#!/usr/bin/env bash # Source completion scripts ======================================== source_completion_scripts () { [ -r "/usr/local/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh" ] && . "/usr/local/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh" [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ] && . ~/.git-completion.bash # Fzf [ -f ~/.fzf.bash ] && . ~/.fzf.bash # Arch uses a different location [ -f /usr/share/fzf/key-bindings.bash ] && . /usr/share/fzf/key-bindings.bash if [[ "$(type -t _fzf_setup_completion)" == 'function' ]]; then _fzf_setup_completion path mpv vi vii nvim vimiv cat _fzf_setup_completion proc avada-kedavra fi } # Welcome prompts =================================================== print_version_and_platform () { local os_name bash_version if [[ -n "${BASH_VERSION}" ]]; then bash_version="${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}.${BASH_VERSINFO[1]}.${BASH_VERSINFO[2]}" fi case "$(uname)" in Linux) os_name="$(awk '/PRETTY_NAME/ { split($0, a, "=") gsub(/"/, "", a[2]) print a[2] }' /etc/os-release)" ;; Darwin) os_name="MacOS $(sw_vers -productVersion)" ;; esac printf 'GNU bash %s on %s\n\n' \ "${bash_version:-Unknown}" "${os_name:-Unknown Platform}" } print_user_msg () { local username tty_name username="$(id -un)" tty_name="$(tty | awk '{ print substr($0, 6) }')" printf '%s: %s @ %s\n' \ "${username}" "${tty_name}" "${HOSTNAME}" } print_welcome_message () { print_version_and_platform cal print_user_msg } # Login items ======================================================= is_ssh_connection () { [[ "${-}" =~ i ]] && [[ -z "${TMUX}" ]] && [[ -n "${SSH_CONNECTION}" ]] \ || [[ -n "${SSH_TTY}" ]] } has_tmux () { command -v tmux &> /dev/null } not_in_vim () { [[ -z "$VIMRUNTIME" ]] } set_starting_dir () { if [[ "$PWD" == "$HOME" && -d ~/safe && "$IS_VIFM_NEST" != 'T' ]]; then cd ~/safe fi } # ============================================================================= # Run script # ============================================================================= if [[ -z $VIMRUNTIME || -n $IS_VIFM_NEST ]]; then source ~/.bashrc fi source ~/.bash_prompt [[ "$IS_VIFM_NEST" == 'T' ]] || print_welcome_message printf '\n' # Start in routing directory on login ==== set_starting_dir # Attach ssh connections to a dedicated tmux session ==== if is_ssh_connection && has_tmux && not_in_vim; then tmux new-session -As ssh_tmux 2>&1 \ | grep -v 'sessions should be nested with care' # We don't care fi # Bash completion ==== source_completion_scripts loadvenv # vim: set ft=bash ff=unix: