = "ae7313"
let g:base16_gui09 = "ae7313"
let s:gui0A = "a5980d"
let g:base16_gui0A = "a5980d"
let s:gui0B = "7d9726"
let g:base16_gui0B = "7d9726"
let s:gui0C = "5b9d48"
let g:base16_gui0C = "5b9d48"
let s:gui0D = "36a166"
let g:base16_gui0D = "36a166"
let s:gui0E = "5f9182"
let g:base16_gui0E = "5f9182"
let s:gui0F = "9d6c7c"
let g:base16_gui0F = "9d6c7c"
" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "10"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
let s:cterm02 = "11"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
let s:cterm04 = "12"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
let s:cterm06 = "13"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
let s:cterm09 = "09"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
let s:cterm0F = "14"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_0 = "#f4f3ec"
let g:terminal_color_1 = "#ba6236"
let g:terminal_color_2 = "#7d9726"
let g:terminal_color_3 = "#a5980d"
let g:terminal_color_4 = "#36a166"
let g:terminal_color_5 = "#5f9182"
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#5b9d48"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#5f5e4e"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#878573"
let g:terminal_color_9 = "#ba6236"
let g:terminal_color_10 = "#7d9726"
let g:terminal_color_11 = "#a5980d"
let g:terminal_color_12 = "#36a166"
let g:terminal_color_13 = "#5f9182"
let g:terminal_color_14 = "#5b9d48"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#22221b"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
elseif has("terminal")
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ "#f4f3ec",
\ "#ba6236",
\ "#7d9726",
\ "#a5980d",
\ "#36a166",
\ "#5f9182",
\ "#5b9d48",
\ "#5f5e4e",
\ "#878573",
\ "#ba6236",
\ "#7d9726",
\ "#a5980d",
\ "#36a166",
\ "#5f9182",
\ "#5b9d48",
\ "#22221b",
\ ]
" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-atelier-estuary-light"
" Highlighting function
" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
if a:ctermfg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
if l:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
if l:guisp != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error", s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn", s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch", s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual", "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu", s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")
" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")
" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
" pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting
call <sid>hi("jsOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsReturn", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsThis", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassDefinition", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFunction", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncCall", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassMethodType", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsRegexpString", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalNodeObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsExceptions", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsBuiltins", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
" Startify highlighting
call <sid>hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
" Java highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi
" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03 s:gui04 s:gui05 s:gui06 s:gui07 s:gui08 s:gui09 s:gui0A s:gui0B s:gui0C s:gui0D s:gui0E s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
" vi:syntax=vim
" base16-vim (
" by Chris Kempson (
" Atelier Plateau Light scheme by Bram de Haan (
" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/"
" GUI color definitions
let s:gui00 = "f4ecec"
let g:base16_gui00 = "f4ecec"
let s:gui01 = "e7dfdf"
let g:base16_gui01 = "e7dfdf"
let s:gui02 = "8a8585"
let g:base16_gui02 = "8a8585"
let s:gui03 = "7e7777"
let g:base16_gui03 = "7e7777"
let s:gui04 = "655d5d"
let g:base16_gui04 = "655d5d"
let s:gui05 = "585050"
let g:base16_gui05 = "585050"
let s:gui06 = "292424"
let g:base16_gui06 = "292424"
let s:gui07 = "1b1818"
let g:base16_gui07 = "1b1818"
let s:gui08 = "ca4949"
let g:base16_gui08 = "ca4949"
let s:gui09 = "b45a3c"
let g:base16_gui09 = "b45a3c"
let s:gui0A = "a06e3b"
let g:base16_gui0A = "a06e3b"
let s:gui0B = "4b8b8b"
let g:base16_gui0B = "4b8b8b"
let s:gui0C = "5485b6"
let g:base16_gui0C = "5485b6"
let s:gui0D = "7272ca"
let g:base16_gui0D = "7272ca"
let s:gui0E = "8464c4"
let g:base16_gui0E = "8464c4"
let s:gui0F = "bd5187"
let g:base16_gui0F = "bd5187"
" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "10"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
let s:cterm02 = "11"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
let s:cterm04 = "12"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
let s:cterm06 = "13"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
let s:cterm09 = "09"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
let s:cterm0F = "14"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_0 = "#f4ecec"
let g:terminal_color_1 = "#ca4949"
let g:terminal_color_2 = "#4b8b8b"
let g:terminal_color_3 = "#a06e3b"
let g:terminal_color_4 = "#7272ca"
let g:terminal_color_5 = "#8464c4"
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#5485b6"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#585050"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#7e7777"
let g:terminal_color_9 = "#ca4949"
let g:terminal_color_10 = "#4b8b8b"
let g:terminal_color_11 = "#a06e3b"
let g:terminal_color_12 = "#7272ca"
let g:terminal_color_13 = "#8464c4"
let g:terminal_color_14 = "#5485b6"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#1b1818"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
elseif has("terminal")
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ "#f4ecec",
\ "#ca4949",
\ "#4b8b8b",
\ "#a06e3b",
\ "#7272ca",
\ "#8464c4",
\ "#5485b6",
\ "#585050",
\ "#7e7777",
\ "#ca4949",
\ "#4b8b8b",
\ "#a06e3b",
\ "#7272ca",
\ "#8464c4",
\ "#5485b6",
\ "#1b1818",
\ ]
" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-atelier-plateau-light"
" Highlighting function
" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
if a:ctermfg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
if l:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
if l:guisp != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error", s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn", s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch", s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual", "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu", s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")
" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")
" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
" pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting
call <sid>hi("jsOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsReturn", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsThis", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassDefinition", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFunction", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncCall", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassMethodType", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsRegexpString", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalNodeObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsExceptions", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsBuiltins", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
