#!/usr/bin/env bash export PS1 function print_help () { local invoke_name='change_bash_prompt' cat << EOF Change the current bash prompt USAGE: $invoke_name [--help] [color-mode] [components ...] [-h|--help] Show this message host | hostname Hostname of system tty Terminal's name pwd | dir Present working directory user Username git Git branch space | tab 4 white space characters exit | code Last non-zero exit code EXAMPLES: $invoke_name # Reset prompt $invoke_name tty pwd git exit # Default prompt $invoke_name tab tab user exit # Very minimal EOF } # Select color mode ================================================= function is_default_prompt () { [[ "$#" -eq 0 ]] } function exit_code () { local code="$?" if [[ "$code" != "0" ]]; then printf " [%d]" "$code" fi } function change_bash_prompt () { # Set colors ====================================================== local purple='\[\033[0;35;1m\]' local yellow='\[\033[0;33;1m\]' local red='\[\033[0;31;1m\]' # Prompt components =============================================== local hostname="${purple}"'[\h]' local tty="${purple}$(tty | cut -c6-12)" local cwd="${yellow}"'\W' local user="${red}"'\u' local git="${user}" local exit="${red}"'$(exit_code)' local prompt_end='\[\e[m\]\$ ' # Trailing nbsp (u00A0) for tmux reverse search if [ -f ~/.git-prompt.bash ]; then local git="${red}"'$(__git_ps1 "(%s)")' fi local prompt='' [[ "$IS_VIFM_NEST" != 'T' ]] || prompt+="<VIFM>" # Alert when nested in vifm # Default prompts ================================================= if is_default_prompt "$@"; then if [[ -n $SSH_TTY ]] || [[ -n $SSH_CLIENT ]] || [[ -n $SSH_CONNECTION ]]; then prompt+="${hostname}:${cwd} ${git}${exit}" else prompt+="${tty}:${cwd} ${git}${exit}" fi fi # Build customized prompts ======================================== local seperator=':' for opt in "$@"; do case "$opt" in host | hostname) prompt+="$hostname" ;; tty) prompt+="$tty" ;; cwd | pwd | dir) prompt+="$cwd" ;; user) prompt+="$user" ;; exit | code) prompt+="$exit" ;; git) prompt+="$git" seperator='' ;; space | tab) prompt+=" " seperator='' ;; -h | --help) print_help "$@" return 0 ;; *) printf 'Unrecognized option `%s`\n' "$opt" printf 'Rerun with --help for more information\n' return 1 ;; esac prompt+="$seperator" seperator=' ' done PS1="${prompt}${prompt_end}" } change_bash_prompt "$@" # vim: set ft=bash ff=unix: