#!/usr/bin/env bash declare MODE="" declare -r UNIX_CONFIGS=(\ # Shell bash/.profile ~/.profile bash/.inputrc ~/.inputrc bash/.bashrc ~/.bashrc bash/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile bash/.bash_env ~/.bash_env bash/.bash_prompt ~/.bash_prompt bash/.bash_aliases ~/.bash_aliases bash/.bash_functions ~/.bash_functions aerc ~/.config/aerc alacritty ~/.config/alacritty git/.gitignore_global ~/.gitignore_global gnupg/gpg-agent.conf ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf mako ~/.config/mako mpv ~/.config/mpv chromium/chromium-flags.conf ~/.config/chromium-flags.conf chromium/electron-flags.conf ~/.config/electron-flags.conf ripgrep ~/.config/ripgrep swappy ~/.config/swappy tmux ~/.config/tmux vifm ~/.config/vifm vimiv ~/.config/vimiv warpd ~/.config/warpd # Vim and Neovim vim/.vim ~/.vim vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc vim/nvim ~/.config/nvim vim/.vim/plugin ~/.config/nvim/plugin vim/.vim/colors ~/.config/nvim/colors ) \ LINUX_ONLY=(\ # Swayland sway ~/.config/sway swaylock ~/.config/swaylock xremap ~/.config/xremap yofi ~/.config/yofi ) \ MAC_ONLY=(\ skhd ~/.config/skhd yabai ~/.config/yabai sketchybar ~/.config/sketchybar skhd/com.skhd.launcher.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.skhd.launcher.plist sketchybar/com.sketchybar.launcher.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.sketchybar.launcher.plist warpd/com.warpd.launcher.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.warpd.launcher.plist other/vlcrc ~/Library/Preferences/org.videolan.vlc/vlcrc ) print_help() { cat < bash install.sh [flags] HELP } main() { # Verify we're in the right directory ==== if [[ "$(is_configs_directory)" != "true" ]]; then printf 'Please move to the top level git directory with this script\n' printf 'Aborting...\n' exit 1 fi # Verify or install ~/.configs_pointer ==== local configs_pointer="$(configs_pointer_is_setup)" if [[ "${configs_pointer}" != "valid" ]]; then if [[ "${configs_pointer}" == "does not exist" ]]; then if ! ln -s "$PWD" ~/.configs_pointer; then printf 'Failed to link present directory to ~/.config_pointer\n' printf 'Aborting...\n' exit 1 fi else printf '~/.configs_pointer does not point to this directory\n' printf 'Remove ~/.configs_pointer and rerun this script\n' printf 'Aborting...\n' exit 1 fi fi # Default is status if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then iterate_over_configs 'status' exit 0 fi # Parse arguments ==== while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do case "$1" in -s | --silent) MODE="${MODE} silent" ;; -b | --basename) MODE="${MODE} basename" ;; -h | --help) MODE="${MODE} help" ;; status) MODE="${MODE} status" ;; install) MODE="${MODE} install" ;; *) printf 'Invalid argument: "%s"\n' "$1" print_help exit 1 ;; esac shift done # Run ==== if [[ "${MODE}" =~ "help" ]]; then print_help exit 0 elif [[ "${MODE}" =~ "status" ]]; then iterate_over_configs 'status' elif [[ "${MODE}" =~ "install" ]]; then fix_launchd_plists iterate_over_configs 'install' create_directory_paths other_setup print_install_completion_msg else print_help fi exit 0 } ####################################### # Checks if the script is being run from the configs directory. # Return code: # 0 if it is the configs directory, 1 otherwise. # Return string: # Describes why this likely isn't the configs directory. ####################################### is_configs_directory() { if ! [[ -d ./.git ]]; then printf "Git folder not found in pwd\n" printf "no .git directory" return 1 elif ! [[ -x ./install.sh ]]; then printf "install.sh not found in pwd\n" printf "file install.sh not in pwd" return 1 fi printf "true" return 0 } configs_pointer_is_setup() { if ! [[ -e ~/.configs_pointer ]]; then printf "does not exist" return 1 elif ! [[ -L ~/.configs_pointer ]]; then printf "not a symlink" return 1 elif ! [[ -x ~/.configs_pointer/install.sh ]]; then printf "no install.sh at symlink" return 1 elif ! cmp -s ~/.configs_pointer/install.sh ./install.sh; then printf "install.sh files differ" return 1 else printf "valid" return 0 fi } ####################################### # Return the status of a config. # Arguments: # 1: Path in configs directory. "from" # 2: Path on the system. "to" ####################################### config_status() { if [[ "$1" -ef "$2" ]]; then printf "linked" return 0 elif [[ -e "$2" ]]; then printf "conflict" return 1 elif ! [[ -e "$1" ]]; then printf "missing" return 1 else printf "not_linked" return 1 fi } #╔─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ #│ Usεr iητεrfαcε fμηcτiδηs | #╚─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝ ####################################### # Prints the status of a config. # Arguments: # 1: Status in {"not_linked", "conflict", "linked"} # 2: System path to config file # Outputs: # Writes status to stdout ####################################### print_config_status() { if [[ "${MODE}" =~ "basename" ]]; then local name="$(basename "$2")" else local name="$(printf '%s' "$2" | sed 's#'"${HOME}"'#~#')" fi if ! [[ "${MODE}" =~ "silent" ]] || [[ "$1" != "linked" ]]; then case "$1" in newly_linked) printf "★ %s :: Newly linked" "${name}" ;; not_linked) printf "✗ %s :: Not Linked" "${name}" ;; conflict) printf "≠ %s :: Conflicting file" "${name}" ;; missing) printf "φ %s :: Missing config file" "${name}" ;; linked) printf "✓ %s :: Linked" "${name}" ;; *) printf "? %s :: Status unclear" "${name}" ;; esac printf "\n" fi } print_install_completion_msg() { cat < "${plist}" done } # Launchd requires an absolute path for sketchbar, which isn't available to brew other_setup() { if which sketchybar &>/dev/null && ! [[ -e ~/.configs_pointer/sketchybar/sketchybar ]]; then ln -s "$(which sketchybar)" ~/.configs_pointer/sketchybar/sketchybar &>/dev/null fi } ####################################### # Prints the status of a config. # Arguments: # 1: Path to config file. The "from" path. # 2: Path to system file. The "to" path. # Outputs: # Writes status to stdout ####################################### install_config() { local status=$(config_status "$1" "$2") if [[ "${status}" != "not_linked" ]]; then printf '%s\n' "${status}" return 1 fi [[ -d "$1" ]] || mkdir -p "$(dirname "$2")" if ln -s "$1" "$2"; then printf "newly_linked" return 0 else return 1 fi } # Arguments # 1: Mode in {"status", "install"} iterate_over_configs() { if [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ]]; then local a=("${UNIX_CONFIGS[@]}" "${MAC_ONLY[@]}") else local a=("${UNIX_CONFIGS[@]}" "${LINUX_ONLY[@]}") fi for ((i = 0; i < "${#a[@]}"; i=(i+2) )); do local from="${HOME}/.configs_pointer/${a[$i]}" local to="${a[$i + 1]}" if [[ "$1" == "status" ]]; then local status="$(config_status "${from}" "${to}")" print_config_status "${status}" "${to}" elif [[ "$1" == "install" ]]; then local status="$(install_config "${from}" "${to}")" print_config_status "${status}" "${to}" else printf 'Invalid mode "%s" provided\n' "$1" exit 1 fi done } main "$@"