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Lab 3 - Fancy shapes

In this lab we'll be focusing on the C programming aspect. This will cover for-loops and if-statements. To practice these we'll be drawing some shapes in the terminal!

The input will be one of the following numbers, passed through argv:

  1. A square
  2. A triangle
  3. An inverted triangle (upside down)
  4. A diamond

Your program will take in 2 arguments. The first is a number between 1 and 4, indicating which of the shapes listed above you'll be printing. The second argument is a number indicating the largest horizontal width of the shape. For example, for a triangle, this'll be the width of the base.

Your program will print the indicated shape at the indicated dimensions. Write your code in a main.c file, then run bash check.sh main.c to test your code.


Example 1

./a.out 1 4



Example 2

./a.out 1 10



Example 3

./a.out 2 6



Notice how with an even number for the width, will result with 2 at the top, not one.

Example 4

./a.out 2 7



Example 5

./a.out 3 14



Example 6

./a.out 4 14



Example 7

./a.out 4 15




Run the following command to test your work:

bash check.sh main.c

If the output doesn't say you passed, your program has a bug. Fix it and then try again.