" Julia ================================================== iabbrev #! #!/usr/bin/env julia iabbrev initmodeline # vim: set ft=julia ff=unix: " IPython cell =========================================== " Enables iPython Cell to copy commands into a julia REPL via tmux let g:ipython_cell_delimit_cells_by = 'tags' let g:ipython_cell_tag = ['##', '# %%', '#%%', '# '] let g:ipython_cell_highlight_cells = 1 let g:ipython_cell_run_command = 'Base.run(`clear`); include("{filepath}")' let g:ipython_cell_cell_command = 'include_string(Main, clipboard())' " REPL hotkeys. Overwrites default slime studio stuff " Run entire file from top to bottom nnoremap f :IPythonCellRun " Run current cell nnoremap r :IPythonCellExecuteCell nnoremap e :IPythonCellExecuteCellJump " Insert block seperator above nnoremap b OS## Blockvb " vim: set ff=unix ft=vim: