#!/usr/bin/env bash # =================================================================== # Shell fixes # =================================================================== # SSH alias completion ============================================== _ssh() { local cur prev opts COMPREPLY=() cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}" opts=$(grep '^Host' ~/.ssh/config ~/.ssh/config.d/* 2>/dev/null | grep -v '[?*]' | cut -d ' ' -f 2-) COMPREPLY+=( $(compgen -W "$opts" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 } complete -F _ssh ssh rpluto # Don't auto-executing line when leaving editor ===================== _edit_wo_executing() { local editor="${EDITOR:-vi}" tmpf="$(mktemp)" printf '%s\n' "$READLINE_LINE" > "$tmpf" eval "${editor} ${tmpf}" READLINE_LINE="$(<"$tmpf")" READLINE_POINT="${#READLINE_LINE}" rm -f "${tmpf}" } if [[ "$-" =~ "i" ]]; then bind -x '"\C-x\C-e":_edit_wo_executing' bind -x '"\C-g":_edit_wo_executing' fi # End up in the same directory as vifm exited in ==================== vifmmv() { local dst="$(command vifm --choose-dir - "$@")" if [ -z "$dst" ]; then printf 'Directory was not changed\n' return 1 fi cd "$dst" } # Keyboard layout switching ========================================= sww() { if ! [[ -x ~/.configs_pointer/bin/switch_keyboards.sh ]]; then echo 'No switch_keyboard.sh script found in ~.configs_pointer/bin' exit 1 else ~/.configs_pointer/bin/switch_keyboards.sh "$@" fi } # Proper manpages =================================================== man() { local command=$(IFS=-, ; echo "$*") # When section is specified,override if [[ "$1" =~ ^[1-7]$ ]]; then local -ri section="$1" shift command=$(IFS=-, ; echo "$*") /usr/bin/man "$section" "$command" return $? fi local manpy=~/.configs_pointer/bin/man_py.sh if [[ "$command" =~ \. ]] && "$manpy" "$command" &>/dev/null; then "$manpy" "$command" elif /usr/bin/man "$command" >/dev/null 2>&1; then /usr/bin/man "$command" elif command -v "$command" &>/dev/null; then "$command" --help | nvim -R -c 'set syn=man' -- elif command -v "$@" &>/dev/null; then "$@" --help | nvim -R -c 'set syn=man' -- else echo "Error: No man page for \`$command\`" fi } complete -W "console mac pc standard fn small mini" sww # Open command source code ========================================== # Only works for scripts and rust executables _viw_completions() { COMPREPLY=($(compgen -c "${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}")) } complete -F _viw_completions viw viw() { if [[ -z "$1" ]] || ! which "$1" &>/dev/null; then printf "No %s found in path\n" "$1" return 1 fi local path="$(realpath "$(which "$1")")" local f_type="$(file "$path")" local p_2="$(dirname "$(dirname "$path")")" local n_2="$(basename "$p_2")" local p_3="$(dirname "$p_2")" # Finds rust source file if [[ $f_type =~ ELF.*executable && $n_2 == target && -r $p_3/Cargo.toml ]]; then path="$(awk -vkey="$1" ' /\[\[bin\]\]/ { if (key == name && length(path)) exit; name = ""; path = "" } /name =/ { split($0, a, "\""); name = a[2] } /path =/ { split($0, a, "\""); path = a[2] } END { if (key == name && length(path)) print path } ' "${p_3}/Cargo.toml")" if [[ -z $path ]]; then path="src/main.rs" fi path="${p_3}/${path}" fi if [[ -r $path ]]; then "$EDITOR" "$path" else echo "Path isn't readable!" fi } # Open the python manpages ========================================== manpy() { ~/.configs_pointer/bin/man_py.sh $@ } # Ronald's Universal Number Kounter, standardized syntax for unix calculators # BSD-style arguments. v for verbose. c/p/b for the corresponding calculator # Syntax features: # ^ and ** both work for exponentiation # log() is base 10 # ln() is base e # log2() is base 2 # Careful when changing order or sed might sed itself! runk() { local -i is_verbose=0 local override="" if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then if [[ "$1" =~ v ]]; then is_verbose=1 fi if [[ "$1" =~ c ]]; then override="c" elif [[ "$1" =~ p ]]; then override="p" elif [[ "$1" =~ a ]]; then override="a" elif [[ "$1" =~ b ]]; then override="b" fi shift 1 fi local calc_ver="($(echo "$@" | sed \ -e 's#log2(\([^)]\+\))#(log(\1)/log(2))#g' \ -e 's#\([0-9]\+\)C\([0-9]\+\)#(\1! / ((\1-\2)! * (\2)!))#g' \ -e 's#(\([^)C]\+\))C(\([^)C]\+\))#((\1)! / ((\1-(\2))! * (\2)!))#g' \ ))" local py_ver="$(echo "$@" | sed \ -e 's#\^#**#g' \ -e 's#\(log([^)]\+)\)#(\1/log(10))#g' \ -e 's#ln(\([^)]\+\))#log(\1)#g' \ -e 's#\([0-9]\+\)C\([0-9]\+\)#(\1! / (factorial(\1-\2) * (\2)!))#g' \ -e 's#\([0-9]\+\)!#factorial(\1)#g' \ -e 's#(\([^)]\+\))!#factorial(\1)#g' \ )" local awk_ver="$(echo "$@" | sed \ -e 's#\*\*#^#g' \ -e 's#log(\([^)]\+\))#(log(\1)/log(10))#g' \ -e 's#log2(\([^)]\+\))#(log(\1)/log(2))#g' \ -e 's#ln(\([^)]\+\))#log(\1)#g' \ )" local bc_ver="$(echo "$@" | sed \ -e 's#\*\*#^#g' \ -e 's#ln(\([^)]\+\))#l(\1)#g' \ -e 's#log(\([^)]\+\))#(l(\1)/l(10))#g' \ -e 's#log2(\([^)]\+\))#(l(\1)/l(2))#g' \ )" if command -v calc &>/dev/null && [[ -z "$override" ]] || [[ "$override" == c ]]; then calc "$calc_ver" if [[ $is_verbose -eq 1 ]]; then printf 'Using calc: %s\n' "$calc_ver"; fi elif command -v python3 &>/dev/null && [[ -z "$override" ]] || [[ "$override" == p ]]; then python3 -c "from math import *; print(f\"\\t{$py_ver}\")" if [[ $is_verbose -eq 1 ]]; then printf 'Using python: %s\n' "$py_ver"; fi elif command -v gawk &>/dev/null && [[ -z "$override" ]] || [[ "$override" == a ]]; then gawk --bignum "BEGIN { print $awk_ver }" if [[ $is_verbose -eq 1 ]]; then printf 'Using gawk: %s\n' "$awk_ver"; fi else echo "$bc_ver" | bc --mathlib if [[ $is_verbose -eq 1 ]]; then printf 'Using benchcalc: %s\n' "$bc_ver"; fi fi } # Better exiting ==================================================== # Don't exit with background jobs still running. Particularly for Qemu function exit () { if [[ "$(jobs | wc -l)" -ne 0 ]]; then printf 'Exit prevented.\nThere are background jobs:\n' jobs return 1 fi builtin exit } # Quick way to glance at recent git history gitllog() { git log -n "${1:-6}" --all --oneline --graph --decorate --color=always } # Necessary alias =================================================== russy () { if [[ "$1" == "baka" ]]; then cargo check elif [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && [[ -e ./src/lib.rs ]]; then cargo test elif [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then cargo run elif [[ $# -eq 1 ]] && [[ "$1" =~ \.rs$ ]]; then rustc -C opt-level=3 "$1" elif [[ "$1" == "run" && "$2" =~ \.rs$ ]]; then rustc -C opt-level=3 "$2" && ./"${2%.*}" else eval "cargo $@" fi } # =================================================================== # Switching color schemes # =================================================================== complete -W \ "--help --query dark light dracula github gruvboxdark gruvboxlight" \ colo colo.sh # =================================================================== # Additional utilities # =================================================================== # Colored pagination ================================================ function bless () { if [[ $1 =~ "-h" ]]; then echo 'USAGE:' echo ' bless <file_to_paginate>' else # Do not quote $1. Prevents piped reads if command -v bat &> /dev/null; then bat --color=always $1 | less -r #cat $1 | vim -R -c 'set ft=man nomod nolist' -c 'map q :q<CR>' \ # -c 'map <SPACE> <C-D>' -c 'map b <C-U>' \ # -c 'nmap K :Man <C-R>=expand(\\\"<cword>\\\")<CR><CR>' - else less -r $1 fi fi } # Attach to tmux session ============================================ function ta() { if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then tmux new -As "$1" elif [[ -n "$TMUX" ]]; then tmux switch-client -n elif [[ ("${-}" =~ i && -z "${TMUX}" && -n "${SSH_CONNECTION}") || -n "${SSH_TTY}" ]]; then tmux new-session -As ssh_tmux 2>&1 \ | grep -v 'sessions should be nested with care' # Don't care else tmux attach 2>/dev/null || tmux new -As 0 fi } # Image magick ====================================================== function magika() { if [[ "$1" == "a" || "$1" == "av1" ]]; then magick convert "$2" "${2%.*}.avif" elif [[ "$1" == "i" ]]; then shift magick identify "$@" elif [[ "$1" == "c" ]]; then shift magick convert "$@" else magick "$@" fi } # Make a directory and navigate into it ============================= function cddir() { if [[ "$#" -lt 1 ]] || [[ "$1" =~ '--help' ]]; then echo 'Function: cddir()' echo 'USAGE:' echo ' cddir <dir_name>' else mkdir -p "$1" && cd ./"$1" fi } # Change the prompt - alias for change_bash_prompt ================== function bprompt () { source ~/.bash_prompt "$@" } # Enable truecolors over an ssh connection ========================== function truecolor () { export COLORTERM='truecolor' if command -v tmux has-session &> /dev/null; then tmux setenv COLORTERM truecolor fi source ~/.bash_prompt } # vim: set ft=bash ff=unix: