2023-11-14 16:54:02 -07:00
digraph fn_gen_decl {
graph [fontname = "cc wild words"];
node [fontname = "cc wild words"];
edge [fontname = "cc wild words"];
label="fn_gen_decl(qual: QualifierType, type: GazType)";
a [label="fork on type"];
b [label="gen_boolean()" shape=diamond style=filled fillcolor=lightcoral];
c [label="gen_character()" shape=diamond style=filled fillcolor=lightcoral];
d [label="create real"]
e [label="gen_integer()" shape=diamond style=filled fillcolor=lightcoral];
f [label="gen_real()" shape=diamond style=filled fillcolor=lightcoral];
g [label="gen_tuple()" shape=diamond style=filled fillcolor=lightcoral];
h [label="fork on qual"];
i [label="push to mut scope"];
j [label="push to const scope"];
k [label="return" style=filled fillcolor=lightskyblue1];
2023-11-14 18:11:43 -07:00
{rank=same; b c e f g}
2023-11-14 16:54:02 -07:00
a -> b -> h;
a -> c -> h;
a -> e -> h;
a -> g -> h;
a -> d;
d -> e;
d -> f -> h;
h -> i -> k;
h -> j -> k;