# Executing special keys Vim's `:exe[cute]` will read special keys when they're escaped in double quotes: ```vim exe "normal! i\<C-v>u049c\<C-v>u03b1\<C-v>u03c4\<C-v>u212f!\<ESC>" " Writes Ҝατℯ ``` You can use this to quickly script difficult macros, like the one above ``` :exe "normal! i\<C-v>u049c\<C-v>u03b1\<C-v>u03c4\<C-v>u212f!\<ESC>"<CR> ``` # Effective Unicode in vim ``` Demo unicodes: │┌┴─┐ ``` Use `ga` in vim to display encoding information about the character under the cursor. We'll use the hex value. In insert mode use `<C-v>u` followed by the hex number to type in Unicode literally. The above can be written with ``` :normal! i<C-v>u2502<C-v>u250c<C-v>u2500<C-v>u2510<ESC> ```