# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """PrivacyLedger class for keeping a record of private queries.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import collections from distutils.version import LooseVersion import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from privacy.analysis import tensor_buffer from privacy.dp_query import dp_query if LooseVersion(tf.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.0.0'): nest = tf.contrib.framework.nest else: nest = tf.nest SampleEntry = collections.namedtuple( # pylint: disable=invalid-name 'SampleEntry', ['population_size', 'selection_probability', 'queries']) GaussianSumQueryEntry = collections.namedtuple( # pylint: disable=invalid-name 'GaussianSumQueryEntry', ['l2_norm_bound', 'noise_stddev']) def format_ledger(sample_array, query_array): """Converts array representation into a list of SampleEntries.""" samples = [] query_pos = 0 sample_pos = 0 for sample in sample_array: population_size, selection_probability, num_queries = sample queries = [] for _ in range(int(num_queries)): query = query_array[query_pos] assert int(query[0]) == sample_pos queries.append(GaussianSumQueryEntry(*query[1:])) query_pos += 1 samples.append(SampleEntry(population_size, selection_probability, queries)) sample_pos += 1 return samples class PrivacyLedger(object): """Class for keeping a record of private queries. The PrivacyLedger keeps a record of all queries executed over a given dataset for the purpose of computing privacy guarantees. """ def __init__(self, population_size, selection_probability): """Initialize the PrivacyLedger. Args: population_size: An integer (may be variable) specifying the size of the population, i.e. size of the training data used in each epoch. selection_probability: A float (may be variable) specifying the probability each record is included in a sample. Raises: ValueError: If selection_probability is 0. """ self._population_size = population_size self._selection_probability = selection_probability if tf.executing_eagerly(): if tf.equal(selection_probability, 0): raise ValueError('Selection probability cannot be 0.') init_capacity = tf.cast(tf.ceil(1 / selection_probability), tf.int32) else: if selection_probability == 0: raise ValueError('Selection probability cannot be 0.') init_capacity = np.int(np.ceil(1 / selection_probability)) # The query buffer stores rows corresponding to GaussianSumQueryEntries. self._query_buffer = tensor_buffer.TensorBuffer( init_capacity, [3], tf.float32, 'query') self._sample_var = tf.Variable( initial_value=tf.zeros([3]), trainable=False, name='sample') # The sample buffer stores rows corresponding to SampleEntries. self._sample_buffer = tensor_buffer.TensorBuffer( init_capacity, [3], tf.float32, 'sample') self._sample_count = tf.Variable( initial_value=0.0, trainable=False, name='sample_count') self._query_count = tf.Variable( initial_value=0.0, trainable=False, name='query_count') try: # Newer versions of TF self._cs = tf.CriticalSection() except AttributeError: # Older versions of TF self._cs = tf.contrib.framework.CriticalSection() def record_sum_query(self, l2_norm_bound, noise_stddev): """Records that a query was issued. Args: l2_norm_bound: The maximum l2 norm of the tensor group in the query. noise_stddev: The standard deviation of the noise applied to the sum. Returns: An operation recording the sum query to the ledger. """ def _do_record_query(): with tf.control_dependencies( [tf.assign(self._query_count, self._query_count + 1)]): return self._query_buffer.append( [self._sample_count, l2_norm_bound, noise_stddev]) return self._cs.execute(_do_record_query) def finalize_sample(self): """Finalizes sample and records sample ledger entry.""" with tf.control_dependencies([ tf.assign(self._sample_var, [ self._population_size, self._selection_probability, self._query_count ]) ]): with tf.control_dependencies([ tf.assign(self._sample_count, self._sample_count + 1), tf.assign(self._query_count, 0) ]): return self._sample_buffer.append(self._sample_var) def get_unformatted_ledger(self): return self._sample_buffer.values, self._query_buffer.values def get_formatted_ledger(self, sess): """Gets the formatted query ledger. Args: sess: The tensorflow session in which the ledger was created. Returns: The query ledger as a list of SampleEntries. """ sample_array = sess.run(self._sample_buffer.values) query_array = sess.run(self._query_buffer.values) return format_ledger(sample_array, query_array) def get_formatted_ledger_eager(self): """Gets the formatted query ledger. Returns: The query ledger as a list of SampleEntries. """ sample_array = self._sample_buffer.values.numpy() query_array = self._query_buffer.values.numpy() return format_ledger(sample_array, query_array) class QueryWithLedger(dp_query.DPQuery): """A class for DP queries that record events to a PrivacyLedger. QueryWithLedger should be the top-level query in a structure of queries that may include sum queries, nested queries, etc. It should simply wrap another query and contain a reference to the ledger. Any contained queries (including those contained in the leaves of a nested query) should also contain a reference to the same ledger object. For example usage, see privacy_ledger_test.py. """ def __init__(self, query, population_size=None, selection_probability=None, ledger=None): """Initializes the QueryWithLedger. Args: query: The query whose events should be recorded to the ledger. Any subqueries (including those in the leaves of a nested query) should also contain a reference to the same ledger given here. population_size: An integer (may be variable) specifying the size of the population, i.e. size of the training data used in each epoch. May be None if `ledger` is specified. selection_probability: A float (may be variable) specifying the probability each record is included in a sample. May be None if `ledger` is specified. ledger: A PrivacyLedger to use. Must be specified if either of `population_size` or `selection_probability` is None. """ self._query = query if population_size is not None and selection_probability is not None: self.set_ledger(PrivacyLedger(population_size, selection_probability)) elif ledger is not None: self.set_ledger(ledger) else: raise ValueError('One of (population_size, selection_probability) or ' 'ledger must be specified.') @property def ledger(self): return self._ledger def set_ledger(self, ledger): self._ledger = ledger self._query.set_ledger(ledger) def initial_global_state(self): """See base class.""" return self._query.initial_global_state() def derive_sample_params(self, global_state): """See base class.""" return self._query.derive_sample_params(global_state) def initial_sample_state(self, template): """See base class.""" return self._query.initial_sample_state(template) def preprocess_record(self, params, record): """See base class.""" return self._query.preprocess_record(params, record) def accumulate_preprocessed_record(self, sample_state, preprocessed_record): """See base class.""" return self._query.accumulate_preprocessed_record( sample_state, preprocessed_record) def merge_sample_states(self, sample_state_1, sample_state_2): """See base class.""" return self._query.merge_sample_states(sample_state_1, sample_state_2) def get_noised_result(self, sample_state, global_state): """Ensures sample is recorded to the ledger and returns noised result.""" # Ensure sample_state is fully aggregated before calling get_noised_result. with tf.control_dependencies(nest.flatten(sample_state)): result, new_global_state = self._query.get_noised_result( sample_state, global_state) # Ensure inner queries have recorded before finalizing. with tf.control_dependencies(nest.flatten(result)): finalize = self._ledger.finalize_sample() # Ensure finalizing happens. with tf.control_dependencies([finalize]): return nest.map_structure(tf.identity, result), new_global_state