#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import datetime as dt import json import os import subprocess from pathlib import Path CONFIG_NAME = ".psyncup.json" CONFIG_EXAMPLE = """\ { "ssh_remote": "emiliko@", "ssh_jump": "emiliko@", "remote_dir": "/home/emiliko/.configs_pointer", "update_date": "2023-12-01_01:01:01_UTC", "exclude": [ ".git", "bin/rewritten_in_rust/target" ] }""" epilog = ( """\ This program reads configuration from a file called """ + CONFIG_NAME + f""", which must be in the same directory as the script runs in. For example: {CONFIG_EXAMPLE}""" ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="PySynchronize Up v1.0.0", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, description="Wrapper around rsync to easily develop on multiple remotes", epilog=epilog, ) parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", help="Show rsync progress bar and additional debugging info", ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Runs the rsync, without writing any changes to local or remote", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-compress", action="store_true", help="Don't use -z when rsyncing. ~5x faster over 1G LAN", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-delete", action="store_true", help="Don't delete all non-matching files when rsyncing", ) parser.add_argument( "--exec", type=str, help="Run command on remote machine after sync", ) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument( "-c", "--check", action="store_true", help="Check if the latest sync has been pulled from remote", ) group.add_argument( "-u", "--up", action="store_true", help="Overwrite remote with local changes", ) group.add_argument( "-d", "--down", action="store_true", help="Overwrite local with remote changes", ) group.add_argument( "--init", action="store_true", help="Initialize a .psyncup.json in the cwd", ) group.add_argument( "--pull", type=str, metavar="", action="store", help="Initialized current directory by pulling from remote path", ) args = parser.parse_args() # ==== Read in config file ==== def get_config(): global CONFIG_NAME try: with open(CONFIG_NAME, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) config["ssh_remote"] config["remote_dir"] # Standardize rsync's handling of tailing / if config["remote_dir"][-1] == "/" and config["remote_dir"] != "/": config["remote_dir"] = config["remote_dir"][:-1] except FileNotFoundError: print(f"ERROR: {CONFIG_NAME} file was not found in this directory") print(epilog) exit(1) except KeyError as e: print(f"ERROR: {CONFIG_NAME} is missing required key {e}") exit(1) return config # ==== Construct an rsync command ==== def build_commands(args, config): rsync_cmd = [ "rsync", "--archive", "--human-readable", "--info=progress2", ] if not args.no_compress: rsync_cmd.append("--compress") if not args.no_delete: rsync_cmd.append("--delete-during") if args.dry_run: rsync_cmd.append("--dry-run") if config.get("ssh_jump") is not None: rsync_cmd.append("-e") rsync_cmd.append(f"ssh -J {config['ssh_jump']}") if config.get("exclude") is not None: for x in config["exclude"]: rsync_cmd.append(f"--exclude={x}") ssh_cmd = [ "ssh", config["ssh_remote"], f"cat {config['remote_dir']}/{CONFIG_NAME}", ] remote_dir_str = config["ssh_remote"] + ":" + config["remote_dir"] + "/" if args.debug: print("DEBUG rsync command: ", rsync_cmd) print("DEBUG ssh copy command: ", ssh_cmd) print("DEBUG rsync remote directory path: ", remote_dir_str) return rsync_cmd, ssh_cmd, remote_dir_str # ==== Perform command ===== def run_init(): pwd = Path(".") config = pwd / ".psyncup.json" if config.exists(): print(".psyncup.json already exists. Here the content:") with open(config, "r") as f: for line in f: print(line, end="") else: with open(config, "w") as f: f.write(CONFIG_EXAMPLE + "\n") def run_pull(remote_dir, is_debug=False): rsync_cmd = [ "rsync", f"{remote_dir}/{CONFIG_NAME}", ".", ] if is_debug: print("DEBUG rsync pull cmd: ", rsync_cmd) rsync_code = subprocess.call(rsync_cmd) if rsync_code != 0: if is_debug: print(f"rsync exited with code {rsync_code}") print(f"Failed to get {CONFIG_NAME} from {remote_dir}") exit(1) def run_check(ssh_cmd, config): check = subprocess.Popen( ssh_cmd, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) try: remote_config_str = check.communicate(timeout=6)[0].decode("utf-8") except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: print("Failed to connect to remote (timed out)") exit(1) try: remote_config = json.loads(remote_config_str) except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Failed to read remote {CONFIG_NAME}") exit(1) if not remote_config.get("update_date"): print("Remote has no last update_date (probably in sync)") elif not config.get("update_date"): print("Out of date with remote") elif config["update_date"] > remote_config["update_date"]: print("Ahead of remote") elif config["update_date"] < remote_config["update_date"]: print("Behind remote") else: print("Up to date with remote") def run_up(rsync_cmd, remote_dir_str, config): rsync_cmd.append(os.getcwd() + "/") rsync_cmd.append(remote_dir_str) config["update_date"] = dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc).strftime( "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_UTC" ) with open(CONFIG_NAME, "w") as f: json.dump(config, f, indent=4) rsync_code = subprocess.call(rsync_cmd) if rsync_code != 0: print(f"Rsync exited with code {rsync_code}") exit(1) def run_down(rsync_cmd, remote_dir_str): rsync_cmd.append(remote_dir_str) rsync_cmd.append(os.getcwd()) rsync_code = subprocess.call(rsync_cmd) if rsync_code != 0: print(f"Rsync exited with code {rsync_code}") exit(1) def run_exec(cmd, config): if config.get("ssh_jump") is not None: ssh_cmd = ["ssh", "-t", "-J", config["ssh_jump"], config["ssh_remote"], cmd] else: ssh_cmd = ["ssh", "-t", config["ssh_remote"], cmd] subprocess.run(["ssh", "-t", config["ssh_remote"], cmd]) if __name__ == "__main__": if args.init: run_init() exit(0) if args.pull: run_pull(args.pull, args.debug) args.down = True config = get_config() if args.check: _, ssh_cmd, _ = build_commands(args, config) run_check(ssh_cmd, config) elif args.up: rsync_cmd, _, remote_dir_str = build_commands(args, config) run_up(rsync_cmd, remote_dir_str, config) if args.exec: run_exec(args.exec, config) elif args.down: rsync_cmd, _, remote_dir_str = build_commands(args, config) run_down(rsync_cmd, remote_dir_str) else: print("Unexpected error") exit(2)