#!/bin/bash # $ shrink_screenshot_desktop [resize-percent] # # Half the size of the lastest screenshot on the desktop. Saves as # ~/Desktop/shrink_screenshot_out.png. Intended for use with the MacOS # screenshot tool # # External dependencies: fd, convert (ImageMagick) if [[ $(uname) != 'Darwin' ]]; then printf 'This is meant for MacOS\nAborting...\n' exit 1 fi #fd 'Screen Shot' --extension 'png' ~/Desktop | awk 'END { gsub(/ /, " ", $0); print }' #screenshot=~/"Desktop/$(ls -tr ~/Desktop | grep 'Screen Shot .*\.png$' | tail -n 1)" screenshot="$(ls -tr ~/Desktop/*"Screen Shot"*".png" | tail -n 1)" if [[ $screenshot != '' ]]; then convert "$screenshot" -resize "${1:-50}%" ~/Desktop/shrink_screenshot_out.png else # Play error sound to notify script failing play_error_sound fi unset screenshot # ex: set syntax=bash:ff=unix: