" Python ================================================= iabbrev <buffer> #! #!/usr/bin/env python3 iabbrev <buffer> initmodeline # ex: set ft=python ff=unix: " Bug fix for python interpreter seeing #!.../python3^M set fileformat=unix " Indent guides for python IndentLinesEnable " Linting ==== setlocal makeprg=pylint\ --reports=n\ --output-format=parseable\ %:p setlocal errorformat=%f:%l:\ %m " Set REPL commands ==== "highlight IPythonCell guifg='#85AD85' guibg='#85AD85' "hi IPythonCell cterm=bold gui=bold guibg=#222222 guifg=#85ad85 "hi IPythonCell guifg=#222222 guibg=#dab997 "hi! link IPythonCell Comment " Fix for extended syntax plugin highlight Error NONE " Python: function and class names onoremap ih :execute ":normal! ?def [A-z]\\+(\\\|class [A-z]*\\(:\\\|(\\)\r:noh\rwve"<CR> " IPython cell =========================================== " For true REPL-supporting languages let g:ipython_cell_delimit_cells_by = 'tags' let g:ipython_cell_tag = ['##', '# %%', '#%%', '# <codecell>'] let g:ipython_cell_highlight_cells = 1 " Use Makefile for REPL-like experience for most languages let g:ipython_cell_cell_command = '%paste -q' let g:ipython_cell_run_command = '%run {options} "{filepath}"' hi! link IPythonCell Todo " Command hotkeys " Connect to running Jupyter kernel nnoremap <leader>q :JupyterConnect<CR> " Run entire file from top to bottom nnoremap <leader>f :JupyterRunFile<CR> " Run current cell nnoremap <leader>r :JupyterSendCell<CR> nnoremap <leader>e :JupyterSendCell<CR> " Insert block seperator above nnoremap <leader>b O<ESC>S## Block<ESC>vb<C-g> " vim: set ff=unix ft=vim: