Akemi Izuko f6881cea7a
Init again
The dotfiles are back
2022-09-06 23:34:19 -06:00

76 lines
2.4 KiB

" Always use sessions on entry and exit:
" Examples:
" Assuming [[ $(pwd) == ~/.vim/colors ]]
" Actions vary based on if command line arguments were passed.
" Plugin doesn't load for:
" - When vim is entered in exmode
" - When vim is entered as a GUI
" $ vim
" Called with no args:
" // On entry:
" // Source ~/.vim/colors/Session.vim if available
" // On exit:
" // If only one window and tab is open, DELETE the Session.vim file
" // If multiple windows and/or tabs are open, OVERWRITE Session.vim
" $ vim ~/.vimrc
" Called with args:
" // On entry:
" // Doesn't source any Session.vim
" // On exit:
" // If only one window and tab is open, DOES NOT DELETE Session.vim
" // If multiple windows and/or tabs are open, OVERWRITE Session.vim
" $ ex
" $ vim -e
" // Won't run this plugin
" Save argc before Session.vim overwrites it
let s:init_argc_len = argc()
fu! SaveSess()
" Don't delete or source Session.vim when explicit files were called.
" Still overwrites old Session.vim if multiple windows are open on exit
if (tabpagenr('$') == 1) && (winnr('$') == 1) && (s:init_argc_len == 0)
execute 'silent! call delete("' . getcwd() . '/Session.vim")'
elseif (tabpagenr('$') > 1) || (winnr('$') > 1)
execute 'mksession! ' . getcwd() . '/Session.vim'
fu! RestoreSess()
if filereadable(getcwd() . '/Session.vim')
execute 'source ' . getcwd() . '/Session.vim'
" Don't run plugin if vim started in ex-mode or gui
let s:is_no_run = (mode() =~# '^c') || has("gui_running")
if !s:is_no_run
" Only restore sessions without explict files being opened
if s:init_argc_len == 0
autocmd VimEnter * nested call RestoreSess()
autocmd VimLeave * call SaveSess()
" Testing from within vim
fu! Testsavesess()
if s:is_no_run
echom 'Exmode or GUI detected: this plugin won''t effect any Session.vim files'
elseif (tabpagenr('$') == 1) && (winnr('$') == 1) && (s:init_argc_len == 0)
echom 'Deletes ' . getcwd() . '/Session.vim on exit'
elseif (tabpagenr('$') > 1) || (winnr('$') > 1)
echom 'Overwrites ' . getcwd() . '/Session.vim on exit'
echom 'Won''t touch anything'