// Copy the current subtitles to the clipboard // // You may select the copied subtitles with `qwer` by default or just // `<TAB><TAB>` to copy all of them // // Make sure to edit g.afterCopyAction[Mac|Linux] below. This command will be // run by bash after the subtitles are copied to clipboard. For example to // search them up in an online dictionary // Rebind keys here var key_binds = { // Keys to move selection. Letters mean `move<Left/Right><Plus/Minus>`. // moveLP increases the selection size by 1 character to the left moveLP: "q", moveLM: "w", moveRM: "e", moveRP: "r", // Start and stop copying copyKey: "TAB", }; // Global var g = { osd: mp.create_osd_overlay("ass-events"), has_moved_selection: false, sub_chars: undefined, sub_len: function () { return this.sub_chars.length }, start: 0, end: 0, // Shell script to run after copying. Both examples below assume chrome // with a dictionary is open on workspace 3 and the "seach box focus" // Chrome extension is installed // MacOS version ====== // Uses skhd, not preinstalled afterCopyActionMac: "/usr/bin/env -S bash -c '" + 'skhd -k "cmd + shift - a"' // Move to left desktop + ' && sleep .6' + ' && skhd -k "ctrl - l"' // Focus search bar + ' && sleep .1' + ' && skhd -k "cmd - a"' // Select entire search bar + ' && skhd -k "cmd - v"' // Paste clipboard + ' && skhd -k "return"' // Search + "'", // Linux version ====== // Uses wtype, intended for swayland afterCopyActionLinux: "/usr/bin/env -S bash -c '" + 'wtype -M logo -k 3' // Move to workspace 3 + ' && sleep .2' + ' && wtype -M alt -k l' // Focus jisho.org searchbar + ' && sleep .2' + ' && wtype -M ctrl -k v' // Paste + ' && wtype -k return' // Search + "'", }; mp.add_key_binding(key_binds.copyKey, "startCopySubs", main); function main() { if (!initSelection()) { mp.osd_message('No subtitles found', 1); } mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_binds.moveLP, "moveLP", function () { moveSelection(true, 'left') }); mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_binds.moveLM, "moveLM", function () { moveSelection(false, 'left') }); mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_binds.moveRM, "moveRM", function () { moveSelection(false, 'right') }); mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_binds.moveRP, "moveRP", function () { moveSelection(true, 'right') }); mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_binds.copyKey, "copySubs", function () { copySelection(); mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_binds.copyKey, "startCopySubs", main); }); g.has_moved_selection = false; } // Create a new selection printing on OSD // Returns true when a new selection has been created function initSelection() { g.sub_chars = []; var chars = mp.get_property('sub-text') .replace('\n', '\\N') .replace(/\u202A/g, '') // Left to right embed .replace(/\u202C/g, '') // Right to left embed .split(''); if (chars.length === 0) return false; // Combine \N with previous character for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { if (chars[i+1] + chars[i+2] === '\\N') g.sub_chars.push(chars[i] + chars[++i] + chars[++i]) else g.sub_chars.push(chars[i]); } // Select middle half of subs, the [1/4, 3/4] range g.start = Math.floor(g.sub_len() / 4); g.end = Math.floor(g.sub_len() * 3 / 4); renderSelection(); return true } // Write updated selection to osd function renderSelection() { var ass_str = ""; // Color selected characters in gruvbox yellow for (var i = 0; i < g.sub_len(); i++) { if (i === g.start) ass_str += "{\\c&H1476B7&}"; ass_str += g.sub_chars[i]; if (i === g.end) ass_str += "{\\c&HFFFFFF&}"; } g.osd.data = "{\\an2}" + ass_str; g.osd.update(); } // Increase or decrease the selection. At least one character must be selected function moveSelection(is_additive, side) { if (is_additive && side === 'left') g.start -= (g.start !== 0); else if (side === 'left') g.start += (g.start < g.end); else if (is_additive) g.end += (g.end !== g.sub_len()); else g.end -= g.start < g.end; g.has_moved_selection = true; renderSelection(); } // Remove selection from OSD and reset it to as before function clearSelection() { for (var bind in key_binds) mp.remove_key_binding(key_binds[bind]); g.osd.remove(); g.sub_chars = []; } // Copy the current selection to the clipboard function copySelection() { var selected = g.sub_chars.join('').replace(/\\N/g, ''); // Removes linebreaks if (g.has_moved_selection) { selected = selected.slice(g.start, g.end + 1); } clearSelection(); kernel_name = mp.command_native({ name: "subprocess", capture_stdout: true, args: ["uname", "-s"], }).stdout; if (kernel_name.match("Darwin")) { mp.command("run bash -c \"echo '" + selected + "' | pbcopy\""); mp.osd_message('Copied to clipboard', 1); if (g.afterCopyActionMac) mp.command("run " + g.afterCopyActionMac); } else if (kernel_name.match("Linux")) { mp.command("run bash -c \"echo '" + selected + "' | wl-copy\""); mp.osd_message('Copied to clipboard', 1); if (g.afterCopyActionLinux) mp.command("run " + g.afterCopyActionLinux); } else { mp.msg.log("error", "Unrecognized kernel name: '" + kernel_name + "'"); } } // Depreciated function copySubs() { var subs = mp.get_property('sub-text').replace(/\u202a/g, ''); mp.command("run bash -c \"echo '" + subs + "' | pbcopy\""); mp.osd_message('Copied to clipboard', 1); //var is_windows = mp.get_property_native('options/vo-mmcss-profile', o).match(/o/); //var is_mac = mp.get_property_native('options/cocoa-force-dedicated-gpu', o).match(/o/); //mp.msg.info(is_windows ? "Is windows" : "Not windows?"); //mp.msg.info(is_mac ? "Is mac" : "Not a mac?"); //if (is_windows) { // mp.osd_message('Windows is not supported at this time\nClipboard unchanged', 4); // return //} else if (is_mac) { // mp.command("run /usr/bin/env -S bash -c 'echo \"" + subs + "\" | pbcopy'"); //} else { // mp.command("run /usr/bin/env -S bash -c 'echo \"" + subs + "\" | xclip'"); //} }