2022-09-07 22:24:18 -06:00

823 B


Run programs at a given time. Useful for system cleanups and updates

crontab -e

Edit your crontab file

Syntax looks like (min, hour, day, month, year). Note these are absolute values, so putting something like * 1 * * * will run the program at 1:00am every day. To understand these times use this Example crontab file:


* * * * * ~/  # Every minute, on the minute
* * * * * (sleep 30; ~/  # Every minute at 30s in
1 * * * * ~/   # Every hour at :01 minute
1 * 3 * * ~/   # Every day at 3:01am

Since crontab doesn't support resolutions greater than 1 minute, a workaround with sleep can be used instead. above effectively runs every 30s