set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after set shell=/bin/bash " =================================================================== " File settings " =================================================================== set fileformat=unix " Proper EOL " Tabs to spaces set expandtab " tabs are space set tabstop=4 " 4 spaces per TAB set softtabstop=4 " 4 spaces in tab when editing set shiftwidth=4 " 4 spaces to use for autoindent set copyindent " copy indents from the previous line set autoindent filetype plugin indent on " Vim's auto-indenting is broken without this " Allow buffers to be hidden set hidden " Prevent accidental writes au BufWritePre [:;']* throw 'Forbidden file name: ' . expand('') " Embedded code in markdown let g:markdown_fenced_languages = ['bash', 'rust', 'javascript', 'c', 'toml', 'css', 'sshconfig'] " =================================================================== " Human-facing settings " =================================================================== " Relative line numbering set number relativenumber " Line cursor in Insert. Neovim ignores this let &t_SI = "\e[6 q" let &t_EI = "\e[2 q" set hlsearch incsearch " Live incremental searches " Shows uncompleted mapping keystokes in the bottom right set showcmd " Scroll before hitting top or bottom of window set scrolloff=2 " Mouse support set mouse=a " In all modes map map " Fast bracket matches set showmatch set matchtime=0 " Set to 0 for no latency " More natural window splitting set splitbelow set splitright set colorcolumn=80 " 80 character column marker " Highlight active line except in Insert au InsertEnter,InsertLeave * set cul! set cursorline " Wrap h l movements across lines set whichwrap+=>,l set whichwrap+=<,h set backspace=eol,start,indent " Movement of deletion keys " Wider spaced Menlo font with Nerd Font glyphs set guifont=MesloLGM\ Nerd\ Font:h16 " Mark trailing whitespace with • ==== set list " Toggle with :set invlist set listchars=tab:•\ ,trail:•,extends:•,precedes:•,nbsp:␣ " Hide whitespace markers in Insert augroup trailing_whitespace au! au InsertEnter * set nolist au InsertLeave * set list augroup END " Fold .vim files on triple '{' marks augroup vimrc_folds au Filetype vim setlocal foldmethod=marker au Filetype vim,BufReadPre setlocal foldlevelstart=0 augroup END " =================================================================== " Syntax colors " =================================================================== " Use base16 colors: " " Previews: syntax on set termguicolors " Actual colors set background=dark " Colorscheme overrides this option let base16colorspace=256 if !has('gui_running') set t_Co=256 endif " Brighten comment highlight, when switching color schemes function! FixHighlights() hi! link IPythonCell Todo call Base16hi("Comment", g:base16_gui09, "", g:base16_cterm09, "", "", "") endfunction command! FH :call FixHighlights() " Color schemes ==== " Switch to common themes quickly command! Light :colo base16-gruvbox-light-medium | FH command! Lighth :colo base16-gruvbox-light-hard | FH command! Darkb :colo base16-gruvbox-dark-bright | FH command! Dark :colo base16-gruvbox-dark-pale | FH command! Darkh :colo base16-gruvbox-dark-medium | FH " 1: Foreground = medium, Background = very dark -- Blackboard-like " 2: Foreground = high, Background = low " 3: Foreground = medium, Background = medium -- purple-ish " 4: Foreground = medium-high, Background = medium -- Nord blue command! Dark1 :colo base16-dracula | FH command! Dark2 :colo base16-monokai | FH command! Dark3 :colo base16-material-palenight | FH command! Dark4 :colo base16-nord | FH " 1: Foreground = dark, Background = very bright -- Paper like " 2: Foreground = dark, Background = maximum white -- Paper like " 3: Foreground = dark, Background = low bright -- Low contrast " 4: Foreground = dark, Background = low bright -- Low contrast command! Light1 :colo base16-github | FH command! Light2 :colo base16-tomorrow | FH command! Light3 :colo base16-atelier-estuary-light | FH command! Light4 :colo base16-atelier-plateau-light | FH " Switch theme to match terminal ==== if !has('termguicolors') || system("ps -e | awk '$4 ~ /Xorg|alacritty|sway/ {has_gui = 1} END {printf \"%d\", has_gui + 0}'") == "0" colo default elseif executable('') exec 'colo ' . system(' --colorscheme') call FixHighlights() elseif executable(expand('~/.configs_pointer/bin/')) exec 'colo ' . system('~/.configs_pointer/bin/ --colorscheme') call FixHighlights() else echom "Using fallback color scheme" Dark call FixHighlights() endif