#!/usr/bin/env bash # Greps file and directory names in given directory for a pattern. If no # directory is provided, the present working directory is used search_pattern="${1}" directory="${2:-$PWD}" print_help () { local exe_name="$(basename "${0}")" cat << HELP_MSG List file names matching matching the pattern in a directory USAGE: ${exe_name} <pattern> [dir] EXAMPLES: ${exe_name} bash ~ ${exe_name} rc HELP_MSG } is_help () { [[ "${#}" -eq 0 ]] || [[ "${1}" == '--help' ]] || [[ "${1}" == '-h' ]] } #define_colors () { # local colors # IFS=: colors=(${EXA_COLORS}) # # for color in "${colors[@]}"; do # case "${color}" in # fi*) # color_file='\033['"$(cut -c 4- <<<"${color}")"'' ;; # ln*) # color_link='\033['"$(cut -c 4- <<<"${color}")"'' ;; # esac # done #} if is_help "${@}"; then print_help "${0}" elif command -v fd &> /dev/null; then for match in $(fd -aIHd1 "${search_pattern}" "${directory}"); do printf '%s' "$(basename "${match}")" if [[ -h "${match}" ]]; then printf ' -> %s'\ "$(readlink "${match}" | awk '{ sub("'"$HOME"'", "~"); print }')" fi printf '\n' done else listlong -a "${directory}" | grep -i --color=always "${search_pattern}" fi # ex: set syntax=bash ff=unix: