2022-09-07 22:24:18 -06:00

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# Apple corner
MacOS is a BSD derivative that constantly does things differently under the
hood. While most things are Unix compatible, some things are just different
### Basic setup
MacOS requires a few manual interventions to get the system working
# spctl --master-disable
Reveals the option in "Security & Privacy" to run apps from any developer
Sound files stored in this directory are available under Sound -> Sound Effects
Allows basic remapping for system-wide key binds. Use `skhd` for complex hotkeys
### Basic commands
$ echo 'hello' | pbcopy
$ pbpaste > note.txt
Interact with the system clipboard through terminal. This does not work for
images. Install `pngpaste` for that functionality
$ say 'something'
Says string with system voice. Useful as a notification for when a task is done
$ afplay
Plays the audio of an audio file, such as an `mp3` or `wav`
### Disk Utility
$ diskutil list
Lists all the volumes the system currently sees. This works for unmounted and
encrypted partitions as well
$ diskutil mount disk1s1
Mounts `disk1s1`. Most useful to mount USB drives without physically reseeding
$ diskutil apfs unlockVolume disk1s1
Unlocks and mounts an apple file system volume
### Launch daemon
Systemd for MacOS. It will automatically load scripts in designated directories
on login. It can also be controlled manually through `launchctl`
$ launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.skhd.plist
$ launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.skhd.plist
Loads and starts the skhd daemon. `<key>Label</key>` must be the same to unload
# launchctl list | grep skhd
Check the status of a running process. First number is the PID, second number is
the exit code. If the second number isn't 0 or there's no PID something broke
This file will be started automatically on emiliko's login. All paths provided
in must be absolute paths from root. Use `/Users/emiliko/` not `~/`
Redirects stdout and stderr. Watch these files with `tail -f /tmp/skhd.err | nl`
### Installing SSHFS on Mac
To set up ssh filesystem (sshfs) on a mac, follow these steps on the client:
$ brew install --cask osxfuse
Installs `osxfuse`. This is an open source tool to extend your mac's fs support
$ curl
Recently brew removed sshfs from its supported casks, since it relies on closed
source code. Instead, you'll need to install it directly from the download link
See ssh_notes for using SSHFS
### OSA script
MacOS's GUI can often be controlled through the use of Apple's `osascript`.
Notably, this can allow shell programs to give GUI notifications
osascript -e 'display notification "'"${message}"'
Sends the system notification with the contents of `$message`
osascript -e 'display notification "'"${msg}"'" with title "Skhd"'
Adds a "Skhd" as a title to the notification
osascript -e 'display notification "'"${msg}"'" with title "Skhd" subtitle
"Could not save image"'
Further adds a subtitle for the notification
afplay $(defaults read .GlobalPreferences.plist \
| awk '/sound.beep.sound"/ { gsub(/(.*= ")|(";)/, "", $0); print }')
Plays the default system error sound through the current audio output device
## FreeBSD corner
Keep in mind that MacOS is based on a really old FreeBSD and NetBSD kernel, so
many sections here will somewhat apply to Macs as well
#### Users and groups
Various commands for managing system permissions. Many can be, at least
somewhat, run the user themselves with their password
# adduser
# rmuser
$ chpass # edit user account settings, like login name and expiry
$ passwd # change a user's password
$ pw # a cli frontend for the settings files above. More advanced
$ id emiliko
Shows groups a user belongs to. User seems to implicitly belong to their group
rwxr-x---x .
rwxr-x-r-- secret_file
rwxr-x-rw- no_touching
Oddly, the `x` on the directory here means means all other users:
- Can `cd` into the directory
- Cannot `ls` in this directory
- Can read the file `secret_file` using something like `vim secret_file`
- Can write to `no_touching`. Vim can only do this with `:x!` not `:w!`
# service sshd restart
Reboots the ssh daemon. Users connected through ssh won't lose connection, if
the reboot is successful
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