#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Pixels per degree calculator # import re import math import argparse from typing import * def diag_to_dims(diag: float, aspect_w: int, aspect_h: int) -> Tuple[float, float]: aspect_sq_sum = aspect_w**2 + aspect_h**2 x = math.sqrt(diag**2 / aspect_sq_sum) return aspect_w * x, aspect_h * x def inch2cm(inch: float) -> float: return inch * 2.54 def deg2rad(deg: float) -> float: return deg * math.pi / 180 def rad2deg(rad: float) -> float: return rad * 180 / math.pi def ppd_min(info: dict) -> float: """ Computes the ppd exactly 1deg off from the center This results in a lower bound on the PPD. All distance measures are in cm """ lw, lh = diag_to_dims(info.diag, info.asc_w, info.asc_h) screen_dist = math.tan(deg2rad(1)) * info.eye_dist print(screen_dist) return screen_dist * info.res_w / lw def ppd_avg(info: dict) -> float: """ Computes the ppd using the entire width of the screen This results in an average of the PPD. All distance measures are in cm """ lw, lh = diag_to_dims(info.diag, info.asc_w, info.asc_h) angle = 2 * rad2deg(math.atan((lw/2) / info.eye_dist)) print(f"FOV: {angle}") return info.res_w / angle def ppd_max(info: dict) -> float: lw, _ = diag_to_dims(info.diag, info.asc_w, info.asc_h) h = math.sqrt((lw/2)**2 + info.eye_dist**2) a = h - info.eye_dist o = info.eye_dist * math.tan(deg2rad(1)) print(h) h_s = math.sqrt(a**2 + o**2) * (info.res_w / lw) return h_s h = math.sqrt(info.eye_dist**2 + (lw/2)**2) #print(h) #print(info.eye_dist) interior_adj = h - info.eye_dist interior_opp = info.eye_dist * math.tan(deg2rad(1)) print(interior_adj) print(interior_opp) print(lw) return math.sqrt(interior_adj**2 + interior_opp**2) * info.res_w / lw interior_obtuse = 90.0 - rad2deg(math.atan((lw/2) / info.eye_dist)) #interior_obtuse = 180.0 - 1.0 - interior_acute interior_angle = deg2rad(89.0 + rad2deg(math.atan((lw/2) / info.eye_dist))) interior_adj = h - info.eye_dist screen_length = interior_adj / math.cos(interior_angle) return screen_length * info.res_w if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="PPD calculator v1.0.0", description="Calculate the pixels per degree on a flat screen" ); parser.add_argument( "diag", type=float, help="Diagonal meansure of screen in inches" ); parser.add_argument( "res_w", type=int, help="Horizontal resolution of screen" ); parser.add_argument( "res_h", type=int, help="Vertical resolution of screen" ); parser.add_argument( "asc_w", type=int, help="Horizontal aspect ratio" ); parser.add_argument( "asc_h", type=int, help="Vertical aspect ratio" ); parser.add_argument( "eye_dist", type=int, help="Distance of your eyes from the screen in centimeters" ); args = parser.parse_args(); args.diag = inch2cm(args.diag) print(f"Pixels per degree (min): {ppd_min(args)}") print(f"Pixels per degree (avg): {ppd_avg(args)}") print(f"Pixels per degree (max): {ppd_max(args)}")