" Startify highlighting
call <sid>hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
" Java highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi
" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03 s:gui04 s:gui05 s:gui06 s:gui07 s:gui08 s:gui09 s:gui0A s:gui0B s:gui0C s:gui0D s:gui0E s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
" vi:syntax=vim
" base16-vim (
" by Chris Kempson (
" Dracula scheme by Mike Barkmin ( based on Dracula Theme (
" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/"
" GUI color definitions
let s:gui00 = "282a36"
let g:base16_gui00 = "282a36"
let s:gui01 = "3a3c4e"
let g:base16_gui01 = "3a3c4e"
let s:gui02 = "4d4f68"
let g:base16_gui02 = "4d4f68"
let s:gui03 = "626483"
let g:base16_gui03 = "626483"
let s:gui04 = "62d6e8"
let g:base16_gui04 = "62d6e8"
let s:gui05 = "e9e9f4"
let g:base16_gui05 = "e9e9f4"
let s:gui06 = "f1f2f8"
let g:base16_gui06 = "f1f2f8"
let s:gui07 = "f7f7fb"
let g:base16_gui07 = "f7f7fb"
let s:gui08 = "ea51b2"
let g:base16_gui08 = "ea51b2"
let s:gui09 = "b45bcf"
let g:base16_gui09 = "b45bcf"
let s:gui0A = "00f769"
let g:base16_gui0A = "00f769"
let s:gui0B = "ebff87"
let g:base16_gui0B = "ebff87"
let s:gui0C = "a1efe4"
let g:base16_gui0C = "a1efe4"
let s:gui0D = "62d6e8"
let g:base16_gui0D = "62d6e8"
let s:gui0E = "b45bcf"
let g:base16_gui0E = "b45bcf"
let s:gui0F = "00f769"
let g:base16_gui0F = "00f769"
" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "10"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
let s:cterm02 = "11"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
let s:cterm04 = "12"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
let s:cterm06 = "13"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
let s:cterm09 = "09"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
let s:cterm0F = "14"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_0 = "#282936"
let g:terminal_color_1 = "#ea51b2"
let g:terminal_color_2 = "#ebff87"
let g:terminal_color_3 = "#00f769"
let g:terminal_color_4 = "#62d6e8"
let g:terminal_color_5 = "#b45bcf"
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#a1efe4"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#e9e9f4"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#626483"
let g:terminal_color_9 = "#ea51b2"
let g:terminal_color_10 = "#ebff87"
let g:terminal_color_11 = "#00f769"
let g:terminal_color_12 = "#62d6e8"
let g:terminal_color_13 = "#b45bcf"
let g:terminal_color_14 = "#a1efe4"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#f7f7fb"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
elseif has("terminal")
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ "#282936",
\ "#ea51b2",
\ "#ebff87",
\ "#00f769",
\ "#62d6e8",
\ "#b45bcf",
\ "#a1efe4",
\ "#e9e9f4",
\ "#626483",
\ "#ea51b2",
\ "#ebff87",
\ "#00f769",
\ "#62d6e8",
\ "#b45bcf",
\ "#a1efe4",
\ "#f7f7fb",
\ ]
" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-dracula"
" Highlighting function
" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
if a:ctermfg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
if l:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
if l:guisp != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error", s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn", s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch", s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual", "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu", s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")
" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")
" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
" pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting
call <sid>hi("jsOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsReturn", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsThis", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassDefinition", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFunction", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncCall", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassMethodType", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsRegexpString", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalNodeObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsExceptions", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsBuiltins", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
" Startify highlighting
call <sid>hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
" Java highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi
" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03 s:gui04 s:gui05 s:gui06 s:gui07 s:gui08 s:gui09 s:gui0A s:gui0B s:gui0C s:gui0D s:gui0E s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
" vi:syntax=vim
" base16-vim (
" by Chris Kempson (
" Github scheme by Defman21
" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/"
" GUI color definitions
let s:gui00 = "ffffff"
let g:base16_gui00 = "ffffff"
let s:gui01 = "f5f5f5"
let g:base16_gui01 = "f5f5f5"
let s:gui02 = "c8c8fa"
let g:base16_gui02 = "c8c8fa"
let s:gui03 = "969896"
let g:base16_gui03 = "969896"
let s:gui04 = "e8e8e8"
let g:base16_gui04 = "e8e8e8"
let s:gui05 = "333333"
let g:base16_gui05 = "333333"
let s:gui06 = "ffffff"
let g:base16_gui06 = "ffffff"
let s:gui07 = "ffffff"
let g:base16_gui07 = "ffffff"
let s:gui08 = "ed6a43"
let g:base16_gui08 = "ed6a43"
let s:gui09 = "0086b3"
let g:base16_gui09 = "0086b3"
let s:gui0A = "795da3"
let g:base16_gui0A = "795da3"
let s:gui0B = "183691"
let g:base16_gui0B = "183691"
let s:gui0C = "183691"
let g:base16_gui0C = "183691"
let s:gui0D = "795da3"
let g:base16_gui0D = "795da3"
let s:gui0E = "a71d5d"
let g:base16_gui0E = "a71d5d"
let s:gui0F = "333333"
let g:base16_gui0F = "333333"
" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "10"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
let s:cterm02 = "11"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
let s:cterm04 = "12"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
let s:cterm06 = "13"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
let s:cterm09 = "09"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
let s:cterm0F = "14"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_0 = "#ffffff"
let g:terminal_color_1 = "#ed6a43"
let g:terminal_color_2 = "#183691"
let g:terminal_color_3 = "#795da3"
let g:terminal_color_4 = "#795da3"
let g:terminal_color_5 = "#a71d5d"
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#183691"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#333333"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#969896"
let g:terminal_color_9 = "#ed6a43"
let g:terminal_color_10 = "#183691"
let g:terminal_color_11 = "#795da3"
let g:terminal_color_12 = "#795da3"
let g:terminal_color_13 = "#a71d5d"
let g:terminal_color_14 = "#183691"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#ffffff"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
elseif has("terminal")
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ "#ffffff",
\ "#ed6a43",
\ "#183691",
\ "#795da3",
\ "#795da3",
\ "#a71d5d",
\ "#183691",
\ "#333333",
\ "#969896",
\ "#ed6a43",
\ "#183691",
\ "#795da3",
\ "#795da3",
\ "#a71d5d",
\ "#183691",
\ "#ffffff",
\ ]
" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-github"
" Highlighting function
" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
if a:ctermfg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
if l:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
if l:guisp != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error", s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn", s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch", s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual", "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu", s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")
" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")
" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
" pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting
call <sid>hi("jsOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsReturn", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsThis", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassDefinition", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFunction", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncCall", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassMethodType", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsRegexpString", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalNodeObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsExceptions", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsBuiltins", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
" Startify highlighting
call <sid>hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
" Java highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi
" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03 s:gui04 s:gui05 s:gui06 s:gui07 s:gui08 s:gui09 s:gui0A s:gui0B s:gui0C s:gui0D s:gui0E s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
" vi:syntax=vim
" base16-vim (
" by Chris Kempson (
" Gruvbox dark, medium scheme by Dawid Kurek (, morhetz (
" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/"
" GUI color definitions
let s:gui00 = "222222"
let g:base16_gui00 = "222222"
let s:gui01 = "3c3836"
let g:base16_gui01 = "3c3836"
let s:gui02 = "504945"
let g:base16_gui02 = "504945"
let s:gui03 = "665c54"
let g:base16_gui03 = "665c54"
let s:gui04 = "bdae93"
let g:base16_gui04 = "bdae93"
let s:gui05 = "d5c4a1"
let g:base16_gui05 = "d5c4a1"
let s:gui06 = "ebdbb2"
let g:base16_gui06 = "ebdbb2"
let s:gui07 = "fbf1c7"
let g:base16_gui07 = "fbf1c7"
let s:gui08 = "fb4934"
let g:base16_gui08 = "fb4934"
let s:gui09 = "fe8019"
let g:base16_gui09 = "fe8019"
let s:gui0A = "fabd2f"
let g:base16_gui0A = "fabd2f"
let s:gui0B = "b8bb26"
let g:base16_gui0B = "b8bb26"
let s:gui0C = "8ec07c"
let g:base16_gui0C = "8ec07c"
let s:gui0D = "83a598"
let g:base16_gui0D = "83a598"
let s:gui0E = "d3869b"
let g:base16_gui0E = "d3869b"
let s:gui0F = "d65d0e"
let g:base16_gui0F = "d65d0e"
" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "10"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
let s:cterm02 = "11"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
let s:cterm04 = "12"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
let s:cterm06 = "13"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
let s:cterm09 = "09"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
let s:cterm0F = "14"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_0 = "#282828"
let g:terminal_color_1 = "#fb4934"
let g:terminal_color_2 = "#b8bb26"
let g:terminal_color_3 = "#fabd2f"
let g:terminal_color_4 = "#83a598"
let g:terminal_color_5 = "#d3869b"
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#8ec07c"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#d5c4a1"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#665c54"
let g:terminal_color_9 = "#fb4934"
let g:terminal_color_10 = "#b8bb26"
let g:terminal_color_11 = "#fabd2f"
let g:terminal_color_12 = "#83a598"
let g:terminal_color_13 = "#d3869b"
let g:terminal_color_14 = "#8ec07c"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#fbf1c7"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
elseif has("terminal")
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ "#282828",
\ "#fb4934",
\ "#b8bb26",
\ "#fabd2f",
\ "#83a598",
\ "#d3869b",
\ "#8ec07c",
\ "#d5c4a1",
\ "#665c54",
\ "#fb4934",
\ "#b8bb26",
\ "#fabd2f",
\ "#83a598",
\ "#d3869b",
\ "#8ec07c",
\ "#fbf1c7",
\ ]
" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-gruvbox-dark-medium"
" Highlighting function
" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
if a:ctermfg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
if l:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
if l:guisp != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error", s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn", s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch", s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual", "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu", s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")
" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")
" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
" pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting
call <sid>hi("jsOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsReturn", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsThis", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassDefinition", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFunction", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncCall", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassMethodType", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsRegexpString", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalNodeObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsExceptions", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsBuiltins", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
" Startify highlighting
call <sid>hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
" Java highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi
" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03 s:gui04 s:gui05 s:gui06 s:gui07 s:gui08 s:gui09 s:gui0A s:gui0B s:gui0C s:gui0D s:gui0E s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
" vi:syntax=vim
" base16-vim (
" by Chris Kempson (
" Gruvbox dark, pale scheme by Dawid Kurek (, morhetz (
" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/"
" GUI color definitions
" Background black
let s:gui00 = "262626"
let g:base16_gui00 = "262626"
" Brighter black
let s:gui01 = "3a3a3a"
let g:base16_gui01 = "3a3a3a"
" Even brighter black
let s:gui02 = "4e4e4e"
let g:base16_gui02 = "4e4e4e"
" Blanced greys
let s:gui03 = "8a8a8a"
let g:base16_gui03 = "8a8a8a"
let s:gui04 = "949494"
let g:base16_gui04 = "949494"
" White: Text
let s:gui05 = "dab997"
let g:base16_gui05 = "dab997"
" Unused?
let s:gui06 = "d5c4a1"
let g:base16_gui06 = "d5c4a1"
let s:gui07 = "ebdbb2"
let g:base16_gui07 = "ebdbb2"
" Red: Replace mode
let s:gui08 = "d75f5f"
let g:base16_gui08 = "d75f5f"
" Orange: Comments, Numbers, Constants
let s:gui09 = "ff8700"
let g:base16_gui09 = "ff8700"
" Yellow: Bash variables, Julia types, Fzf fraction
let s:gui0A = "ffaf00"
let g:base16_gui0A = "ffaf00"
" Green: Strings, Normal mode
let s:gui0B = "afaf00"
let g:base16_gui0B = "afaf00"
" Teal: Bash +, Command mode
let s:gui0C = "85ad85"
let g:base16_gui0C = "85ad85"
" Grey maybe? Mixes with Normal mode?
let s:gui0D = "83adad"
let g:base16_gui0D = "83adad"
" Violet: Visual mode, Conditionals
let s:gui0E = "d485ad"
let g:base16_gui0E = "d485ad"
" Rust: Bash test brackets
let s:gui0F = "d65d0e"
let g:base16_gui0F = "d65d0e"
" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "10"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
let s:cterm02 = "11"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
let s:cterm04 = "12"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
let s:cterm06 = "13"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
let s:cterm09 = "09"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
let s:cterm0F = "14"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_0 = "#262626"
let g:terminal_color_1 = "#d75f5f"
let g:terminal_color_2 = "#afaf00"
let g:terminal_color_3 = "#ffaf00"
let g:terminal_color_4 = "#83adad"
let g:terminal_color_5 = "#d485ad"
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#85ad85"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#dab997"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#8a8a8a"
let g:terminal_color_9 = "#d75f5f"
let g:terminal_color_10 = "#afaf00"
let g:terminal_color_11 = "#ffaf00"
let g:terminal_color_12 = "#83adad"
let g:terminal_color_13 = "#d485ad"
let g:terminal_color_14 = "#85ad85"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#ebdbb2"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
elseif has("terminal")
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ "#262626",
\ "#d75f5f",
\ "#afaf00",
\ "#ffaf00",
\ "#83adad",
\ "#d485ad",
\ "#85ad85",
\ "#dab997",
\ "#8a8a8a",
\ "#d75f5f",
\ "#afaf00",
\ "#ffaf00",
\ "#83adad",
\ "#d485ad",
\ "#85ad85",
\ "#ebdbb2",
\ ]
" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-gruvbox-dark-pale"
" Highlighting function
" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
if a:ctermfg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
if l:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
if l:guisp != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error", s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn", s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch", s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual", "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu", s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")
" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")
" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
" pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting
call <sid>hi("jsOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsReturn", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsThis", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassDefinition", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFunction", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncCall", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassMethodType", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsRegexpString", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalNodeObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsExceptions", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsBuiltins", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
" Startify highlighting
call <sid>hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
" Java highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi
" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03 s:gui04 s:gui05 s:gui06 s:gui07 s:gui08 s:gui09 s:gui0A s:gui0B s:gui0C s:gui0D s:gui0E s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
" vi:syntax=vim
" base16-vim (
" by Chris Kempson (
" Gruvbox light, hard scheme by Dawid Kurek (, morhetz (
" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/"
" GUI color definitions
let s:gui00 = "f9f5d7"
let g:base16_gui00 = "f9f5d7"
let s:gui01 = "ebdbb2"
let g:base16_gui01 = "ebdbb2"
let s:gui02 = "d5c4a1"
let g:base16_gui02 = "d5c4a1"
let s:gui03 = "bdae93"
let g:base16_gui03 = "bdae93"
let s:gui04 = "665c54"
let g:base16_gui04 = "665c54"
let s:gui05 = "504945"
let g:base16_gui05 = "504945"
let s:gui06 = "3c3836"
let g:base16_gui06 = "3c3836"
let s:gui07 = "282828"
let g:base16_gui07 = "282828"
let s:gui08 = "9d0006"
let g:base16_gui08 = "9d0006"
let s:gui09 = "af3a03"
let g:base16_gui09 = "af3a03"
let s:gui0A = "b57614"
let g:base16_gui0A = "b57614"
let s:gui0B = "79740e"
let g:base16_gui0B = "79740e"
let s:gui0C = "427b58"
let g:base16_gui0C = "427b58"
let s:gui0D = "076678"
let g:base16_gui0D = "076678"
let s:gui0E = "8f3f71"
let g:base16_gui0E = "8f3f71"
let s:gui0F = "d65d0e"
let g:base16_gui0F = "d65d0e"
" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "10"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
let s:cterm02 = "11"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
let s:cterm04 = "12"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
let s:cterm06 = "13"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
let s:cterm09 = "09"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
let s:cterm0F = "14"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_0 = "#f9f5d7"
let g:terminal_color_1 = "#9d0006"
let g:terminal_color_2 = "#79740e"
let g:terminal_color_3 = "#b57614"
let g:terminal_color_4 = "#076678"
let g:terminal_color_5 = "#8f3f71"
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#427b58"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#504945"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#bdae93"
let g:terminal_color_9 = "#9d0006"
let g:terminal_color_10 = "#79740e"
let g:terminal_color_11 = "#b57614"
let g:terminal_color_12 = "#076678"
let g:terminal_color_13 = "#8f3f71"
let g:terminal_color_14 = "#427b58"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#282828"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
elseif has("terminal")
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ "#f9f5d7",
\ "#9d0006",
\ "#79740e",
\ "#b57614",
\ "#076678",
\ "#8f3f71",
\ "#427b58",
\ "#504945",
\ "#bdae93",
\ "#9d0006",
\ "#79740e",
\ "#b57614",
\ "#076678",
\ "#8f3f71",
\ "#427b58",
\ "#282828",
\ ]
" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-gruvbox-light-hard"
" Highlighting function
" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
if a:ctermfg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
if l:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
if l:guisp != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error", s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn", s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch", s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual", "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu", s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")
" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")
" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
" pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting
call <sid>hi("jsOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsReturn", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsThis", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassDefinition", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFunction", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncCall", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassMethodType", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsRegexpString", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalNodeObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsExceptions", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsBuiltins", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
" Startify highlighting
call <sid>hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
" Java highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi
" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03 s:gui04 s:gui05 s:gui06 s:gui07 s:gui08 s:gui09 s:gui0A s:gui0B s:gui0C s:gui0D s:gui0E s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
" vi:syntax=vim
" base16-vim (
" by Chris Kempson (
" Gruvbox light, medium scheme by Dawid Kurek (, morhetz (
" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/"
" GUI color definitions
let s:gui00 = "fbf1c7"
let g:base16_gui00 = "fbf1c7"
let s:gui01 = "ebdbb2"
let g:base16_gui01 = "ebdbb2"
let s:gui02 = "d5c4a1"
let g:base16_gui02 = "d5c4a1"
let s:gui03 = "bdae93"
let g:base16_gui03 = "bdae93"
let s:gui04 = "665c54"
let g:base16_gui04 = "665c54"
let s:gui05 = "504945"
let g:base16_gui05 = "504945"
let s:gui06 = "3c3836"
let g:base16_gui06 = "3c3836"
let s:gui07 = "282828"
let g:base16_gui07 = "282828"
let s:gui08 = "9d0006"
let g:base16_gui08 = "9d0006"
let s:gui09 = "af3a03"
let g:base16_gui09 = "af3a03"
let s:gui0A = "b57614"
let g:base16_gui0A = "b57614"
let s:gui0B = "79740e"
let g:base16_gui0B = "79740e"
let s:gui0C = "427b58"
let g:base16_gui0C = "427b58"
let s:gui0D = "076678"
let g:base16_gui0D = "076678"
let s:gui0E = "8f3f71"
let g:base16_gui0E = "8f3f71"
let s:gui0F = "d65d0e"
let g:base16_gui0F = "d65d0e"
" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "10"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
let s:cterm02 = "11"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
let s:cterm04 = "12"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
let s:cterm06 = "13"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
let s:cterm09 = "09"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
let s:cterm0F = "14"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_0 = "#fbf1c7"
let g:terminal_color_1 = "#9d0006"
let g:terminal_color_2 = "#79740e"
let g:terminal_color_3 = "#b57614"
let g:terminal_color_4 = "#076678"
let g:terminal_color_5 = "#8f3f71"
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#427b58"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#504945"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#bdae93"
let g:terminal_color_9 = "#9d0006"
let g:terminal_color_10 = "#79740e"
let g:terminal_color_11 = "#b57614"
let g:terminal_color_12 = "#076678"
let g:terminal_color_13 = "#8f3f71"
let g:terminal_color_14 = "#427b58"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#282828"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
elseif has("terminal")
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ "#fbf1c7",
\ "#9d0006",
\ "#79740e",
\ "#b57614",
\ "#076678",
\ "#8f3f71",
\ "#427b58",
\ "#504945",
\ "#bdae93",
\ "#9d0006",
\ "#79740e",
\ "#b57614",
\ "#076678",
\ "#8f3f71",
\ "#427b58",
\ "#282828",
\ ]
" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-gruvbox-light-medium"
" Highlighting function
" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
if a:ctermfg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
if l:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
if l:guisp != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error", s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn", s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch", s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual", "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu", s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")
" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")
" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
" pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting
call <sid>hi("jsOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsReturn", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsThis", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassDefinition", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFunction", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncCall", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassMethodType", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsRegexpString", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalNodeObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsExceptions", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsBuiltins", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
" Startify highlighting
call <sid>hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
" Java highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi
" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03 s:gui04 s:gui05 s:gui06 s:gui07 s:gui08 s:gui09 s:gui0A s:gui0B s:gui0C s:gui0D s:gui0E s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
" vi:syntax=vim
" base16-vim (
" by Chris Kempson (
" Material Palenight scheme by Nate Peterson
" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/"
" GUI color definitions
let s:gui00 = "292D3E"
let g:base16_gui00 = "292D3E"
let s:gui01 = "444267"
let g:base16_gui01 = "444267"
let s:gui02 = "32374D"
let g:base16_gui02 = "32374D"
let s:gui03 = "676E95"
let g:base16_gui03 = "676E95"
let s:gui04 = "8796B0"
let g:base16_gui04 = "8796B0"
let s:gui05 = "959DCB"
let g:base16_gui05 = "959DCB"
let s:gui06 = "959DCB"
let g:base16_gui06 = "959DCB"
let s:gui07 = "FFFFFF"
let g:base16_gui07 = "FFFFFF"
let s:gui08 = "F07178"
let g:base16_gui08 = "F07178"
let s:gui09 = "F78C6C"
let g:base16_gui09 = "F78C6C"
let s:gui0A = "FFCB6B"
let g:base16_gui0A = "FFCB6B"
let s:gui0B = "C3E88D"
let g:base16_gui0B = "C3E88D"
let s:gui0C = "89DDFF"
let g:base16_gui0C = "89DDFF"
let s:gui0D = "82AAFF"
let g:base16_gui0D = "82AAFF"
let s:gui0E = "C792EA"
let g:base16_gui0E = "C792EA"
let s:gui0F = "FF5370"
let g:base16_gui0F = "FF5370"
" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "10"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
let s:cterm02 = "11"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
let s:cterm04 = "12"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
let s:cterm06 = "13"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
let s:cterm09 = "09"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
let s:cterm0F = "14"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_0 = "#292D3E"
let g:terminal_color_1 = "#F07178"
let g:terminal_color_2 = "#C3E88D"
let g:terminal_color_3 = "#FFCB6B"
let g:terminal_color_4 = "#82AAFF"
let g:terminal_color_5 = "#C792EA"
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#89DDFF"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#959DCB"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#676E95"
let g:terminal_color_9 = "#F07178"
let g:terminal_color_10 = "#C3E88D"
let g:terminal_color_11 = "#FFCB6B"
let g:terminal_color_12 = "#82AAFF"
let g:terminal_color_13 = "#C792EA"
let g:terminal_color_14 = "#89DDFF"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#FFFFFF"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
elseif has("terminal")
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ "#292D3E",
\ "#F07178",
\ "#C3E88D",
\ "#FFCB6B",
\ "#82AAFF",
\ "#C792EA",
\ "#89DDFF",
\ "#959DCB",
\ "#676E95",
\ "#F07178",
\ "#C3E88D",
\ "#FFCB6B",
\ "#82AAFF",
\ "#C792EA",
\ "#89DDFF",
\ "#FFFFFF",
\ ]
" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-material-palenight"
" Highlighting function
" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
if a:ctermfg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
if l:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
if l:guisp != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error", s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn", s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch", s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual", "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu", s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")
" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")
" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
" pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting
call <sid>hi("jsOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsReturn", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsThis", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassDefinition", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFunction", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncCall", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassMethodType", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsRegexpString", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalNodeObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsExceptions", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsBuiltins", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
" Startify highlighting
call <sid>hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
" Java highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi
" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03 s:gui04 s:gui05 s:gui06 s:gui07 s:gui08 s:gui09 s:gui0A s:gui0B s:gui0C s:gui0D s:gui0E s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
" vi:syntax=vim
" base16-vim (
" by Chris Kempson (
" Monokai scheme by Wimer Hazenberg (
" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/"
" GUI color definitions
let s:gui00 = "272822"
let g:base16_gui00 = "272822"
let s:gui01 = "383830"
let g:base16_gui01 = "383830"
let s:gui02 = "49483e"
let g:base16_gui02 = "49483e"
let s:gui03 = "75715e"
let g:base16_gui03 = "75715e"
let s:gui04 = "a59f85"
let g:base16_gui04 = "a59f85"
let s:gui05 = "f8f8f2"
let g:base16_gui05 = "f8f8f2"
let s:gui06 = "f5f4f1"
let g:base16_gui06 = "f5f4f1"
let s:gui07 = "f9f8f5"
let g:base16_gui07 = "f9f8f5"
let s:gui08 = "f92672"
let g:base16_gui08 = "f92672"
let s:gui09 = "fd971f"
let g:base16_gui09 = "fd971f"
let s:gui0A = "f4bf75"
let g:base16_gui0A = "f4bf75"
let s:gui0B = "a6e22e"
let g:base16_gui0B = "a6e22e"
let s:gui0C = "a1efe4"
let g:base16_gui0C = "a1efe4"
let s:gui0D = "66d9ef"
let g:base16_gui0D = "66d9ef"
let s:gui0E = "ae81ff"
let g:base16_gui0E = "ae81ff"
let s:gui0F = "cc6633"
let g:base16_gui0F = "cc6633"
" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "10"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
let s:cterm02 = "11"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
let s:cterm04 = "12"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
let s:cterm06 = "13"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
let s:cterm09 = "09"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
let s:cterm0F = "14"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_0 = "#272822"
let g:terminal_color_1 = "#f92672"
let g:terminal_color_2 = "#a6e22e"
let g:terminal_color_3 = "#f4bf75"
let g:terminal_color_4 = "#66d9ef"
let g:terminal_color_5 = "#ae81ff"
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#a1efe4"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#f8f8f2"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#75715e"
let g:terminal_color_9 = "#f92672"
let g:terminal_color_10 = "#a6e22e"
let g:terminal_color_11 = "#f4bf75"
let g:terminal_color_12 = "#66d9ef"
let g:terminal_color_13 = "#ae81ff"
let g:terminal_color_14 = "#a1efe4"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#f9f8f5"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
elseif has("terminal")
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ "#272822",
\ "#f92672",
\ "#a6e22e",
\ "#f4bf75",
\ "#66d9ef",
\ "#ae81ff",
\ "#a1efe4",
\ "#f8f8f2",
\ "#75715e",
\ "#f92672",
\ "#a6e22e",
\ "#f4bf75",
\ "#66d9ef",
\ "#ae81ff",
\ "#a1efe4",
\ "#f9f8f5",
\ ]
" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-monokai"
" Highlighting function
" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
if a:ctermfg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
if l:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
if l:guisp != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error", s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn", s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch", s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual", "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu", s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")
" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")
" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
" pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting
call <sid>hi("jsOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsReturn", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsThis", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassDefinition", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFunction", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncCall", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassMethodType", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsRegexpString", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalNodeObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsExceptions", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsBuiltins", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
" Startify highlighting
call <sid>hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
" Java highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi
" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03 s:gui04 s:gui05 s:gui06 s:gui07 s:gui08 s:gui09 s:gui0A s:gui0B s:gui0C s:gui0D s:gui0E s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
" vi:syntax=vim
" base16-vim (
" by Chris Kempson (
" Nord scheme by arcticicestudio
" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/"
" GUI color definitions
let s:gui00 = "2E3440"
let g:base16_gui00 = "2E3440"
let s:gui01 = "3B4252"
let g:base16_gui01 = "3B4252"
let s:gui02 = "434C5E"
let g:base16_gui02 = "434C5E"
let s:gui03 = "4C566A"
let g:base16_gui03 = "4C566A"
let s:gui04 = "D8DEE9"
let g:base16_gui04 = "D8DEE9"
let s:gui05 = "E5E9F0"
let g:base16_gui05 = "E5E9F0"
let s:gui06 = "ECEFF4"
let g:base16_gui06 = "ECEFF4"
let s:gui07 = "8FBCBB"
let g:base16_gui07 = "8FBCBB"
let s:gui08 = "88C0D0"
let g:base16_gui08 = "88C0D0"
let s:gui09 = "81A1C1"
let g:base16_gui09 = "81A1C1"
let s:gui0A = "5E81AC"
let g:base16_gui0A = "5E81AC"
let s:gui0B = "BF616A"
let g:base16_gui0B = "BF616A"
let s:gui0C = "D08770"
let g:base16_gui0C = "D08770"
let s:gui0D = "EBCB8B"
let g:base16_gui0D = "EBCB8B"
let s:gui0E = "A3BE8C"
let g:base16_gui0E = "A3BE8C"
let s:gui0F = "B48EAD"
let g:base16_gui0F = "B48EAD"
" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "10"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
let s:cterm02 = "11"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
let s:cterm04 = "12"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
let s:cterm06 = "13"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
let s:cterm09 = "09"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
let s:cterm0F = "14"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_0 = "#2E3440"
let g:terminal_color_1 = "#88C0D0"
let g:terminal_color_2 = "#BF616A"
let g:terminal_color_3 = "#5E81AC"
let g:terminal_color_4 = "#EBCB8B"
let g:terminal_color_5 = "#A3BE8C"
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#D08770"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#E5E9F0"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#4C566A"
let g:terminal_color_9 = "#88C0D0"
let g:terminal_color_10 = "#BF616A"
let g:terminal_color_11 = "#5E81AC"
let g:terminal_color_12 = "#EBCB8B"
let g:terminal_color_13 = "#A3BE8C"
let g:terminal_color_14 = "#D08770"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#8FBCBB"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
elseif has("terminal")
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ "#2E3440",
\ "#88C0D0",
\ "#BF616A",
\ "#5E81AC",
\ "#EBCB8B",
\ "#A3BE8C",
\ "#D08770",
\ "#E5E9F0",
\ "#4C566A",
\ "#88C0D0",
\ "#BF616A",
\ "#5E81AC",
\ "#EBCB8B",
\ "#A3BE8C",
\ "#D08770",
\ "#8FBCBB",
\ ]
" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-nord"
" Highlighting function
" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
if a:ctermfg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
if l:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
if l:guisp != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error", s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn", s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch", s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual", "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu", s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")
" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")
" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
" pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting
call <sid>hi("jsOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsReturn", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsThis", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassDefinition", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFunction", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncCall", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassMethodType", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsRegexpString", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalNodeObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsExceptions", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsBuiltins", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
" Startify highlighting
call <sid>hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
" Java highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi
" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03 s:gui04 s:gui05 s:gui06 s:gui07 s:gui08 s:gui09 s:gui0A s:gui0B s:gui0C s:gui0D s:gui0E s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
" vi:syntax=vim
" base16-vim (
" by Chris Kempson (
" Tomorrow scheme by Chris Kempson (
" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/"
" GUI color definitions
let s:gui00 = "ffffff"
let g:base16_gui00 = "ffffff"
let s:gui01 = "e0e0e0"
let g:base16_gui01 = "e0e0e0"
let s:gui02 = "d6d6d6"
let g:base16_gui02 = "d6d6d6"
let s:gui03 = "8e908c"
let g:base16_gui03 = "8e908c"
let s:gui04 = "969896"
let g:base16_gui04 = "969896"
let s:gui05 = "4d4d4c"
let g:base16_gui05 = "4d4d4c"
let s:gui06 = "282a2e"
let g:base16_gui06 = "282a2e"
let s:gui07 = "1d1f21"
let g:base16_gui07 = "1d1f21"
let s:gui08 = "c82829"
let g:base16_gui08 = "c82829"
let s:gui09 = "f5871f"
let g:base16_gui09 = "f5871f"
let s:gui0A = "eab700"
let g:base16_gui0A = "eab700"
let s:gui0B = "718c00"
let g:base16_gui0B = "718c00"
let s:gui0C = "3e999f"
let g:base16_gui0C = "3e999f"
let s:gui0D = "4271ae"
let g:base16_gui0D = "4271ae"
let s:gui0E = "8959a8"
let g:base16_gui0E = "8959a8"
let s:gui0F = "a3685a"
let g:base16_gui0F = "a3685a"
" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "10"
let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
let s:cterm02 = "11"
let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
let s:cterm04 = "12"
let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
let s:cterm06 = "13"
let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
let s:cterm09 = "09"
let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
let s:cterm0F = "14"
let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_0 = "#ffffff"
let g:terminal_color_1 = "#c82829"
let g:terminal_color_2 = "#718c00"
let g:terminal_color_3 = "#eab700"
let g:terminal_color_4 = "#4271ae"
let g:terminal_color_5 = "#8959a8"
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#3e999f"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#4d4d4c"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#8e908c"
let g:terminal_color_9 = "#c82829"
let g:terminal_color_10 = "#718c00"
let g:terminal_color_11 = "#eab700"
let g:terminal_color_12 = "#4271ae"
let g:terminal_color_13 = "#8959a8"
let g:terminal_color_14 = "#3e999f"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#1d1f21"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
elseif has("terminal")
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ "#ffffff",
\ "#c82829",
\ "#718c00",
\ "#eab700",
\ "#4271ae",
\ "#8959a8",
\ "#3e999f",
\ "#4d4d4c",
\ "#8e908c",
\ "#c82829",
\ "#718c00",
\ "#eab700",
\ "#4271ae",
\ "#8959a8",
\ "#3e999f",
\ "#1d1f21",
\ ]
" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-tomorrow"
" Highlighting function
" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
if a:ctermfg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
if l:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
if l:guisp != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error", s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn", s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch", s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual", "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu", s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile", s:gui0B, s:gui00, s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved", s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")
" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")
" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
" pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting
call <sid>hi("jsOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsReturn", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsThis", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassDefinition", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFunction", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsFuncCall", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassFuncName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsClassMethodType", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsRegexpString", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsGlobalNodeObjects", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsExceptions", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("jsBuiltins", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
" Startify highlighting
call <sid>hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
" Java highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi
" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03 s:gui04 s:gui05 s:gui06 s:gui07 s:gui08 s:gui09 s:gui0A s:gui0B s:gui0C s:gui0D s:gui0E s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
augroup checkBash
au BufRead,BufNewFile * if len(match(getline(1), '\v#![a-z/]* ?bash')) == 1 | set filetype=bash | endif
augroup END
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.ipy set filetype=python
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.mips set filetype=mips
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.s set filetype=mips
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.s IndentLinesEnable
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
" Awk ====================================================
iabbrev <buffer> #! #!/usr/bin/env -S awk -f
iabbrev <buffer> initmodeline # vim: set ft=awk ff=unix:
" vim: set ft=vim ff=unix:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
" Bash ===================================================
iabbrev <buffer> #! #!/usr/bin/env bash
iabbrev <buffer> initmodeline # vim: set ft=bash ff=unix:
" Indents of 2 instead of default 4
setlocal tabstop=2
setlocal softtabstop=2
setlocal shiftwidth=2
" vim: set ft=vim ff=unix:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
" Clang ==================================================
iabbrev <buffer> initmodeline // vim: set ft=c ff=unix:
" Increase indent to match linux guidelines
setlocal tabstop=4
setlocal softtabstop=4
setlocal shiftwidth=4
match Type /\v[ ^]([A-Z][A-Za-z_]+[ $])|([uif]((8)|([1-8]{2})))/
" vim: set ff=unix ft=vim:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
" HTML ===================================================
" By default, vim loads this for markdown files too
if (&filetype !=# "markdown") && (&filetype !=# "javascript")
iabbrev <buffer> #! <!DOCTYPE html>
iabbrev <buffer> initmodeline # vim: set ft=html ff=unix:
" Indents of 2 instead of default 4
setlocal tabstop=2
setlocal softtabstop=2
setlocal shiftwidth=2
" vim: set ft=vim ff=unix:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
" Javascript =============================================
iabbrev <buffer> #! #!/usr/bin/env node
iabbrev <buffer> initmodeline // vim: set ft=javascript ff=unix:
setlocal tabstop=4
setlocal softtabstop=4
setlocal shiftwidth=4
" vim: set ff=unix ft=vim:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
" Julia ==================================================
iabbrev <buffer> #! #!/usr/bin/env julia
iabbrev <buffer> initmodeline # vim: set ft=julia ff=unix:
" Set REPL commands ====
let g:ipython_cell_run_command = '`clear`); include("{filepath}")'
let g:ipython_cell_cell_command = 'include_string(Main, clipboard())'
" vim: set ff=unix ft=vim:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
" Makefile ===============================================
au Filetype make iabbrev <buffer> initmodeline # vim: set ft=make ff=unix:
" vim: set ff=unix ft=vim:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
" Set interior window width to mathc $MANWIDTH
nnoremap <leader><leader>= :exe 'vertical resize ' . (str2nr($MANWIDTH) - 2)<CR>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
" Markdown ===============================================
" Loaded before html.vim by default
iabbrev <buffer> initmodeline <!-- vim: set ft=markdown ff=unix tw=80 spell wrap linebreak: -->
" Infamous em-dash
iabbrev em —
" Spelling in prose. Break lines with gq
setlocal spell wrap linebreak textwidth=80
" vim: set syn=vim ff=unix:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
" Python =================================================
iabbrev <buffer> #! #!/usr/bin/env python3
iabbrev <buffer> initmodeline # ex: set ft=python ff=unix:
" Bug fix for python interpreter seeing #!.../python3^M
set fileformat=unix
" Indent guides for python
" Linting ====
setlocal makeprg=pylint\ --reports=n\ --output-format=parseable\ %:p
setlocal errorformat=%f:%l:\ %m
" Set REPL commands ====
"highlight IPythonCell guifg='#85AD85' guibg='#85AD85'
"hi IPythonCell cterm=bold gui=bold guibg=#222222 guifg=#85ad85
"hi IPythonCell guifg=#222222 guibg=#dab997
"hi! link IPythonCell Comment
" Fix for extended syntax plugin
highlight Error NONE
" Python: function and class names
onoremap ih :execute ":normal! ?def [A-z]\\+(\\\|class [A-z]*\\(:\\\|(\\)\r:noh\rwve"<CR>
" IPython cell ===========================================
" For true REPL-supporting languages
let g:ipython_cell_delimit_cells_by = 'tags'
let g:ipython_cell_tag = ['##', '# %%', '#%%', '# <codecell>']
let g:ipython_cell_highlight_cells = 1
" Use Makefile for REPL-like experience for most languages
let g:ipython_cell_cell_command = '%paste -q'
let g:ipython_cell_run_command = '%run {options} "{filepath}"'
hi! link IPythonCell Todo
" Command hotkeys
" Connect to running Jupyter kernel
nnoremap <leader>q :JupyterConnect<CR>
" Run entire file from top to bottom
nnoremap <leader>f :JupyterRunFile<CR>
" Run current cell
nnoremap <leader>r :JupyterSendCell<CR>
nnoremap <leader>e :JupyterSendCell<CR>
" Insert block seperator above
nnoremap <leader>b O<ESC>S## Block<ESC>vb<C-g>
" vim: set ff=unix ft=vim:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
" Rust ===================================================
iabbrev <buffer> initmodeline // vim: set ft=rust ff=unix:
" Rust's longer line standard
setlocal colorcolumn=100
" Folds open by default
let g:rust_fold = 1
" Jump to naming of rust fn, struct, and enum names
onoremap ih :execute ":normal! ?fn [a-z]\\+\\\|\\(struct\\\|enum\\) [A-Z]\r:noh\rwve"<CR>
" Set interior window width to 100 columns
nnoremap <leader><leader>= :vertical resize 104<CR>
" vim: set ff=unix ft=vim:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
" Snippets ===============================================
iabbrev <buffer> initmodeline # vim: set ft=snippets ff=unix:
setlocal foldmethod=marker
" Fold by default
setlocal foldlevelstart=0
setlocal foldmarker=<<<{{{,}}}>>>
" vim: set ff=unix ft=vim:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
" Svelte =================================================
set shiftwidth=2
" vim: set ft=vim ff=unix:
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