" [n]ormal, [v]isual, [d]ialogue, [q]uick view, [m]enu, [c]ommand " Ctrl+k as Esc nnoremap <C-k> <ESC> vnoremap <C-k> <ESC> dnoremap <C-k> <ESC> qnoremap <C-k> q mnoremap <C-k> <ESC> cnoremap <C-k> <C-c> " Quickly access command line nnoremap ; : vnoremap ; : mnoremap ; : " Run external command nnoremap ! :!! " Invert sorting order nnoremap r :invert o<cr> " Special filters with , nnoremap , z " Toggle explore qnoremap e q " Vifm unique mappings ============================================== " Open editor for command line nnoremap : q: " Toggle previewing "o[ther] viewer" nnoremap o :view<cr> qnoremap o :view<cr> vnoremap o :view<cr>gv " Open sorting menu nnoremap s :sort<cr> " Open bash shell in cwd nnoremap <C-l> :!/usr/bin/env IS_VIFM_NEST='T' bash -l<cr> nnoremap <C-f> :!/usr/bin/env IS_VIFM_NEST='T' bash -l<cr> " Open cwd in finder nnoremap <space>ofinder :!open .<cr> nnoremap <space>ogadd :!git add %c<cr> " Logical conflict mappings " Navigate back from symlinks nnoremap H :cd -<cr> "nnoremap L l " Open file in existing instance of macvim nnoremap O :!mvim --remote-tab-silent %f<cr> " Windows and buffers =============================================== " Window control with leader "nnoremap <space>w <C-w> " Open and switch to split, like in vim nnoremap <space>ws :split<cr><space> nnoremap <space>wv :vsplit<cr><space> " Expand current window nnoremap <space>wo :only<cr> " Close current window nnoremap <space>wc <space>:only<cr> " eXchange windows nnoremap <space>wx <C-w>x " Open a new tab nnoremap <space>wT :tabnew<cr> " Close tab nnoremap <space>wC :tabclose<cr> " Quick window switching. [N]ormal and [Q]uick view modes nnoremap <space>l <C-w>l nnoremap <space>h <C-w>h nnoremap <space>j <C-w>j nnoremap <space>k <C-w>k qnoremap <space>l <C-w>l qnoremap <space>h <C-w>h qnoremap <space>j <C-w>j qnoremap <space>k <C-w>k " Window movement nnoremap <space><space>h <C-w>H nnoremap <space><space>j <C-w>J nnoremap <space><space>k <C-w>K nnoremap <space><space>l <C-w>L " Window resizing " < increases, > decreases nnoremap <space>, 4<C-w>> nnoremap <space>. 4<C-w>< nnoremap <space><space>, 4<C-w>+ nnoremap <space><space>. 4<C-w>- " Set windows to be equally sized nnoremap <space><space>= <C-w>= " Emacs-like movements " Move by character cnoremap <C-f> <right> cnoremap <C-j> <left> " Delete by character. Note: <delete> not <del> cnoremap <C-d> <delete> cnoremap <C-h> <bs> " Move by word cnoremap <C-b> <a-b> cnoremap <C-w> <a-f> " Delete left word cnoremap <C-u> <C-w> " Jump to end of line cnoremap <C-a> <home> cnoremap <C-e> <end> " Clipboard ============================================== " Copy file or directory paths to clipboard if executable('pbcopy') nnoremap yd :!echo %d | pbcopy<cr> nnoremap yf :!echo %c:p | pbcopy<cr> nnoremap yp :!echo %c:p | sed 's#'"${HOME}"'#~#' | pbcopy<cr> elseif executable('wl-copy') nnoremap yd :!echo %d | wl-copy<cr> nnoremap yf :!echo %c:p | wl-copy<cr> nnoremap yp :!echo %c:p | sed 's#'"${HOME}"'#~#' | wl-copy<cr> elseif executable('xclip') nnoremap yd :!echo %d | xclip %i<cr> nnoremap yf :!echo %c:p | xclip %i<cr> nnoremap yp :!echo %c:p | sed 's#'"${HOME}"'#~#' | xclip %i<cr> elseif executable('xsel') nnoremap yd :!echo -n %d | xsel --input --primary %i && \ echo -n %d | xsel --clipboard --input %i<cr> nnoremap yf :!echo -n %c:p | xsel --input --primary %i && \ echo -n %c:p | xsel --clipboard --input %i<cr> endif " Experimental =========================================== nnoremap <space>m :sync %d<cr><space> " Toggle dotfiles "nnoremap gh :set dotfiles!<cr> "nnoremap <space>. :set dotfiles!<cr> " Smaller scrolling movements "nnoremap <C-u> 6k "vnoremap <C-u> 6k "nnoremap <C-d> 6j "vnoremap <C-d> 6j nnoremap <space>orestore :!git restore %c<cr> nnoremap <space>oadd :!git add %c<cr> " Make and navigate to a directory in the other pane command! cddir :sync! | exe 'wincmd w' | mkdir "%d/%a" | cd "%d/%a" | exe 'wincmd w' nnoremap <space>bf :!~/.configs_pointer/bin/open_in_browser.sh %f &<cr> nnoremap <space>br :!~/.configs_pointer/bin/open_in_browser.sh %d &<cr> "command! pngcopy :!osascript -e 'set the clipboard to (read (POSIX file "'.%c.'") as PNG picture)' " =================================================================== " Settings " =================================================================== " Don't use this directly. <C-l> loads additional configs set shell='/usr/bin/env bash' set vicmd='nvim --' set syscalls "nosyscalls for third party tools like `cp` instead set vifminfo=dhistory,savedirs,chistory,state,tui,shistory, \phistory,fhistory,dirstack,registers,bookmarks,bmarks set trash " Required for moving files with dd/p set history=1000 " Directory history scrollback set undolevels=1000 " Maximum undos stored set nofollowlinks set sortnumbers set timefmt=%m/%d\ %H:%M " See `man date` or `man strftime` for details " Show list of matches on tab completion in command-line mode set wildmenu set wildstyle=popup set vimhelp " Extra highlighting with vim's help file format set nohlsearch " Don't highlight search results automatically set incsearch " Incremental highlights while typing set scrolloff=2 " Backwards compatibility. Enables <C-i> without 't' set cpoptions="fs" set sort +size " Resolve symlinked paths like cd -P set chaselinks set tablabel="%t" set statusline="%16A %u:%-g %s (%d) -> %T" command! Light :colorscheme gruvbox-light Default Default-256 command! Dark :colorscheme gruvbox-dark Default Default-256 if system('colo.sh --tone') == 'light' Light else Dark endif " =================================================================== " Preload defaults " =================================================================== " :mark mark /full/directory/path [filename] " Common directories mark h ~/ mark c ~/.configs_pointer/ mark d ~/Downloads/ mark s ~/safe/ mark v ~/.config/vifm/ set millerview " =================================================================== " Commands " =================================================================== " Only 3 view modes are available. Full screen and 2 window splits " :only :split :vsplit command! hsplit :split command! duplicate :clone command! mview :set millerview! command! finder :!open . " Git-like shortcuts command! stash :norm! zR command! stashpop :norm! zM command! stashdrop :norm! zO " Vifm doesn't support escaping modfiers like `exe "norm! \<C-w>h"`, so we use " a remap ahead of time nnoremap + <C-w>h command! preview :tabnew | set nomillerview | vsplit | sync! | exe 'norm +' | exe ':24wincmd-' | view " i for image nnoremap <space>i :preview<cr> nnoremap <space><space>i :!~/.configs_pointer/bin/vii.sh &>/dev/null &<cr> " =================================================================== " Fzf intergration " https://github.com/vifm/vifm/issues/279#issuecomment-319980898 " =================================================================== " Write the current bookmarks to a file command! fzfreadbmarks :exe "normal! :bmarks\r:write ~/.config/vifm/fzf-read/bookmarks\rq" " Automatically navigate into directories and symlinks to directories command! navigateIfDir :if system('[[ ! -d '.expand('%c').' ]] || printf "T"') == 'T' | exe 'norm l' | endif " Prefer to use popup window. Requires 90 $COLUMNS and tmux >=3.2. Yabai on " MacOS causes it to crash regardless. Use full-screen as a fallback command! fzfbmarks \ :if $TMUX != '' && &columns > 90 && &lines >= 30 \ | exe 'cd "'.system('cat ~/.config/vifm/fzf-read/bookmarks | fzf-tmux -p 90,30 | sed "s/:.*//" ').'"' \ | else \ | exe 'cd "'.term('cat ~/.config/vifm/fzf-read/bookmarks | fzf 2>/dev/tty | sed "s/:.*//" ').'"' \ | endif command! fdcddir \ :if $TMUX != '' && &columns > 90 && &lines >= 30 \ | exe 'cd "'.system('fd -HE ''.git'' -t d . | fzf-tmux -p 90,30').'"' \ | else \ | exe 'cd "'.term('fd -HE ''.git'' -t d . | fzf 2>/dev/tty').'"' \ | endif command! fdeditfiles \ :if $TMUX != '' && &columns > 90 && &lines >= 30 \ | exe '!~/.configs_pointer/vifm/scripts/vifm_bg_open.sh "'.system('fd -HE ''.git'' -t f . | fzf-tmux -p 90,30').'"' \ | else \ | exe '!~/.configs_pointer/vifm/scripts/vifm_bg_open.sh "'.term('fd -HE ''.git'' -t f . | fzf 2>/dev/tty').'"' \ | endif command! fdmvcursor \ :if $TMUX != '' && &columns > 90 && &lines >= 30 \ | exe 'goto "'.system('fd --maxdepth=1 -HE ''.git'' . | fzf-tmux -p 90,30').'"' | navigateIfDir \ | else \ | exe 'goto "'.term('fd --maxdepth=1 -HE ''.git'' . | fzf 2>/dev/tty').'"' | navigateIfDir \ | endif " Read in latests bookmarks before fzfinding through them command! fzfmarks :fzfreadbmarks | fzfbmarks nnoremap <space>r :fzfmarks<cr> nnoremap <space>e :fdcddir<cr> nnoremap <space>f :fdeditfiles<cr> nnoremap <space>; :fdmvcursor<cr> " =================================================================== " Defaults " =================================================================== " Directory-local options, see :h vifm-'sort' autocmd DirEnter ~/Downloads setlocal sort=-mtime " Tmux won't work with sixel at all. Alacritty is currently very unstable with " it and flickers a lot. Set $TMUX for blurrier faster version. Quanity on " MacOS with viu seems to get worse the more images you preview if $TMUX == '' fileviewer <video/*> \ vifm-sixel video %pw %ph %c %pd \ %pc \ vifm-sixel clear fileviewer <image/*> \ montage %c -geometry "2000x1100" -background none sixel:- %pd \ %pc \ vifm-sixel clear else fileviewer <video/*> \ ffmpegthumbnailer -s 0 -i %c:p -o ~/.config/vifm/thumbnail_output.jpg && \ viu ~/.config/vifm/thumbnail_output.jpg -w %pw %v \ viu ~/.config/vifm/thumbnail_output.jpg -h %ph %s fileviewer <image/*> \ viu %c:p -w %pw %v \ viu %c:p -h %ph %s endif " Bat as default previewer. Put it at the end since there's no way to " overwrite this setting fileviewer *[^/] env -uCOLORTERM bat --color always --theme ansi --wrap never --pager never %c -p filetype *.mp4,*.mkv,*.mov,*.webm,*.mp3,*.flac mpv %c if system('uname -s') == 'Darwin' filetype *.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.icns open -a Preview.app %c:p filetype *.pdf open -a 'skim' %c || open %c:p else filetype *.pdf zathura %c filetype *.epub foliate %c %i & nnoremap L :! ~/.config/vifm/scripts/vifm_bg_open.sh "%c" &<cr> vnoremap L :! ~/.config/vifm/scripts/vifm_bg_open.sh "%f" &<cr> " Wayland only filetype <image/*> imv %c:p endif " vim: set syn=vifm ft=vifm ff=unix: