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"""logistic regression class and its methods"""
# pylint: skip-file
# pyformat: disable
import numpy as np
class MyLogisticRegression:
"""return a logistic regression problem
There is a dataset consisting of features (vectors of norm <=1)
and labels (+1,-1), represented as a numpy array.
There is also an L2 regularizer.
def __init__(self, input_vecs, labels, reg=1e-8):
"""Initialize the data and the regularizer.
X = n x d numpy array representing features
y = n x 1 numpy array representing labels
reg = L2 regularizing coefficient (to ensure solution is finite)
Data will be rescaled so that ||X[i,:]|| * |y[i]| <= 1 for all i.
self.reg = float(reg)
input_vecs = np.array(input_vecs)
labels = np.array(labels)
assert len(input_vecs.shape) == 2
assert len(labels.shape) == 1
self.input_vecs = input_vecs
self.labels = labels
self.num_samples, self.dim = input_vecs.shape
assert labels.shape[0] == self.num_samples
signed_data = input_vecs * labels[:, np.newaxis]
norm = np.linalg.norm(signed_data, axis=1)
scale = np.maximum(norm, np.ones_like(norm))
self.data = (1 / scale[:, None]) * signed_data
def loss(self, param):
"""Computes the loss represented by this object at w.
If X,y is the data and reg is the regularizer, then the loss is (1/n)sum_i^n
log(1+exp(-<w,X[i,:]*y[i]>)) + (reg/2)||w||^2
data_loss = np.mean(np.log1p(np.exp(-np.dot(self.data, param))))
reg_loss = 0.5 * self.reg * np.linalg.norm(param) ** 2
return data_loss + reg_loss
def loss_wor(self, param):
"""Computes the loss represented by this object at w without regularizer.
If X,y is the data and reg is the regularizer, then the loss is
(1/n)sum_i^n log(1+exp(-<w,X[i,:]*y[i]>))
data_loss = np.mean(np.log1p(np.exp(-np.dot(self.data, param))))
return data_loss
def accuracy(self, param):
""" " computes the accuracy of the model gievn by w"""
score_pred = np.dot(self.input_vecs, param)
label1_prob = np.where(
score_pred >= 0,
1 / (1 + np.exp(-score_pred)),
np.exp(score_pred) / (1 + np.exp(score_pred)),
return np.mean(np.where(label1_prob >= 0.5, 1, -1) == self.labels)
def grad(self, param, batch_idx=None):
"""Computes the gradient of the logistic regression at a given point w.
If X,y is the data and reg is the regularizer, then the gradient is
(-1/n)sum_i^n X[i,:]*y[i]/(1+exp(<w,X[i,:]*y[i]>)) + reg*w
if batch_idx is not None:
data_batch = self.data[batch_idx]
data_batch = self.data
coeff_grad = -1 / (1 + np.exp(np.dot(data_batch, param)))
data_grad = np.mean(data_batch * coeff_grad[:, np.newaxis], axis=0)
return data_grad + self.reg * param
def grad_wor(self, param, batch_idx=None):
"""Computes the gradient of the logistic regression at a given point w.
If X,y is the data and reg is the regularizer, then the gradient is
(-1/n)sum_i^n X[i,:]*y[i]/(1+exp(<w,X[i,:]*y[i]>)) + reg*w
if batch_idx is not None:
data_batch = self.data[batch_idx]
data_batch = self.data
coeff_grad = -1 / (1 + np.exp(np.dot(data_batch, param)))
data_grad = np.mean(data_batch * coeff_grad[:, np.newaxis], axis=0)
return data_grad
def hess(self, param, batch_idx=None):
"""Computes the Hessian of the logistic regression at a given point w.
The Hessian is the matrix of second derivatives.
If X,y is the data and reg is the regularizer, then the Hessian is
(1/n)sum_i^n X[i,:]*X[i,:]^T / (cosh(<w,W[i,:]*y[i]>/2)*2)^2
where we assume y[i]^2==1.
if batch_idx is not None:
data_batch = self.data[batch_idx]
batch_size = len(batch_idx)
data_batch = self.data
batch_size = self.num_samples
temp_var = np.dot(data_batch, param) / 2
coeff_hess = 1 / (np.exp(temp_var) + np.exp(-temp_var)) ** 2
raw_hess = np.dot(data_batch.T * coeff_hess, data_batch)
return raw_hess / batch_size + self.reg * np.eye(self.dim)
def hess_wor(self, param, batch_idx=None):
"""Computes the Hessian of the logistic regression at a given point w.
The Hessian is the matrix of second derivatives.
If X,y is the data, then the Hessian is
(1/n)sum_i^n X[i,:]*X[i,:]^T / (cosh(<w,W[i,:]*y[i]>/2)*2)^2
where we assume y[i]^2==1.
if batch_idx is not None:
data_batch = self.data[batch_idx]
batch_size = len(batch_idx)
data_batch = self.data
batch_size = self.num_samples
temp_var = np.dot(data_batch, param) / 2
coeff_hess = 1 / (np.exp(temp_var) + np.exp(-temp_var)) ** 2
raw_hess = np.dot(data_batch.T * coeff_hess, data_batch)
return raw_hess / batch_size
def upperbound(self, param, batch_idx=None):
"""Tightest universal quadratic upper bound on the loss function.
Constant and linear terms are just first-order Taylor This function gives
the quadratic term (which replaces the Hessian)
if batch_idx is not None:
data_batch = self.data[batch_idx]
batch_size = len(batch_idx)
data_batch = self.data
batch_size = self.num_samples
temp_var = -np.dot(data_batch, param) # vector of y_i<x_i,w> for i in [n]
# v = 0.5*np.tanh(a/2)/a, but, avoid 0/0 by special rule
temp_var2 = np.divide(
0.5 * np.tanh(temp_var / 2),
out=np.ones(temp_var.shape) * 0.25,
where=np.abs(temp_var) > 1e-9,
hess_non = np.dot(data_batch.T * temp_var2, data_batch)
return hess_non / batch_size + self.reg * np.eye(self.dim)
def upperbound_wor(self, param, batch_idx=None):
"""Tightest universal quadratic upper bound on the loss function.
Constant and linear terms are just first-order Taylor This function gives
the quadratic term (which replaces the Hessian)
if batch_idx is not None:
data_batch = self.data[batch_idx]
batch_size = len(batch_idx)
data_batch = self.data
batch_size = self.num_samples
temp_var = -np.dot(data_batch, param) # vector of y_i<x_i,w> for i in [n]
temp_var2 = np.divide(
0.5 * np.tanh(temp_var / 2),
out=np.ones(temp_var.shape) * 0.25,
where=np.abs(temp_var) > 1e-9,
hess_non = np.dot(data_batch.T * temp_var2, data_batch)
return hess_non / batch_size