# Mac-like keyboard, with super adjacent to the spacebar modmap: - name: Better-ctrl remap: KEY_CAPSLOCK: Control_l - name: Closer-Esc remap: Control_l: KEY_ESC keymap: - name: disable-sleep remap: sleep: l - name: Emacs-ish application: not: [Alacritty, zathura, org.pwmt.zathura, vimiv] remap: C-j: left C-f: right C-p: up C-n: down C-b: C-left C-w: C-right C-a: home C-e: end C-u: { with_mark: Shift-C-Left } C-i: { with_mark: Shift-end } C-h: [backspace, { set_mark: false}] C-d: [delete, { set_mark: false}] # bracketleft, according to wev C-leftbrace: esc #C-space: { set_mark: true } - name: Mac-Compatiblity application: not: [Alacritty] remap: Super_l-a: C-a - name: Browsers # Similar-ish to MacOS. We bind to Alt instead of Super, since Ctrl is # already used by the emacs bindings. Alt and Super are switched for PC # keyboards to mimic MacOS application: only: [chromium, google-chrome, firefox] remap: Alt_l-w: Control_r-w Alt_l-n: C-n # For searchbar focusing. L/R to prevent recursion Control_l-l: Alt_r-l Alt_l-l: Control_r-l # Extended emacs for discord and online editors C-k: Shift-end # Stop getting stuck in tabs without vimium Alt_l-j: Control_r-Shift-Tab Alt_l-k: Control_r-Tab # Prevent 12am discord calls Ctrl-apostrophe: Apostrophe - name: Chromium application: only: [chromium, google-chrome] remap: Alt_l-Shift-n: C-Shift-n - name: Firefox application: only: [firefox] remap: Alt_l-Shift-n: C-Shift-p