#!/usr/bin/env bash print_help() { cat <<HELP Quickly open notes files from ~/.configs_pointer/notes No arguments required HELP } if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then print_help exit 0 elif ! [[ -h ~/.configs_pointer ]]; then printf 'Please set up a symlink ~/.config_pointer to the configs directory\n' exit 1 fi cd ~/.configs_pointer/notes || exit 2 declare -r notes_file="$(fd -e 'md' | fzf)" # Use best available pagenator if [[ -z "$notes_file" ]]; then printf "No note file selected\n" exit 1 elif command -v nvim &>/dev/null; then nvim -R "${notes_file}" elif command -v vim &>/dev/null; then vim -R "${notes_file}" elif command -v bat &>/dev/null; then bat --paging=always "${notes_file}" else less "${notes_file}" fi