" Opens the first URL on the current line. On macs, the tab is opened in " incongito " Note: `gx` can do something very similar by default in vim function! OpenURL() let s:open_url = matchstr(getline("."), '\vhttps?://[A-z0-9-\._~/?\[\]@!\$&\(\)*+,;=#%]+') let l:kernel_name = matchstr(system('uname'), '\v(Darwin)|(Linux)') if s:open_url == '' echom 'No URL found on this line' elseif l:kernel_name == 'Darwin' call system("open -n -a 'Google Chrome' --args --incognito '" . s:open_url . "'") elseif executable('chromium') call system("chromium --incognito '" . s:open_url . "'") elseif executable('chromium-browser') call system("chromium-browser --incognito '" . s:open_url . "'") elseif executable('google-chrome') call system("google-chrome --incognito '" . s:open_url . "'") elseif executable('chrome-browser') call system("chrome-browser --incognito '" . s:open_url . "'") elseif executable('firefox') call system("firefox '" . s:open_url . "'") else echom 'No browser found' endif endfunction