#!/usr/bin/env bash print_help() { cat <<HELP Open given files in backgrounded programs, preferably using GUI apps and tmux Intended for use with vifm + tmux HELP } test -z "${SWAYSOCK+x}" declare -r is_gui=$? requires_gui_error() { printf 'Sway not running. Will not open gui apps\n' >&2 exit 1 } open_pdf() { zathura "$1" &>/dev/null & } open_image() { imv "$1" & } open_av_media() { local has_video="$(ffprobe -hide_banner "$1" 2>&1 | awk '/Stream.+Video/')" if [[ -n "$TMUX" && -z "$has_video" ]] || [[ ! $is_gui && -n "$TMUX" ]]; then tmux split-window -h sleep .2 # Let bash login, otherwise command won't get sent tmux send-keys "mpv $1" Enter elif [[ $is_gui ]]; then mpv --force-window "$1" &>/dev/null & fi } open_webpage() { chromium "$1" &>/dev/null & } open_vim() { tmux new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}" sleep .2 # Let bash login, otherwise command won't get sent tmux send-keys "vi $1" Enter } open_file() { case "${1##*.}" in pdf) if [[ $is_gui ]]; then open_pdf "$1" else requires_gui_error fi ;; avif|icns|jpeg|jpg|png|webp) if [[ $is_gui ]]; then open_image "$1" else requires_gui_error fi ;; mkv|mp3|mp4|webm) open_av_media "$1" ;; html) if [[ $is_gui ]]; then open_webpage "$1" else requires_gui_error fi ;; *) if [[ -n "$TMUX" && -f "$1" && "$(stat -c%s "$1")" -le 1000000 ]]; then open_vim "$1" fi ;; esac } for arg in "$@" do case "$arg" in -h|--help) print_help exit 0 ;; *) open_file "$arg" ;; esac done