Akemi Izuko f6881cea7a
Init again
The dotfiles are back
2022-09-06 23:34:19 -06:00

16 lines
502 B

" Rust ===================================================
iabbrev <buffer> initmodeline // vim: set ft=rust ff=unix:
" Rust's longer line standard
setlocal colorcolumn=100
" Folds open by default
let g:rust_fold = 1
" Jump to naming of rust fn, struct, and enum names
onoremap ih :execute ":normal! ?fn [a-z]\\+\\\|\\(struct\\\|enum\\) [A-Z]\r:noh\rwve"<CR>
" Set interior window width to 100 columns
nnoremap <leader><leader>= :vertical resize 104<CR>
" vim: set ff=unix ft=vim: