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My Personal Website!

The codebase for my personal website, which you can visit here!

Written using Astro.js as the main framework, with Tailwind CSS for css. MDX rendering and syntax highlighting provided by remark.js.


Feel free to fork this code and use it for your website! No need to credit me.

This code is licensed under AGPL, meaning that if you do fork this code, you must also make your fork code open source. That way everyone can benefit from our collective efforts!


If you're interested in building this code, do the following:

git clone
npm install
npm run dev

# To view the compiled version
npm run preview

# Once you're ready to publish
npm run build

I use Cloudflare Pages for hosting. It's free for static sites, but there are many other options to consider including Vercel, Github, and Netlify all of which are also free and fast for static webpages! Live on the edge, pick one you haven't tried!